But Jiao Cheng thought about it and said, "Oh, my God, do you have time? If not, would you go back first or? "

Qin Tian smiled and said, "go ahead, I will not disturb you to eat night, and have a good chat!"

"Ha ha, OK!" Jiao Cheng looked at Xie Xiaolan and said, "he is the big boss, and he also sends flowers back to his wife. He can't go back too late. I'll accompany you to eat the night!"

"Well, Qin, you go back first, and invite you to dinner another day!" Xie Xiaolan also smiled and said, for this matter, her heart is very grateful to Qin Tian!

"It's OK. You go. I don't see it early!" Qin Tian smiled, and said softly, "you drink less wine!"

Hearing the meaning of Qin Tian's words, Jiao Cheng and Xie Xiaolan all smile embarrassed.

Jiao Cheng is also made by Qin Tian strange and embarrassing, can only be simple and simple smile.

Xie Xiaolan smiled and said, "rest assured, I asked a girl, don't know brother Jiao do you mind?"

This is a way for girls to protect themselves. What do Jiao Cheng mind?

He smiled and said, "I certainly won't mind. You take the way. I'm honored to have a little night!"

"That's fine. Brother Jiao is really very bold!" Xie Xiaolan is very happy in her heart.

Qin Tian can only goodbye them, holding their flowers to the parking side to go past, but just when I got on the car, Lin Xiaoyao's phone call came at this time!

Qin Tian was shocked. She had not contacted the girl for a long time. What was the reason why she contacted herself at this time?

At present, I can't help but feel a little flustered in my heart. What is the best thing that may be in the evening?

But anyway, Qin Tian directly connected Lin Xiaoyao's phone, and there was a surprise and excitement from the woman: "are you in Qin Tian? I have something to do with you! "

"I am, but you didn't ask if I was free!" Qin Tian said nothing.

If Li Xinran lived at Zhuyu now, and Tang Qiuling and Chen Fu were protecting them, he would not dare to say that he was free?!

"Are you free then?" Lin Xiaoyao said with a smile.

"I'm free. Say it. You can't kiss me to eat night nights when you call me at this time!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Really, I just want you to eat night, come over, the most famous night city!" "Said Lin Xiaoyao in a proper manner.

Qin Tian can't help but put the flowers in the position of the co driver, then drive towards the night city, and soon saw Lin Xiaoyao, and then saw the little cousin who had not seen for many days.

Because it is evening, and the temperature is relatively cool, Lin Xiaoyao is wearing meat silk and hot pants, and it is a beautiful tassel blouse, with hair scattered, and it looks particularly fashionable and sexy!

This girl how to see is a very good-looking appearance, especially to give a feeling of youth and fashion, this feeling is not ordinary people can give!

When eating night, Qin Tian thought of something and said, "right, there is a Jiao Jie concert. Do you need a ticket? I can ask for a few for you to see with your classmates? "

"Ah, my classmates are generally related, I just want to go with you!" The girl said with a smile, holding Qin Tian's arm.

"This Look at it then! " Qin Tian has no words, and takes a sister who likes her to meet a sister who likes her. It is not known how embarrassing it is.

But there is no way, girls themselves are also some other ideas, after Qin Tian said, they are a little embarrassed, but dare not say anything.

The two men were eating some barbecue in the barbecue booth in the barbecue city. This posture attracted the attention of some people who were in the air soon. They all looked at it very quickly!

Some people saw Lin Xiaoyao's unique face, but also all around, one of the first people looked at Lin Xiaoyao's good figure and said, "beautiful woman, go there and drink some?"

"Get out of here!"

Lin Xiaoyao scolded them politely. He had been strange to these hooligans. Besides, Qin Tian was present. He was not polite. Who is Qin Tian?

And fear them? At present, Lin Xiaoyao is completely rude, and he ignored it for a while.

"Yo, you give us back arrogance, OK, since you are so rude, then don't blame us for being polite!"

"Boy, you get out of my way. Since this sister doesn't give face, we can only get angry with you!" The first man said with no good will.

But Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao talk to his mouth, it seems that he doesn't care about the talk of several hooligans around him.

The two people's so intimate state instantly let these hooligans face angry, in this case, they can still speak so well, this is not put him in the eyes of the meaning?Isn't that arrogant? Is there anything more arrogant than this?

Now they have a feeling that they want to kill Qin Tian. We, five or six big men, surround you. How can we eat?

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