This picture really makes them envious and envious. Is there anything more helpless than now?

It's really hard for them to look at this kind of picture, which they dare not even think of. It's very dangerous for such young girls in the night snack city, especially when they follow a man!

You still ignore the appearance of these people, it seems that you are doing nothing to them, so this situation is really too hard!

At the same time, Lin Xiaoyao is also close to Qin Tian's ear. He whispers in his ear what you should do gently. Don't make too big a thing!

This is too shameful, what does this beauty say?

Even let their boyfriends don't fight too hard, don't let things happen, this is too don't put them in the eye, this feeling is really dying, this is too let people feel shame!

They are now wondering if their ears are wrong, they found that they were humiliated by this little beauty, not by this man, who even looked down on them!

This moment let their hearts not live some of the collapse, angry moment up a lot!

"Brothers, give it to me!"

Suddenly, six or seven people, directly rubbing their hands up, has already been unable to bear, listening to their boss's words, the moment toward Qin Tian rushed up!

They are good at fighting in the street. They can hit a person seriously or in a coma. This situation is very common for them and makes them feel normal!

"Bang bang bang!"

After a burst of thumping, many people watched.

What did they see?

Qin Tian, standing in the same place, flew the six or seven people directly and fell on the ground.

And then the more terrifying thing is that Qin Tian stood still and did not seem to be worried about this matter. Everyone has seen that these people's attacks on Qin Tian are really not dodging!

In fact, it seems that there are too many people standing in the same place, but in fact, it seems that there are too many people standing in the same place!

A lot of people have been shocked to see this kind of picture, they really dare not think of things, but it is really happened!

How can they feel Qin Tian's fist as if he hasn't made a move yet, but he can blow them away!

Others were stunned, only Lin Xiaoyao could see it clearly, because this thing is really too simple, she has already seen nothing strange!

It's really amazing that you can resist more than a dozen fists without moving, or all-round attack!

These troublemakers who fell on the ground have collapsed, and they have a feeling of going crazy, which makes them all feel the incredible existence!

Suppress this kind of heart of deterrence and shock, they got up from the ground, want to start again to launch the next attack!

Qin Tian's mouth at this time can't help but hook up a smile arc, he won't waste time with these bastards, now quick as lightning's hand!

This blow directly hit several of them in the past!

This is no longer an ordinary boxer, it is a kind of strong spirit!

In a flash, six or seven people who just stood up were directly separated by Qin Tian and flew out with a boxing, and then rolled out towards the road outside!

Fall on the hard road, they feel as if their whole body is scattered, the pain is a burst of grin, feel the bones of the whole body as if it is going to fall apart, can not help crying!

However, no one to care about these bastards, one by one eyes can not help looking at Qin Tian in the past, looking at him, one look becomes incomparable shock!

They have no idea what adjectives should be used to describe Qin Tian!

Simply killed these bastards who often do things in the barbecue City, this strength is really no one, their hearts a burst of excitement.

It's just a force. Is this the legendary martial arts master?

Among the onlookers, there are a lot of girls dressed very beautiful. Seeing Qin Tian show his hand, his eyes are full of little stars, and they cry, "how handsome, how cool!"

In Qin Tian's side Lin Xiaoyao is also slightly surprised, because although this kind of thing she is not the first time to see, but more and more shocked!

Her heart is also very happy, which girl does not want her boyfriend to be so big?

And no matter how many girls on the scene cheered for Qin Tian, Qin Tian always belongs to her, other people have no way to do things!

Think of here, Lin Xiaoyao's heart is slowly sweet! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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