Oak mountain felt humiliated and suppressed his anger. He said angrily, "my name is the God of black iron, boy. You don't think I'm like this? If I turn my body into black iron attribute, I can resist the strongest defense. Even the S-level power can't do anything to me. I can't break my defense! "

After saying this, oak mountain roared up to the sky, and his muscles also made a strong explosion sound. The original dark skin became splash ink, and the whole person became pure black!

It's just that there's white in their eyes!

At this time, his muscles directly soared a large circle, and the figure of two meters high at this time directly rose to two meters and three meters. In this way, his body was very strong, and his clothes were torn. After that, the pants seemed to be extremely elastic, and became spacious with his strong body!

Qin Tian finally knows that the quality of the green giant's trousers is always so good. It turns out that the elasticity of the pants is really able to bear a really big body!

At this time, the guy looks like a small black hill, which looks especially terrible, just like the devil in hell. It's really frightening!

Looking at this man, Qin Tian can excite the energy of his body in a second. All of a sudden, he also felt a kind of invisible pressure. He was thinking of opening his mouth to comment. The big black man is so ugly, but this guy has been furious and waving his fist at himself!

Qin Tian this is also see pain suddenly shrink, at this time there is no hesitation, raised his hand directly blocked the past!


When this powerful force broke out in oak mountain, Qin Tian's body also drew an arc in mid air, and his body fell towards the lake like a shell!

When Qin Tian kept sinking into the lake, there was only a very bad situation in his mind, "I am careless!"

B level of the ability should have such a strength, he really never thought of the situation, now this situation is really some fantastic, now the situation has arrived, let him have to deal with it well!

"It seems that if you don't need to be immortal, I'm not the opponent of this guy at all."

However, after Qin Tian was knocked out by oakshan, he was not much better. His fist also felt a kind of pain.

At this time, watching Qin Tian fall out, his mind is also incomparably surprised, just that fist really hit his body directly into two pieces, even his blocking arm did not interrupt, what a surprise!

This time, however, directly inspired the black iron God's angry heart. Can this be tolerated?

Then the oak mountain flew towards Qin Tian again. This time, he stopped using the pure body, and began to bombard each other without skill in the lake. He hit each other with a kind of fist. The fists were all hit on the flesh, killing each other madly!

The water of the lake was pulled by the powerful force of the two people, which led to a strong surge. Even a small vortex appeared on the surface of the lake above the two people!

I don't know how long after the pit, oak mountain's powerful attack power has also slowed down, the power has decreased!

At this time, oak mountain felt that his body was going to be unable to bear it. A rare feeling of fear appeared in his heart, which was the first time in his life!

Because the Chinese boy on the opposite side has no idea what kind of strength has emerged in his body, and a more powerful force has broken out. This is a situation that he has never encountered in his life!

When I was about to use my full strength, the boy in the opposite side was really too arrogant. He gradually gained the upper hand in the attack of fist power. It was just terrible!

Oakhill has to reevaluate the strength of this boy. He may be more powerful than him. This is a real situation!

With this idea in mind, the fear in oak mountain's heart was even more uncontrollable. Could he not die here today?

And Qin Tian's attack routines and moves really look so flexible!

In fact, Qin Tian seems to be very good on the surface, but he still felt a great consumption when fighting with this oak mountain, which consumed a lot of body energy.

After coming back from Panlong mountain, he has been practicing and recovering his immortal Qi, so as to reach the strength that can bear the immortal Qi as soon as possible!

Until this evening, Qin Tian's body recovered to a better state, and then met this oak mountain to seek revenge!

So Qin Tian is now using this oak mountain to refine his meridians, which is helpful for the recovery of immortal Qi!

At this time, the fierce battle is in full swing!

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