With the order of the security captain bird brother, the security guards in uniform are merciless toward Qin Tian!

When you look at Qin Lin, you don't think it's going to die.

Of course, there is Shen ruohai, who has seen Qin Tian's strength. Naturally, he doesn't think these security guards are stronger than a dance master!

What's more, even the thugs of the underground organizations have to be classified into three or six grades. What's the use of their skilful Kung Fu? But he is not too busy to see things big, just don't want to see Qin Tian better, do not want to see him have any good place!

Even if you can't beat Qin Tian down, you have to let him have a hard time. And if Qin Tian and Lei qianjue's people fight against each other, Li's medicine will be really hard to do. This is what he saw!

Brother bird, since Lei qianjue sent them to carry out security work, they must have the same strength. Some ancient martial arts disciples have some of them!

Therefore, their Kung Fu is not weak at all, and they directly jump at Qin Tian, and there is a little coordination in them!

The speed of punching and kicking by several thugs is very fast, and the people around them can't help but retreat back.

Under this kind of posture, how can the pampered college students be restrained?

Fortunately, it was not them who were beaten, but the unknowable boy beside Lin Xiaoyao!

People's eyes were wide open, watching this scene, thinking in their hearts, Qin Tian's being attacked like this must be beaten to be half disabled!

However, these few in the eyes of the public is still a master of the bastard, in Qin Tian's view is really not worth mentioning!

He was a little surprised. In front of so many people and on such an occasion, he dared to make a free hand. Is that ok?

Good security, the result of random fighting, this is really need to correct!

It seems that he wants to help Lei qianjue to discipline these people well!

When the fists of these bastards were about to hit Qin Tian, they found that Qin Tian didn't dodge. Instead, he stood with negative hands. Didn't he even resist?

It seems that this guy is desperate, willing to be beaten down feeling, this kind of person is really helpless!

Qin Tian coldly smile, these bastards are not worth his hand, the hands are dirty his hands.

He just filled his body with air. He didn't see the movements of these people clearly, so he shook their fists open and flew out directly!

Then immediately, before everyone could see clearly what was going on, Qin Tian suddenly made a move and smashed it out!

In the striking and surprised eyes, these people who surrounded Qin Tian all fell to the ground and cried and howled one by one. The sudden sharp pain made their faces become ferocious and twisted.

"Ah, ah!"

That kind of heartrending scream, scared all people are stunned, what is going on?

They didn't see clearly what the situation was, and everything was over!

didn't these security guards attack Qin Tian? How suddenly fell down, really let a person feel strange ah!

Seeing this, Lin Xiaoyao smiles. He doesn't feel that he cares. Shen ruohai looks a little gloomy. Although he knows Qin Tian can deal with them, he doesn't want to be so fast. He is really surprised!

After seeing the appearance of these bastards, all of them were shocked. One by one, they could hardly believe that they could see their eyeballs when they got up on the second floor!

When they looked at Qin Tian, they all felt that this man was definitely not an ordinary boy. He was a man with ancient martial power!

It is really too terrible, many people have been shocked stupidly, the heart can not help feeling slowly are shocked!

Sun Shilin is also full of surprise color, his more than ten classes of students, after shock, look at Qin Tian, the eyes are with an incredible color.

This kind of action, they can only see in the movie.

Is this young man of ordinary family really a legendary martial arts master?

This guy can crush these security guards at a speed that can't be recognized by the naked eye!

"Good boy, you'd better practice

Bird didn't care at this time. He raised his hand and clenched his fist, because he was also an ancient warrior, or the president of some Karate Association. His strength is really strong!

"You are not my match yet!" Qin Tian shook his head and said.

At the moment, brother bird didn't dare to make a move easily. He just looked at the man who fell on the ground and grinned. He said angrily, "it's not easy now. You're fighting against Lei men. You dare to hurt our brother. You're looking for death!""What do you think of death, you say?" Qin Tian was not polite at this time, with a smile on his face, and walked towards brother bird!

The bird brother was scared, and retreated back, thinking of his background, and then said: "you know, if you offend our eldest thunder, you will die!"

After all people heard this, they felt nothing for Qin Tian. Indeed, they offended such a person, and there was no good fruit to eat!

Thinking of this, the hearts of all are shocked and surprised. When looking at Qin Tian, they can not help but pity him a little bit, just like they are pitiful to him!

Indeed, even a good man is also a person of your own. How can you fight against the powerful Lei qianyun?

And you are still a Qin family, your family strength in front of Lei men is the same as the virtual!

It's so impulsive to say that this young boy.

So, we all think Qin Tian is not a thing to be beaten up, but whether it can live!

Qin Tian, hearing this, smiled and said, "if you can afford it, call your eldest Lei, and he will be asked by Li Xinran's husband."

"What? You want to find our boss? " Brother bird saw it in a moment. This year is really big forest. There are all birds!

"Crazy, I am so crazy when I die. Would you like our boss Lei to come here?"

Brother bird is really said by Qin Tian a sentence to be furious, now directly out of the cell phone, to call.

Usually he doesn't dare to call Lei qianyun at will. Now that there is a troubled ancient martial arts man, he can only report to Lei qianyun!

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