"Qin Tian, as long as you open your mouth and help us..."

Li Xinyu is obviously in love.

Qin Tian is also very excited, these days of treatment finally see the effect, unexpectedly in Li Xinyu such stimulation, there is no sign to waste!

For a time, Qin Tian had an impulse to try water!

"Um ~"

the strong sense of crispness and numbness brings Qin Tian, who is in deep thought, back to reality. He is so frightened that he pushes the lost Li Xinyu to the ground!

"No way!"

Qin Tian looks gloomy and says nothing!

"You..." Li Xinyu couldn't believe looking at Qin Tian.

She knows her figure better than anyone else. Countless men who want to be close to her have been rejected by her. But I didn't expect to send them to the door today, but Qin Tian pushed them down!

Is this man kicked in the head by a donkey?

Qin Tian coldly looks at Li Xinyu who falls down on the ground. His face is expressionless, but his heart is filled with a strong sense of guilt!

Li Xinran put everything on his own body, endure the contempt of relatives and colleagues, but also endure his own incompetence, but what about himself? As soon as he regained the ability of a man, he was carrying her back to meet other women. What's more, the woman who was about to give up was still her own sister!

Qin Tian, Qin Tian, are you still human?

Thinking of this, Qin Tian raised his hand and slapped him fiercely on his right face. The corner of his mouth instantly flowed a bright red!

In this life, never be sorry for Xinran Fenfen!

Li Xinyu was shocked by the sudden accident. Naturally, she couldn't know what Qin Tian thought!

He calmed down for a moment with his eyes closed. Qin Tian was no longer interested in looking at Li Xinyu. He got up and walked towards the gate XX.

See this scene, Li Xinyu face pale, did not expect that he was mercilessly pushed away!

But this is not the worst. Once we miss the opportunity today, without Qin Tian's help, Zhang Yuhang, her husband, will not only face a huge fine, but may even go to prison!

In this way, their family can completely collapse!

"Qin Tian!" Thinking of this, Li Xinyu struggled to get up and held Qin Tian tightly.

"Li Xinyu, you are crazy!"

Qin Tian a low drink, push her out again, the face is gloomy and terrible!

Li Xinyu fell to the ground powerless, two lines of clear tears immediately shed down, she knew that today she was unable to achieve the goal.

If it had not been for myself and her husband Zhang Yuhang always taking Qin Tian as a human being, today would not have been in such a situation!

For a moment, Li Xinyu was filled with remorse!

"Please take me, your brother-in-law and I are in a desperate situation. If you don't help us, your brother-in-law will be completely finished..."

Li Xinyu squatted on the wall with his knees in his arms, and his voice sobbed. Where is there any posture of sneering at Qin Tian?

Qin Tian pondered for a moment, then sighed slightly, picked up the towel on the ground and put it on Li Xinyu. "I will try my best to do this, but whether it can succeed depends on Zheng Shu. Remember."

"Really? Qin Tian, you must be able to do it, because we are a family... "Speaking of this, Li Xinyu suddenly stopped for a moment, followed by a laugh of self mockery. How did he and Zhang Yuhang ever treat Qin Tian as a family?

Qin Tian naturally saw Li Xinyu's embarrassment. He waved his hand lightly, got up and walked toward the door again. He glanced at the direction of the bedroom from the corner of his eyes. Behind the door, there was a familiar breath trembling. Needless to say, Zhang Yuhang must be hiding in it.

Give his own woman to others to play, but hide in the room, really thanks to him to think out.

"Today's things I will rot in my heart, will not remember, more will not say with Xinran..." Qin Tiantou did not return, strode out.

At this time, the door of the room opened slowly. Zhang Yuhang was haggard and squatted in front of Li Xinyu and hugged her tightly. "Maybe, we were all wrong..."

when we got home in the evening, Li Xinran had already sat in front of the dressing table to make up, and her father-in-law and mother-in-law had come over, and they also put on more formal clothes.

"How did you come back? I've been waiting for you for a long time. Go and change your clothes. Today, your second aunt's son-in-law has been promoted and invited us to dinner. Don't lose the face of our Li family! " Mother in law frowned and urged.

Qin Tian has been used to this kind of treatment. When she went into the house to change her clothes, Li Xinran had already packed up. She was dressed in a black evening dress, with long black hair on her shoulders, which made her mature and charming, and did not damage her noble temperament.

Qin Tian looked a bit stunned. How much contribution did he make to the earth in his last life? He could marry such a woman in this life.

"If you don't want to go, you can stay at home and I'll talk to my parents." Li Xinran saw Qin Tianleng at the door and thought he didn't want to go. After all, every time he attended such a party, Qin Tian would become the object of ridicule."What? Afraid of my embarrassment? " Qin Tian smiles and goes to embrace Li Xinran's waist.

"No..." Li Xinran didn't dare to look at Qin Tian. Obviously, she thought so.

"Don't worry. I've been used to it for so many years. You go out and wait for me. I'll come right away."

He didn't want to go, but when did his mother-in-law agree?

Binjiang tower is a famous high-end hotel in Songshan city. It can be seen that the son-in-law of the second aunt's family has some strength.

After Li Cheng and his family entered the door, they were led to a large box on the top floor. Basically, all the relatives and friends should be there. Wang Qin, his mother-in-law, asked her to call them whatever they wanted, and the attitude of her son-in-law could be seen at a glance.

The relatives who know Qin Tian's identity are all disdainful and ignore Qin Tian's love.

A big round table with a diameter of five meters is placed in the center of the box. Dozens of people sit around. Naturally, the second aunt and the second uncle sit on the main seat, followed by their promising son-in-law and daughter-in-law. The whole family has a neat and proud look. You can see that this is what it looks like to be promoted in the system!

Time is not big, promising son-in-law with a glass of wine to get up.

"Dear elders, brothers and sisters, thank you for coming and appreciating your presence. If I can have this day, I rely on the help of your relatives. I will do it first for you to say nothing else!"

With that, Zhou Qing lifted his neck, filled a glass of white wine, and drank it all!

"Xiao Zhou, you are so polite. You are all relatives of your own family. It's not worth mentioning that you are not appreciative. In the future, we will all rely on the Chief Secretary of the municipal Secretariat to take care of it."

A tall man got up and drank with him.

"Oh, so Zhou Qing was transferred to the municipal Secretariat? It's really young and promising... "

" after joining the municipal Secretariat at this age, the future is limitless. "

"Zhou Qing, you can't forget our poor relatives..."

sitting in dozens of people, laughing and fawning to Zhou Qing without trace, you say a word and I say a word, don't mention the scene is more enthusiastic.

"It's very kind of you. No matter where I go, Zhou Qing is our younger generation. If you have anything to tell me, I will never refuse to say anything if I can do it!"

As soon as Zhou Qing heard this, he knew that it was the scene words on the wine table. I'm afraid that no department can speak better than them to survive in the system.

"Qin Tian, you're old enough to learn more from your brother-in-law Zhou Qing and work hard. Don't wash dishes and cook at home all day long."

At this time, an elder saw Qin Tian and spoke with a reasonable attitude of education. While speaking, he also glanced at Zhou Qing. Obviously, he wanted to step down Qin Tian to give Zhou Qing a bad foot.

Sure enough, the corner of Zhou Qing's mouth hung up a trace of imperceptible proud smile.

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