Seeing Qin Tian's wet appearance and some tragic appearance, Zhu Yu could not help but look surprised and asked, "what's the matter, what's the matter with you?"

She didn't pay attention to when Qin Tian didn't sleep. After all, she didn't sleep with him. Li Xinran should not know about it? Think about it or some terrible, things have developed to this level, it is really not easy to deal with things!

"It's OK. I went swimming just now. I'm a little tired!" Qin Tian's mouth appeared a grim smile, he did not say anything about oak mountain, also do not want to let Li Xinran know this matter!


Zhu Yu is speechless directly. He looks at Qin Tian, who is wet and has been swimming. However, in terms of Qin Tian's physical quality, how can he swim and become void?

What's more, the clothes on this guy are also torn, showing his strong body inside. His flesh and blood are blurred. Some parts of his body are really injured. In this case, it's really incredible!

"Qin Tian, did something happen to you? Tell me directly, I won't tell your wife! " Zhu Yu is also full of concern smile, "I have been your friend, what can't be said directly?"

Looking at the caring look in Zhu Yu's eyes, Qin Tian could not help being warm in his heart and said with a bitter smile: "in fact, it's just a fight by one person!"

When the voice fell, his body was about to fall down, the key time was Zhu Yu's direct embrace of the man's body!

Yunchen felt the burden of the woman, a burst of gratitude in the heart, said with a bitter smile: "nothing, you let me go up!"

Zhu Yu holds the man's body tightly. She is not an ordinary girl. She can't be without strength. Zhu Yu directly uses her strength to bear all this, but she spent a lot of strength to support Qin Tian upstairs!

Looking at Qin Tian, it seems that he is losing consciousness. Zhu Yu can only dial the phone and call an ambulance in a hurry!

A few minutes later, outside the door came a burst of ambulance sound, several ambulance personnel rushed down from above, and then Qin Tian was taken away!

Because it was too early, Li Xinran didn't even know about it, so Zhu Yu sat alone in the ambulance, acting as Qin Tian's friend and sent him to the hospital!

Emperor's hospital is full of people at any time every day. Many patients come here to see a doctor!

At the same time, the rescue personnel yelled to let people disperse, and at the same time sent Qin Tian to the rescue room. After simple treatment, they confirmed that Qin Tian's body was just over consumed and there was no other injury. Just need infusion to supplement energy!

The doctor who diagnosed Yunchen knew that Yunchen was a practitioner of ancient martial arts. He didn't dare to neglect it. He told the nurse who received the infusion that he must take good care of Qin Tianli!

After a busy time, Qin Tian is no longer in danger of being lifeless. Zhu Yucai puts down his heart and sits on the edge of the hospital bed, with a man to catch up with.

About an hour after the infusion, Qin Tianyou woke up leisurely, and then looked at himself lying in the hospital. He didn't expect that as a doctor, he was rescued. It's really incredible!

On the edge of the hospital bed, Zhu Yu looked at Qin Tian and woke up. He was also worried and said, "Qin Tian, how do you feel now?"

"Much better!" Qin Tian smiles at the woman, "thank you, Xiaoyu!"

"It's OK. Your wife doesn't know. Who did you fight with last night? How could it be so cruel?" Zhu Yu helplessly said, "my grandfather and I can help you, why not say it?"

Zhu Yu's tone is very worried. He didn't expect that Qin Tian and his wife were living in their villa and were chased and killed. It's really fantastic!

Qin Tian didn't hide Zhu Yu any more. He gradually told the story aside, about killing Felix himself, and about Oakhill's revenge.

After Zhu Yu heard that, a trace of worry appeared on his small face. Qin Tian even fought against the world-class mercenary trump card. Is this too terrible?

"Qin Tian, you have killed Gabriel's ace killer now. They will send more powerful killers against you again!" Zhu Yu's voice is very gentle reminder said.

Qin Tian's mouth edge can not help but hang a trace of sneer and said: "there are too many people who want to kill me. I'll see if the Gabriel company really loves their ace killer, after all, they have lost so much!"

"If the combat effectiveness is consumed by me, I will not be polite! And it's not just impolite. Hostile forces will attack them, thinking that their combat effectiveness has been slowed down! "

"So now they have no time for themselves. How can they send experts to kill me?" Qin Tian said with a faint smile."You really have a big heart. You can still laugh!" Zhu Yu is speechless!

In fact, Qin Tian's conjecture is correct. After killing oak mountain, Gabriel felt that sensors implanted into Gabriel's body could already tell that oak mountain had lost its breath of life!

At present, there is a panic among the top management of Gabriel. Felix and Oak Hill, where they died respectively, are both in the same place, which means that they were killed by one person!

Think about this thing is a little scary, it is almost unimaginable existence, after the real thing developed here, it has no idea what to say!

Is Huaxia really such a terrible place?

They soon discussed a result. Qin Tian's combat effectiveness has been reassessed. Even if all of their trumps are taken, they may not be able to win it, and they may have to die another trump. This price is too high!

So they soon came to a conclusion that they gave up the land of Huaxia temporarily, and the revenge on Qin Tian had to stop. 1

now one of the five trumps has died, and the company's strength is greatly reduced. In the face of other top mercenary organizations, there is no strength to crush it any more!

They must wait to cultivate the next batch of masters, before they can send out the order to chase Qin Tian again! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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