Originally, he thought that the other two people in the case of pairwise addition can make themselves play better, but did not expect, just the first pause, they did not survive!

Why don't they think about changing bullets for three seconds!?

Qin Tian really guessed this!

When did Shimada and tomuhara think that sniper bullets will be shot by people!? So in the end, he almost took a step and looked at it. Qin Tian forced him to have no time to think about what to do next!

"Can you... Hold on until he changes bullets next time?" Qin Tian has no emotion in his eyes and asks for Tuomu yuan.

Tuomu yuan breathed heavily, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat due to severe pain. "You are really strong. This time I planted it!"

Tuomu yuan's voice was low, but in a flash, as if something had improved his spirit, he yelled at the headset: "Shimada, run!"

With the decline of voice, Qin Tian's dull dagger came over. Tuomuyuan just blocked it with a samurai knife, and Qin Tian cut his throat!

At this time, Shimada on the opposite hillside has seen the scene in front of him. Without hesitation, he dropped his sniper gun and got up and ran!

But will Qin Tian let him escape so easily!? His body flashed like a ghost in the night, and then flashed into the opposite mountain forest. With his excellent night vision ability, he kept approaching the island field!

As a sniper, Shimada's cross-country ability was slightly weaker than that of other arms. At the moment, coupled with the disadvantages of unfamiliar routes, the distance was quickly narrowed by Qin Tian! Even, behind his own back, he has seen the ghost like figure of Qin Tian!

"Whoosh!" "Bang!"

In the moonlight, a path of flashing silver light hit the trees around the island field fiercely, breaking the whole trunk of a thick arm!

At this moment, Shimada suddenly stopped! Because, he did not dare to move forward!

"No more running!? Wake up! " Qin Tian, with his hands in his pocket, followed behind the rice field like a ghost.

Shimada raised his hands above his head and turned slowly, "who are you?"

"Who am I?! Don't you all have a clear investigation!? There is no need to ask more about it. "

"You lie! If only a general doctor, how can you have this ability! Is it true that the lives of our brothers are so cheap that they can't even know who killed them! " Shimada's eyes were red. The death of tuomuyuan made him feel heartache. In addition, he ran away alone, which made him feel sorry for tuomuyuan from the bottom of his soul!

Qin Tianwei a Leng, it seems that he didn't expect the other party to have such deep feelings for his partner. For a time, he actually let go of his mind!

However, he is really a small Chinese medicine!

"Promise me, go back and take your employer's head, and I'll let you go!" Qin Tian throws out olive branches twice in a row!

After hearing this, Shimada laughed wildly, "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Shimada's face is full of ferocity! In his eyes, this is not pity, but naked contempt! Do I want to survive in your charity!?

"If... If you really pity me... Please tell me who you are and... Give me a decent way to die!" Shimada's voice has begun to tremble humbly! This is his last prayer for dignity and brother!

Qin Tian shook his head slightly and said, "since you don't want to go there, I'm really just a traditional Chinese medicine!"

Said, Qin Tian again took out a coin, "remember my name, my name is Qin Tian!"

With that, a coin flickered into Shimada's forehead, forming a red blood hole!

Shimada couldn't believe it. He opened his eyes and even couldn't believe it. He died in the hands of a doctor!

"Coke range, clean up the scene!"

Qin Tian informs Jiao Cheng through his walkie talkie. Although these people are not clean, they can't let the police deal with them. It's better to have more than one thing. Otherwise, there may be some trouble.

Back to the villa, Qin Tian brings people out from the basement, and the eyes of people looking at Qin Tian are different.

"Honey, do you know there are monitoring devices in the basement?" Li Xinran stares at Qin Tian, his eyes are full of disbelief.

"Ah!? What kind of surveillance equipment? " Qin Tian is a little puzzled. He has only lived in this villa for two days. It's good to know that there is a basement. Who knows what there is in the basement.

"Is through the monitoring equipment, see the villa outside..." Li Xinran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, trying to make himself fluent to finish the words.

All the people living in Xiangshan villa are rich people. Li Zheng also said when he bought this villa for Qin Tian, this is a company's boss. Naturally, it is full of decoration, especially the most basic safety aspect. This underground room is prepared to be used for refuge in special period, and the external monitoring is naturally less No."Er..." Qin tianmeng asked them to hide in the basement not only to avoid the mercenary regiment, but also to prevent them from seeing their own strength.

Because all this was so fantastic that he could not explain it clearly.

Although Li Xinran met Qin Tian once in an abandoned factory building, she never thought that Qin Tian was so powerful that she could fight a mercenary regiment alone.

Lin Xiaoyao pushed Wang Qin in the back, knowing that it was not the time for her to speak, so she was very clever.

Qin Tian thought about it for a moment. He thought it was not a good time to tell all his affairs. So he thought about it and said, "in fact, I am a special soldier from the storm special team of Shanghai naval district. These people are mercenaries who enter China to carry out tasks. I am their target."

Qin Tian is very clever to connect two things that seem to be facts, but they are not related to each other. It makes sense and makes them feel strange.

"You... You say you're a special soldier!" Li Xinran's face suddenly appeared a sense of powerlessness, a powerless feeling of being cheated by his favorite person. "You don't want to say that no one forces you, but do you need to say such an unreliable lie?"

Qin Tian's old face was a little red and embarrassed, but he still firmly believed that he was not at the moment. He continued to say, "I am talking about facts. I am a special soldier. Their goal is indeed mine, though there are some things I can not tell you now, but I really did not lie."

With that, Qin Tian looked at Lin Xiaoyao, "as for whether what I just said is true, you can ask Nie Zhiyang for proof."

Lin Xiaoyao is a little stunned when he hears the speech. How can this matter lead to him again!?

Li Xinran's eyes are full of disappointment to Qin Tian, turning to look at Xiaoyao, "I want to know the truth, you ask it."

For a while, several old people including Wang Qin looked at Qin Tian one after another, hoping to see something from Qin Tian's face. To their surprise, Qin Tian was surprisingly calm.

"Then I'll fight!" Lin Xiaoyao picked up his mobile phone and tentatively asked Qin Tian and Li Xinran.

She is not sure if this call is good or bad.

"Fight." Qin Tian nodded.

He knew that he owed Li Xinran, but he could only cover up the matter first.

Li Xinran is also a nod, Xiaoyao had to dial the telephone of Nie Zhiyang.

"Hello, Xiaoyao!" On the other end of the phone came Nie Zhiyang's Wooden voice.

"Brother Zhiyang, let me ask you something." Lin Xiaoyao carefully looked at all the people on the scene and beat hands-free.

"You ask."

"Is Qin Tian a special soldier?"

As soon as Lin Xiaoyao's words were asked out, there was a burst of silence on the other end of the telephone.

After a long time, Nie Zhiyang began to speak slowly, "China's military court stipulates that the identity of special soldiers should be strictly kept secret..."

"I don't need to keep it secret!? So many people know that... "Qin Tiansheng was afraid that Nie Zhiyang would not testify to himself, so he spoke quickly.

On that day, the whole public security bureau saw it. There was a fart to keep secret.

Nie Zhiyang listened to Qin Tian's voice, immediately stunned, "you told them all

"Well, in special circumstances, I can't make it without telling them." Qin Tian was helpless.

"It's about the Tomahawk mercenary Corps today!"

As soon as Nie Zhiyang's words were exported, all the people present were stunned on the spot.

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