Is Qin Tian really a special soldier!? Is the target of this mercenary regiment really Qin Tian!?

"The Tomahawk mercenary regiment has been destroyed by our regiment." Qin Tian said lightly.

"Tuan Mie!? In fact, I thought about it for a long time, so I didn't help you today. "

With Jiao Cheng and his group of veterans, Qin Tian can't win.

But Nie Zhiyang said this, immediately shocked Li Xinran and others to open their mouths.

They all thought that Nie Zhiyang was affirming Qin Tian's strength, and that Nie Zhiyang thought it was reasonable for Qin Tian to destroy the mercenary regiment!

"So... You mean, Qin naivete is a special soldier!? He is the target of those mercenaries! "

Li Xinran can't wait to ask out this sentence, hoping to get a positive answer from Nie Zhiyang.

"Qin Tian, member of the storm team of Shanghai naval District, holds the rank of major! The target of this invasion is him! "

Nie Zhiyang's voice is sonorous and forceful, which makes people stunned at the scene again, and his eyes to Qin Tian become a little strange.

"What... Nie Zhiyang, you go ahead, I may have to deal with some things, so I won't talk to you..."

with that, Qin Tian immediately hung up the phone for fear that Nie Zhiyang might leak something to himself.

"It's true..."

"Qin Tian, when did you become a special soldier?"

"Unscientific, even if it's a special soldier, is it too strong..."

"is it dangerous to be a special soldier? Our family can only have this one..."

Wang Qin and Li Cheng, and Qin Guangyuan and Liu Yuelan all discussed. Their most familiar people have such an identity, which they can't accept for a while.

Li Xinran was relieved to hear the result. Although she felt that Qin Tian still had something to say, at least she knew that Qin Tian didn't cheat herself, which was enough.

"Qin Tian, I'm sorry..." Li Xinran whispered, no matter how, he should not doubt Qin Tian.

"Wrong is me, in fact, I should have found a chance to tell you everything..." Qin Tian was apologetic.

Hearing this, Li Xinran immediately shook his head, "one day you think you can tell me, and then tell me... Today I don't know what's going on, but I'm beginning to doubt you..."

Li Xinran said, and her eyes began to get moist.

She doesn't know why, but the gap between herself and Qin Tian is so big that she has no sense of security. She has always been better than Qin Tian, but this month has completely subverted her cognition.

"In laws, let me see, or let's have a rest first. Let's solve the children's problems by themselves. When we have a chance, we'll listen to Qin Tian again..."

Li Cheng said this sentence in a very suitable way, which got the response of all the people and eased Qin Tian's embarrassment. People left one after another, leaving only Qin Tian and Li Xinran.

Seeing all of them leave, Qin Tian also hugs Li Xinran and embraces her in his arms.

Li Xinran, who had not been intimate with Qin Tian for a long time, gave out a cry, and his eyes were covered with a layer of water mist.

Li Xinran gasped slightly in Qin tianhuai. After breathing, he asked Qin Tian, "is this villa... Very big..."

Qin Tian looked around and said, "it's OK, it's quite big..."

"then you have to refuel...


The next morning, Qin Tian got up early and took a few fried dough sticks in front of his mother's breakfast stand and walked towards the traditional Chinese medicine hall.

After all, there are so many people ready to come to see a doctor.

Opening the shop door, Qin Tian washed his hands and wiped the table, and soon hung up the visiting card at the door.

The first patient is a middle-aged man, accompanied by his daughter to see a doctor. The man walks unsteadily, but his arm is supported by his daughter, but he still has a feeling that he can't exert himself.

"What's wrong with you?" Qin Tian stretched out his hand and asked the other side's pulse.

"Doctor, my father was suddenly paralyzed more than half a month ago. At that time, the situation was urgent and he was sent to the hospital in less than half an hour. But it was very strange that all the equipment in the hospital could not find out what my father was suffering from. Later, he went to Tianhe hall. Mr. Meng, an old Chinese doctor of Tianhe Tang, diagnosed a stroke and prescribed acupuncture and moxibustion. After eating, he was much better than before In the past two days, she did it again... "

the man's daughter was very anxious.

