Tuomuyuan thought of this and stopped his conjecture, because there was a roar in his ear - "tuomuyuan, stick to your heart!"

On the other end of the phone, Shimada saw Tuomu yuan's decline from the sight, and also saw his expression, "we won both fame and wealth, lost... We brothers on the road together!"

Tuomu yuan heard this sentence, and his body was shocked! I slapped myself hard!

Tuomuyuan, tuomuyuan, you need someone else to remind you!?

Thinking of this, tuomuyuan launched a fighting posture again. With a horizontal sword, the momentum became fierce again!

Qin Tian snorted coldly. In his heart, a mouse is a mouse. Even if he has confidence, he can't kill a serious cat!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian doesn't want to waste any more time. He grabs the matte dagger with his backhand, and pushes out the dull dagger, which can't hold a glimmer of light. The target is tuomuyuan's heart!

At this time, tuomuyuan also moved! The target is Qin Tian's heart!

In this short moment, Qin Tian frowned slightly and thought, "is this guy ready to use life to fight?" Immediately sneer a, in the hand's Matt dagger does not retreat but advances! His dignity tells him that even if the other party is really fighting for each other's life, he can't retreat!

However, at the next moment, Qin Tian saw the strange smile on Tuomu yuan's face, followed closely, and his keen hearing heard the sound of a bullet cutting through the air, which was from far to near!


On one side of Qin Tian's body, the mute dagger in his hand gave up assassinating tuomuyuan. Instead, he blocked the bullet flying from the air by one degree, and the bullet flew out with the corner of his coat!

At the moment, tuomuyuan's samurai sword is close to his own heart!

At the critical moment, Qin Tian snorted coldly, his upper body was bent back, his body was in the air at 90 degrees, his toes were up, and he kicked tuomuyuan's wrist violently!

"Bang!" A dull sound, tuomuyuan's back of the hand with a knife, Qin Tian kicked up half a foot, Qin Tian also smoothly back out!

Qin Tian glanced at the direction of the bullet from the corner of his eye. His eyesight was far beyond ordinary people's eyes. On the opposite hillside, a sniper in a lucky suit was lying on his back! That's where the bullets come from!

Besides warriors, there are snipers! Jiaocheng's intelligence is wrong!

Qin Tian calmly returned his sight to Tuomu yuan in front of him, "it seems that you cooperate very well!"

"Well, that's nature!" "With this tacit understanding, we have killed seven opponents whose strength is far better than ours, and you will be the eighth one!"

"No wonder!" Qin Tian smiles, "no wonder you don't run away after seeing my strength, so you have something to rely on..."

"in this case, let me see what you have in the end!"

Speaking of this, Qin Tian's body was in a flash, and in the dim light of midnight, there was a trace of shadow! Towards tuomuyuan like lightning!

When tuomuyuan saw Qin Tian move, he quickly took up his sword and retreated. While retreating, the warrior sword in his hand made a fierce forward stroke and swept out in the shape of half a moon!

Qin tianqianchong's speed is extremely fast, almost surpassing the ordinary people's reaction speed. His matte dagger flies up and down and collides with tuomuyuan's samurai sword!

And tuomuyuan, the speed is not as fast as Qin Tian, can only retreat, while giving himself time to swing a knife, almost raised the spirit of 120000!

Qin Tian constantly attacks, the hand of the matte dagger rhythmically hit tuomuyuan's samurai sword, as if the other side a little slack, the matt dagger will mercilessly cut the other side's throat!


The wind is coming! The bullet cut through the air of the broken sound Sheng again spread to Qin Tian's ears!

However, this time Qin Tian will be so embarrassed!? Suddenly a flash, the bullet will hit his feet in the soil, the strong penetration force let the ground rise half a meter high dust!

Taking advantage of this Kung Fu, tuomuyuan finally eased his hand, and the samurai sword mercilessly swept to Qin Tian's arm with the sword!

Tuomuyuan's tactics are very simple. Since you can't kill him with a knife, grind it slowly. Start with the hand you hold the knife!

