It seems that the security captain here is also a cruel role, or the more powerful person among these security guards, known as bird brother. He said arrogant words at this time and then looked at Qin Tian as if he were looking at a fool.

"Boy, what expression do you have? You are not angry, you are not surprised, you are still indifferent?"

"Tell you, who is behind me? Don't be scared to death

"Very good, my boss is Lei qianjue, this is the most powerful underground boss in this city, can you afford it?"

"If you know what you're doing, get out of here and don't go in. Otherwise, don't let me down!"

After hearing this, Shen ruohai and sun Shilin are both stunned. Unexpectedly, the security strength in front of him is quite strong, and he is still the person of boss Lei!

"Boy, you stand on the business, leave this beauty, obediently get out, don't go in again!" Bird brother's side of a younger brother is also a kind of Yin Yang strange gas ridicule said.

Sun Shilin and Shen ruohai's classmates also heard that bird brother was Lei qianjue's person. All of a sudden, they were full of faces. Jin and awe, even fear!

Only Lin Xiaoyao shook his head with a speechless face. When she looked at Qin Tian, she didn't even have any worries. Instead, she was a little funny.

But today she has an idea, that is, to keep silent and see how these people die. After all, there is no need to say anything about this matter. Just let them all die!

In their opinion, things are very unusual. If you are a bird brother, you can go out and say that your boss is Lei qianjue. Even Shen ruohai and sun Shilin, who are at the top of the class, dare not to be provoked. You are not qualified for that!

What's the name of Lei qianjue? It almost controls the underground of the city. In front of such a powerful force, Qin Tian, a young master who has not entered the mainstream family, dares to offend bird brothers?

When people looked at Qin Tian at this time, they just felt that he was going to be finished. There was no suspense!

But now let everyone feel the unexpected thing is that Qin Tian did not panic, but stood there very calmly, with a touch of evil charm in the corner of his mouth: "it's the boss of Lei!"

"Why don't you get out of here? Do you still want to go in? " Bird brother's face is gloomy, strong threat says.

When other people heard bird's sudden loud talk, they were also a little frightened. They thought that Qin Tian couldn't get in completely. If they went in, they would die!

Sun Shilin sneered and looked at this scene, "Qin Tian, I heard that you belong to Qin family. This kind of family is not a person here. You haven't seen the world before? Now I'm so scared that I can talk nonsense

Sun Shilin's words let these students are greatly agreed, one by one is that this is reasonable.

The place where the Qin family is located is the old city, but it is still a bit remote from the downtown area. As for their family, their character is impossible to spread out in the upper class of this city!

Therefore, when we know that Qin Tian is a member of the Qin family, one after another naturally shows disdain for Qin Tian.

Even, they think that Qin Tian's indifference is due to the fact that some declining families want face.

Qin Tian had no sense of these scornful eyes. He just shook his head, and then said calmly, "the good and the bad are intermingled. It seems that I will not let you correct your evil and make a good diagnosis."

"What? You dare to call our boss by his name, and what do you say? "

After Qin Tian's words came out, he almost made everyone's jaw drop.

This ordinary family of young people's words, really more and more out of line, more and more do not know who they are?

He even wants Lei qianjue to punish bird brothers. With such arrogant tone, everyone looks at Qin Tian in front of him like a fool. How can this boy say such shameless words?

Is this funny?

Bird brother and other younger brothers are stunned, and then burst out a burst of extremely exaggerated laughter, in which bird brother's face is not covered up with ridicule,

and sun Shilin and Shen ruohai are also secretly looking at Qin Tian with a kind of ironic expression. I don't know how proud this guy is. I don't know what kind of top young master he is!

Because it was near the exit, there were so many uniform security guards gathered together. A young man and a beautiful woman were facing each other. Many people were watching in this direction.

After hearing Qin Tian's words, people are shocked to say nothing. This guy dares to ask Lei qianjue to punish their subordinates and make them correct?

"Boy, it's not so simple to let you go now. You amuse our boss in front of so many of us. You are really dead today!" Bird brother put up the sneer on his face, and his face became gloomy and incomparable.So many people see that Qin Tian is talking nonsense. If brother bird doesn't give Qin Tian a lesson, he will be finished by himself when he reaches boss Lei!

Therefore, in full view of the public, bird brother without any hesitation and scruple directly let their people surround Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao.

Seeing this scene, we all feel a pity for the young man who talks so much, and this girl also makes people feel like flowers are planted on cow dung.

"Xiaoyao, what are you doing? Come back!"

"Don't stand there. Come here. It's dangerous."

At this time, Lin Xiaoyao's classmates couldn't help crying out, because this scene how to look at all know that this is to fight!

Sun Shilin and Shen ruohai look at each other. It's so good that Lin Xiaoyao can see the end of his favorite man and help him when he is helpless. It's really beautiful!

Shen ruohai is also secretly happy. This is not Yancheng. There is no such person as Jiangfeng to protect you. The strength of Lei qianjue is stronger than that of Jiangfeng. You are arrogant here and arrogant here. Now you know what death is?

And sun Shilin has shaken his head a little, because Lei qianjue's subordinates are always ruthless, this time Qin Tian can't avoid being beaten violently, this is a very normal thing!

From today on, the young master of the Qin family can't stay, even news. No one will rob Lin Xiaoyao with him. In this way, only a top young master like him can be worthy of being a young lady of the Lin family!

But the corner of Qin Tian's mouth is hanging a trace of smile, just some cold and sharp said: "you want to start with me?"

"Why, you think we're kidding you?" Bird brother is really speechless, his face is very gloomy, let everyone see all in the heart hair!

"Since you think I'm joking with you, call me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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