Qin Tian took off his pulse taking hand and frowned slightly. Meng Tianhe of Tianhe hall had heard that he was famous in Songshan, and he was a famous old Chinese medicine doctor. But he didn't expect that such a person would make a wrong diagnosis!

"It used to be once every three days, but now it's every morning, right?" Qin Tian looked at the face of the middle-aged man and asked calmly.

"Yes, yes, you are right." The woman nodded her head in a hurry, and she showed much respect for the 20-year-old Chinese medicine doctor."The illness lasts half an hour at a time, and you can't move for a long time after that, right?" Qin Tian asked again.

"Yes, you are right. It's amazing. How do you know that?" The woman appears extremely surprised, these oneself can not say.

"It's not a stroke, it's a sepsis. The symptoms are very imaginative, but the treatment is totally different." Qin Tian shook his head and began to write a prescription on the yellow paper. "If I was right, I used to get sick once every three or four days, but now it's almost every day, right?"

"Yes, you are all right, but... Is it Mr. Meng of tianhetang who made a wrong diagnosis!? No, they charge too much. Mr. Meng is also a famous doctor... "

as she said, she also wanted to show Qin Tian the fee certificate. You know, Tianhe hall is the highest charge TCM hospital in Songshan. How could it be wrong!?

"High fees do not necessarily mean high medical skills, and doctors are also human beings, and mistakes are inevitable."

Qin Tian frowned. He and Lu Bingqian were the most opposed to charging high fees under the guise of traditional Chinese medicine. However, Meng Tianhe liked to do so. Although Qin Tian had not seen him, with this, he had already fallen into a bad position in Qin Tian's mind.

The woman was skeptical, but she accepted Qin Tian's statement. To be honest, if the medicine prescribed in Tianhe hall didn't work, she wouldn't take the old man to another place to see a doctor.

"Tianhetang misdiagnosed The woman frowned and muttered, and a trace of anger gradually emerged.

Qin Tian didn't care what she thought. He took out the needle bag and opened it slowly. He helped the middle-aged man lie on the side of the hospital bed. He kneaded and kneaded with both hands. Then he asked, "is the left side of the body stiff and the speech is not sharp!"

"Yes, I can feel bad now, doctor, help me..." the middle-aged man grabbed Qin Tian, as if he had grasped the straw.

"It's OK. You lie down first." Qin Tian said that he took out a silver needle from the needle bag and pricked it toward his body.

While pricking the needle, Qin Tian asked the woman next to him, "is it the same symptom when you are sick at ordinary times?"

"Yes, it's still not completely sick. When I'm completely sick, I'll drool and paralyze half of my body. It's like a stroke!"

Hearing this, Qin Tian shook his head slightly. Fortunately, they have not been treated in tianhetang all the time, otherwise paralysis will happen sooner or later.

"It's no big problem. Go back to rest, take medicine on time, and you can recover in a week." Qin Tian took back the silver needle and quietly recovered the green energy above.

This time he used the Baixie Dian of the five dragon needling technique.

"This is... It's over!" The woman couldn't believe looking at Qin Tian.

Qinqintian smiles and says to the patient, "get up and walk, and see if there is any discomfort."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man couldn't believe it, but he still tried to stand up.

"It doesn't hurt. I have strength in my body!" The middle-aged man looked at his body and said in disbelief, "when I came, I still had to support my daughter. Now I can walk by myself!"

The man is extremely surprised, the daughter beside him is also excited to see.

Qin Tian handed the prescription to the patient, "boil three bowls of water into a bowl of water, take it once a day, recover in a week, never relapse!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

The patient took the prescription and frowned slightly, "doctor, your prescription is similar to that of Tianhe Tang..."

Qin Tian smiles and points to the prescription and says: "this, this, and this, there should not be in the pharmacy of tianhetang. I have also lost several of the prescriptions they prescribed. Although they look similar, the effect is complete It's all different. "

Qin Tian smiles. He doesn't blame the patient for being suspicious. It's true that some doctors nowadays are afraid of the patients. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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