But it's a pity that his expectation is always too high. As soon as the samurai's sword sweeps past, Qin Tian's dull dagger turns in a fancy way. When he does, he opens tuomuyuan's samurai sword!

At this time, the bullet arrived again as scheduled!

Qin Tian saw the target, a flash of left hand, a coin appeared in the palm of his hand, a fierce bullet, when!

Sniper bullets and steel balls hit together! Bullets flying, disappeared, and the steel ball because of the strong impact, deeply embedded in the wall behind Qin Tian!

"What!" Tuomu's pupil shrinks and his body suddenly retreats! He even hit a bullet!?

On the opposite hill, sniper Shimada was shocked and couldn't close his mouth! He's been a sniper for half a lifetime, and it's the first time he's seen someone who can shoot a sniper bullet!Shimada and tomuhara can't help thinking at the same time: this person, or a person!?

Shimada and tomuhara began to communicate in the headset.

"Dao... Shimada, what happened just now?" Tuomuyuan can't believe what he saw. He hopes Shimada can tell himself that everything just happened is not true!

However, Shimada's answer, but let him fall into the ice cellar!

"The bullet... Was fired!" Shimada was lying on the hillside. At this time, he had seen the sniper bullet fragments lying on the ground through the high-power mirror. Qin Tian's finger shot out, which was powerful enough to break the bullet!

"Try again and see if it's a coincidence!" Tuomuhara has a tough head to communicate with Shimada!

Sure enough, they soon organized a second round of attacks, tuomuyuan melee, Shimada in the back row output and limit Qin Tian's actions. This time, shimata no longer so rashly shot at Qin Tian's key points, but used his spare time to cause trouble to Qin Tian, occasionally attacking his hands, feet, and even chest positions.

But without exception, in addition to aiming at the vital part. The bullets were shot by Qin Tian, the rest were all evaded by Qin Tian! Shimada and tuomuyuan are more and more frightened!

However, let them feel gratified that, under the control of Shimada, tuomuyuan and qintian had a hard fight! For a moment, confidence returns again!

Qin Tian was deeply saddened by the fact that he had a long-range assist, which was really different. It seems that it's time to find a good teammate when we hit the king pesticide today!

Qin Tian is thinking about these things in his head, but tuomuyuan and Daotian don't know. They are still concentrating on fighting according to the old method.

But all of a sudden, Qin Tian suddenly stopped his body and called out in a low voice: "ten!"

Then one step at the foot, the whole person rushed to tuomuyuan like a shell!

Tuo Mu yuan's heart beat fiercely! People don't know what the word "ten" means, but he and Shimada are clear!

Sniper gun, full of bullets, it's ten! Shimata is definitely changing bullets at this time. It takes three seconds for the world's top snipers to change bullets and then aim again. But with Qin Tian's hand, these three seconds can almost kill tuomuyuan ten times!

However, these three seconds to Tuomu yuan rely on their own ability to support!

Qin Tian smile, today's re engraved military knowledge all came into use, it is to grasp this point, do not consider the impact of sniper gun, do all you can, the hand of the matte dagger for a moment even flashing light of death!


A dark light flashed by! An arm broke off from the shoulder!

Qin Tian looked at the blood dripping from the dumb dagger, and his face showed a bloodthirsty smile!

And Shimada, his eyes are red with blood, and his body is back again! Did not expect, just a moment, a short moment of cold, his arm disappeared!

Qin Tian had to take advantage of the victory to pursue the life of tuomuyuan, but at this time, the sound of sniper bullets cutting through the air came again, forcing Qin Tian's forward steps to stop!

"Oh!" Qin Tian glanced at the opposite hillside! This sniper is really not simple. It broke through three seconds!?

The top sniper's speed of changing bullets is about 0.8 seconds, and it takes about 2.3 seconds to aim. However, the sniper in front of him even broke through to three seconds under such circumstances. This has to surprise Qin Tian!

Tuomu yuan covered his broken arm shoulder, a lot of blood loss made his face pale! If it wasn't for Shimada's bullet coming in time, I'm afraid I would have been a corpse now!

Qin Tian looked at Tuomu yuan in front of him, and his mouth curved with a disdainful radian.

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