Qin Tian and caring for the people did not disperse until 11 o'clock. During this period, they discussed the massage technique of pushing dragon hands. Qin Tian massaged the caring people for several times in front of the people. He was shocked and felt that the distance between Qin and Tian was getting farther and farther.

After returning home in the evening, Qin Tian once again gave himself acupuncture and moxibustion. After several days of treatment, Qin Tian felt that he was almost cured. But today Li Xinran was injured, and Qin Tian could only bear it.

After Li Xinran took a bath and came out, he saw Qin Tian lying in bed with no love. He took out a black bag in the drawer, then put it on the table and comforted him: "husband, this is for you."

Seeing Li Xinran calling himself, Qin Tian sat up from the bed and asked, "what is that?"

When he stepped forward, Qin Tian opened the bag and saw that there was a stack of red banknotes inside. He was surprised and said, "wife, where did the money come from?"

"Didn't you give me a piece of green jadeite stone last time? I used half of my jewelry. I didn't like too big jewelry, so I left half of it. Now you need money, let me sell it. It's all here!"

Qin Tian was a little moved. Li Xinran was still thinking about himself at this time. He really needed the money at present. He sincerely said thank you.

Li Xinran came forward and scraped Qin Tian's nose, and said with a smile, "silly, go to bed quickly!"

The next morning, Qin Tian took a day off and didn't go to work. Instead, he returned home with 300000 cash. When Qin Tian's parents saw the money, they were shocked and asked where the money came from. They were afraid that Qin Tian would do something illegal.

Qin Tian can understand the reaction of the two elders. After all, he was poor all his life. When he saw so much money, anyone would doubt where the money came from. Qin Tian had to explain and tell the story of gambling stone.

When they knew that the money was just income, Qin Tian's parents were relieved. Qin Tian said with a smile: "when you have money, mom, don't go to a stall to sell pancakes and fruits. Take good care of my father at home, so that Xiaoya can find a decent job."

Xiao Ya, who is pouring water on one side, hears Qin Tian's saying this, and immediately feels inexplicably moved. He paid attention to his own pay. Although he was moved in his heart, he still said: "brother, it's OK. My work is very good now."

"Silly girl, I'm a college graduate at least. I'm really young. How can I be a waiter all the time? Have you noticed that there's a recruitment company recently? I'll go to interview with you!"

There is no doubt about Qin Tian's tone. Xiao Ya has to nod her head and agree. Although she has been working as a waiter in a restaurant, she still pays attention to some recruitment. One of them is Orlan international media company. She thinks it is more suitable for her.

"Well, I'll call and ask. If I can, I'll have an interview in the afternoon."

Xiao Ya laughs and has two sweet dimples in the corner of her mouth. Then she runs to the room to make a phone call. After a while, she runs out of the room and shakes her mobile phone toward Qin Tian: "brother, it's OK. I can have an interview in the afternoon."

"Well, you pack up, and then we'll go!"

At 1:30 p.m., Qin Tian and Xiao Ya arrive at olan international on time. When they hear the word "Oran", Qin Tian always feels familiar, but he never remembers where he heard it. When Xiao Ya is in the interview, Qin Tian is waiting outside, looking at the people in and out.

After watching for a long time, Qin Tian has a conclusion: it is worthy of being an artist media company. There are so many beautiful women.

Xiao Ya went into the interview for about half an hour. When she saw the interviewer and Xiao Ya come out with a smile, Qin Tian knew that it was basically OK. As expected, when she came to the door, the interviewer suddenly reached out to Xiao Ya and said, "Hello, Orlan international welcomes you."

"Thank you. I will try my best."

Xiao Ya and the interviewer reached an agreement, and at this time, Qin Tian heard the sound of high-heeled shoes, looked up and saw a familiar figure. Qin Tian's heart thumped, and there was an ominous premonition. As expected, when the interviewer saw the beauty, his expression immediately became solemn and called out: "Mr. Lin!"

But in front of the beauty walked to Qin Tian, two people looked at each other, Lin Wanru recognized Qin Tian directly, said coldly: "is it you?"

Qin Tian also thought that the woman in front of her was the one saved in Fang Zhen that day. It seems that people have misunderstood themselves. At that time, I heard that she was the president of which company, but I didn't expect that she actually belonged to this company!

What a narrow road!

Qin Tian was in a burst of sweat, but Xiao Ya didn't know what had happened. She walked forward happily and took Qin Tian's arm: "brother, let's go. We can come to work next Monday."

"We don't want to recruit people for the time being. We have already recruited people for the vacant posts."

Lin Wanru's indifferent voice rang out. Through a word from Xiao Ya, Lin Wanru guessed what was going on. She had no good impression on Qin Tian, so she refused.

Xiao Ya, who was still immersed in joy, was suddenly muddled. She looked at the interviewer with doubts on her face. The interviewer was embarrassed and said, "sorry, I don't know this position has been recruited."Xiao Ya nodded a little disappointed: "well..." Then he looked up at Qin Tian: "brother, let's go back."

