Now is a very important moment, that is, when a person needs to face many things, many people do not quite understand, what is the development process of this matter, now this time is a very clear process!

Now is the decisive battle time, the moment of life and death is here!

This time, Qin Tian took the initiative to attack and bombarded the mountain directly with his fist!

Oak mountain gasped for a while, and was immediately hit by Qin Tian's fist, and then he was covered with scars. At this time, he really wanted to die. How could he do this?

How can he achieve the present situation? Now Oakhill really can't understand. Is there something that will die in the end, because this thing is really cruel to him!

Now Oak Hill can only raise its arms and try to block it!

When Qin Tian wanted to block the mountain, he hit the two arms of oak mountain and flew the guy's arms out!

Oakhill's arms withstood a great impact, and their arms were suddenly unable to protect in front of them, and the empty door was suddenly opened!

Qin Tian couldn't help grinning, and his whole body's fighting consciousness also rose again, and directly climbed to a higher level. Now the situation has reached a very difficult time for people to understand. If anyone can see this scene here, he will be shocked!

Because the current situation is such a hard to accept fact, this fact is a kind of thing you have to want to understand!

Seeing the empty door of oak mountain opened, Qin Tian couldn't help grinning, and then his whole body's fighting consciousness got up. He condensed all his strength and directly bombarded the other side's chest!

This oak mountain is no longer able to resist, and firmly withstood the blow of Qin Tian.

However, this is not the end, the development of the matter is far from such a situation. Qin Tian, taking advantage of the overload of the body of the oak mountain, has no way to bear the defense. His fists, like a storm, constantly bombard the chest of the oak mountain!

Now this situation is so helpless, so people feel angry, feel incredible, his chest has been a burst of pain, almost breathless, he was shocked that Qin Tian was so fast, but fortunately his black iron body is the fist of human beings, there is no way to open, because his defense is the strongest!

But in the next moment, Oak Hill's face showed a trace of helplessness, and suddenly looked down at his chest!

Here formed a kind of metal horny muscle, unexpectedly you under the bombardment of qintian, began to appear a kind of tiny gap!

"Impossible thing!" Oak mountain screamed in the lake. I couldn't believe the scene!

His black iron body was really opened by Qin Tian, which is too terrible!

In this moment, the black iron figure that oak mountain admires, in this moment, is directly broken!

Qin Tian's double fists did not have any hesitation to impact the past, is to stimulate the other side's body!


After this strong attack, the development of things has become and unusual, because now the situation is really a kind of situation, you have to think about why it is!

The Oak Hill in front of me has been invited to hear the fist pounding into the flesh and blood. This situation is really very difficult to do. What else can be said?


Oakhill looked at his cracked body and didn't know what to say. He didn't know what words to describe the situation!

"It's over, you die for me!"

All of a sudden, Qin Tian's voice of rage came out, a fist with a strong murderous spirit directly rushed past, smashed again on the chest of oak mountain!

"Boom, boom!"

The blow directly split his body.

Oakshan is really dying. His eyes are looking at Qin Tian, full of fear and horror, and despair. This despair is why he doesn't want to read things occasionally because he doesn't know what to say now. Is there anything more terrible than now?

The young Chinese youth in front of him completely broke his defenses, broke his invincible defenses, and seriously injured his body!

His hands cover powerless to grasp Qin Tian's bombarded arm, lips slightly a Leng, as if to say something: "impossible things, my defense is invincible..."

However, as soon as he finished his words, he even lost the strength to speak. There was a shocking blood hole in front of him, which was constantly blowing out blood from inside, and the energy of his body was constantly losing.

Soon, the powerful high-tech developed by the U.S. suddenly turned into scrap iron, and completely lost its vitality and vitality!Is this the body of Gabriel's mercenary, the God of black iron?

Is this a total death?

Qin Tian's arm swung directly, and he fell on the lakeside when he was in oakshanton. The smell of blood spread on the stage in an instant!

"I'm so tired!"

Qin Tian seems to have experienced a life and death at this time. He feels that he can't use his strength any more. He just wants to sleep in the bottom of the sea!

Level B power can compete with his immortal spirit. If he meets a higher level one, he can only be slaughtered if there is no weather!

"It seems that I have to recover my immortal spirit as soon as possible!"

In his mind, Qin Tian walked towards the beach with heavy steps,

he almost exhausted his last trace of strength, and finally returned to the gate of his villa!

The fight with oak mountain lasted more than two hours, and the sky was already bright at this time. It seemed that it was really helpless!

Because the development of the past to this point, is the time to choose life and death, if not handled well, there may be a direct result of death, so deal with it, any good things may happen!

Helplessly holding the door of the villa, Qin Tian's face is a little pale. After standing for a long time, he can't support it any more. When the gate is opened, Zhu Yu looks at Qin Tian in front of him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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