It doesn't need any other fighting skills. It's just a light attack. It seems that the strength is more than ten thousand catties. It brings a burst of air explosion and completely covers up the sound of night wind everywhere. There is no more troublesome thing than this. After the matter has reached such a level, there is no need to say anything more, because it is very clear Love!

Although Qin Tian looks very relaxed, his heart has been completely afraid to despise these things, he just felt that there are a lot of power in the explosion, not dodging to wave his arm, directly on the oak mountain heavy punch!


After a huge noise, the two fists hit each other. There was no much skill on both sides. It was just such a simple attack, as if nothing had happened!

After a burst of pure strength, they retreated back together!

Oak mountain at this time also can't help showing a trace of surprise, did not expect Qin Tian to be able to use his pure body to take this move!

Qin Tian also felt that the power of the oak mountain was really extraordinary. He was worthy of being a high-tech transformation of the United States. He really had a strong strength. It was not simple!

"Chinese boy, you can see that your strength is really extraordinary. You have the ability to kill Felix!" Said Oak Hill coldly.

Qin Tian stretched his muscles and bones, showed a very relaxed look, said: "I haven't warmed up that, let's continue to come!"

Qin Tian just wants to have a look. He just uses the ancient martial spirit, not the immortal spirit, to see how many attacks he can only receive. This thing is really such a thing!

Seeing Qin Tian's attitude, oak mountain also felt the severe contempt from Qin Tian. He couldn't bear the scorn. He snorted coldly, and then a pair of huge fists were smashed towards Qin Tian like a raging strong wind!

Every time the heavy fist attacks, it contains a kind of power as high as thousands of Jin. Even if the oak mountain is really like Qin Tian said, he can easily deal with a master like Zuo Bufan, or even people of the same level as Zuo Changhai, he can ignore it!

It is true that there is a certain strength, if not, it is impossible to come here to fight Qin Tian. After all, the people who dare to come here are definitely not simple people. The existence of such people is really too terrible!

Qin Tian looked at the other side's momentum so strong, but also a bold smile, and then said: "come good!"

At present, he saw that the physical body has been raised to a certain level, waving fists to meet the oak mountain boxing!

This guy still uses an American fist. When he bangs, there is a surprising American boxing in it. The situation here is really incredible!

"Bang bang bang!"

After the fist muscles against each other's loud noise, there was also a sound that covered the huge waves by the lake. The residents who saw this scene were directly stunned and scared to break their eggs.

Because the power of Qin Tian and oak mountain is really non-human existence. It is so terrible that people can hardly imagine their existence!

After a fierce fist fight, Oak Hill stopped again. His eyes were full of shocking color. It was an incredible look. How could this be possible?

The Chinese boy in front of him has such a powerful force. He is a power man. Can he catch his fist attack?

What is the state of his ancient martial arts cultivation?

After a series of strong attacks, Qin Tian was still undamaged. This is an unexpected thing for Auchan, because in his expectation, Qin Tian should be smashed to pieces, just like mud.

But Qin Tian now in front of his strong attack, it seems that there is no sign of panic and retreat, and even the corner of his mouth is still hanging a cool and playful smile!

Oak mountain this or completely some anger, Qin Tian's smile, this is in the red fruit humiliated them?

As one of Gabriel's five trumps, he has always been extremely arrogant, and is even more proud that he has become one of the top powers after injecting power serum!

Tonight is the most powerful attack method he took after he became a level B power. It's really amazing that he can't hurt a young boy like Hua Xia with hundreds of punches!

Oak mountain at this time, has been angry to the extreme, his eyes are very fierce, crazy cry: "Qin Tian, you are really strong ah, can resist I have not used all my strength!"

"What? Ha ha, I know you didn't use all your strength Qin Tian faintly smiles, the corners of his mouth hook up a radian, quite curious what kind of power does this big black man have in the end!

Oak Hill also felt a strong sense of humiliation at this time. This feeling was so bad that he didn't know what to say!Now this situation is really described by magic. Can there be any other choice before this? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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