Qin Tian naturally knew that Lin Wanru was deliberately tripping. He was a little angry. Lao Tzu saved you with kindness. Instead, he took Xiao Ya's arm and looked at Lin as though his voice was a little low: "Mr. Lin, I don't want to implicate our gratitude and resentment on my sister. My sister interviewed her through a regular way. Secondly, we are fundamental It's just a misunderstanding. I happened to pass by and saved you last time. I hope Lin will not be ungrateful. "

"my company is not recruiting. I has the final say." Lin Wanru looks at Qin Tian and looks like you and me.

"Oh, such an ungrateful boss, such a company, not to come."

Qin Tian was really angry this time. He turned around and pulled Xiaoya to leave. Before he took a few steps, Lin Wanru's voice came from behind: "stop."

Qin Tian turns around and looks at Lin Wanru coldly. His eyes are very frightening and full of coldness. Lin Wanru unconsciously cools her and says to Xiao Ya, "you come with me."

Xiao Ya is a little confused. She doesn't know what to do. She looks at Qin Tian. Qin Tian knows that Lin Wanru is going to give Xiao Ya an opportunity to interview in person. She nods to Xiao Ya, and Xiao Ya follows Lin Wanru into the meeting room.

Ten minutes later, Lin Wanru and Xiao Ya walked out together. This time, Lin Wan Ru saw Xiao Ya with a few silk of appreciation. She said with a smile, "you are a very talented person. You should work hard. You can climb to the middle and high level of the company within a year."

"Thank you for your approval Xiao Ya smiles at Lin Wanru.

Send Xiaoya to the door of the company, Lin Wanru said calmly to Qin Tian: "your sister is a talent, much better than you."

Qin Tian shrugged his shoulders helplessly. He was speechless for a while. You don't even know who Laozi is. You know that he is much better than Laozi.

At the moment, in a building in the Mediterranean Sea of Songjiang City, Zhang Yuhang sat on the tea table, smoking painfully and grasping his hair. He looked very decadent. Beside him stood Li Xinyu, wearing a hip skirt, with a sad face.

"Wife, do you think I'm useless this time? I've been caught by the health bureau this time. The fine is astronomical. I'm afraid I'll have to go to jail!"

"Is there no way out?"

Zhang Yuhang thought for a moment and put out the cigarette in his hand: "it's not. If Zheng Shu Ji is willing to come forward to say hello and let the Health Bureau let me go, there will be a turning point in this matter. However, I will never abuse my power and engage in malpractice for personal gain."

As soon as he heard that the last road was blocked, Li Xinyu was a little crazy. Before that, he showed his husband at home and outside every day. But now his company is going to go bankrupt, and people are going to go in. No one will collapse.

"In fact, there is still the last way..." Zhang Yuhang looked at Li Xinyu and said with difficulty.

"What way?" Li Xinyu asked.

"If you go and ask Qin Tian, maybe Zheng Shu can make an exception in his face..."


Qin Tian and Xiao Ya are walking on the way back. They are talking about the things after their entry. Suddenly, Qin Tian receives a call from Li Xinyu and asks Qin Tian to go to her home.

Xiaoya knew that Qin Tian was busy, so she said she went back first. Qin Tian nodded and then took a taxi to Li Xinyu's house.

When Qin Tian arrived at Li Xinyu's house, Li Xinyu was taking a bath. Qin Tian was a bit muddled. His sister-in-law never looked down on him. Why did he come here today and still take a bath at home.

"Sister, I'm here." Qin Tian stood in the living room and called out.

"Ah, it's Qin Tian. You can sit in the living room for a while, and I'll go out immediately after taking a bath!"

Li Xinyu's voice came from the bathroom. Qin Tian was still a little confused. After all, Li Xinyu's body was very hot.

After a while, Li Xinyu came out of the bathroom, surrounded by a white bath towel. Qin Tian couldn't move his eyes and said with a bitter smile, "sister, what can I do for you?"

Li Xinyu laughed and sat beside Qin Tian. He was so close that he could smell the shower gel on Li Xinyu. He said to Qin Tian, "Qin Tian, there is something I want to ask you for help this time..."

Qin Tian had a sneer in his heart. It was the weasel who paid new year's greetings to the chicken. When he didn't use himself, he mocked him every day. When he used himself, he said good things. In the face of Li Xinran, Qin Tian still asked, "what's the matter?"

"Well, your brother-in-law's company has produced a batch of medical equipment. In order to save production costs, the hygiene standard is not up to standard. Now it has been investigated by the Health Bureau. Your brother-in-law's company will be punished to bankruptcy, and your brother-in-law has to go to prison. Can you ask Zheng Shu for help as long as Zheng Shu records it?"

Hearing this news, Qin Tian was also in some danger: "Secretary Zheng has always been incorruptible and selfless in Songshan city. He will not do such things that damage his principle and image..."

"Qin Tian, there is only you. You can come forward. Your brother-in-law and I depend on you. You must help us!"Li Xinyu is more and more excited. When Qin Tian wants to continue to say no, Li Xinyu directly wants to hold Qin Tian.

Li Xinyu suddenly came to the action, Qin Tian did not respond to it, was thrown on the sofa.

Li Xinyu said vaguely: "I will give you, will you help us, as long as you help us..."

Qin Tian was suddenly confused. He didn't expect to. His illness was cured. But the first woman was not Li Xinran

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