Qin Tian looks at them coldly, the tone is icy without a trace of emotion!

Since ancient times, there are not a few hospitals that have been smashed. Most of them are due to doctors' misdiagnosis and delay of patients. The family members can't help but smash the hospitals' anger. It's no fault to others, only to blame themselves for their poor academic skills, and they deserve to be smashed.

However, Qin Tian asked himself that he had never misdiagnosed anyone since the establishment of the hospital. Then these people smashed their own hospital, that is, there is a possibility - to find trouble!

Sure enough, the leader chewed gum in his mouth and shook it step by step for a long time before he reached Qin Tian's body. He was staring at Qin Tian with his head tilted, and he looked at him like a little gangster.

"Are you Qin Tian?" The leader stood in front of Qin Tian with a very lazy tone.

"I am!" Qin Tian has a serious voice.

"That's the right person. It's your store that's smashed!" With that, the leader pinched the chewing gum in his hand and pressed it on Qin Tian's long shirt, "remember, it's me, Zhou Jianlin, who smashed your hospital today."

With that, Zhou Jianlin raised his hand and pressed the chewing gum on Qin Tian's long shirt twice, and then firmly stuck it on it. He covered the top three words of jishengtang!

This is a naked insult to a hospital!

"I repeat, you'd better give me a reason, or none of you will want to leave!" Qin Tian's face became more and more black, as if the next second can't help but start to these people!

Zhou Jianlin pauses for a moment. It seems that he didn't expect the little doctor in front of him to be so kind. He dare to ask for reasons in the face of such a battle!

Then he laughed and turned back to look at Qin Tian again, "the reason is, then I tell you, this is the reason!"

With that, Zhou Jianlin raised his fist and swayed wildly in front of Qin Tian!

Qin Tian looked at him and said, "you mean, whoever has a big fist has a reason, right?"

"Yes Zhou Jianlin sneered, "Lao Tzu's fist is bigger than you, that is, it smashed your shop. What can you do!? If you dare to talk nonsense with me, I will smash you

For a while, the whole clinic became silent. The patients who came to see the doctor were beaten, and they could only hide behind and dare not speak at all!

Because they know that Zhou Jianlin is really telling the truth.

At this time, an old man of some years quietly approached Qin Tian and said in a low voice: "doctor Qin, please bear with me. Don't fight with them any more. It's not clear that you have just opened the medical school here. They are the people of Tianfeng martial arts school. They are tyrants in this generation all the year round. They are local tyrants. We ordinary people can't afford it!"

Qin Tian looked at the old man and said, "tyrant of earth!? Don't the police care! "

Seeing that Qin Tian's tone was a little high, the old man quickly asked him to stop his voice, "doctor Qin, keep your voice down... How could the Police ignore it? But as soon as the police left, they came again, more ruthless than before the police came. Over time, no one dared to call the police..."

after listening, Qin Tian frowned even more fiercely. What he didn't expect was that a martial arts school had done a lot of bad things What to do!

After listening to the complacent sneer, "how about, do you still want a reason from me?"

"Of course! I still say that, no one can leave without giving me a reason

Qin Tian's voice is loud. The old man who came to persuade Qin Tian just now gave a helpless sigh. He said that the doctor Qin was still a dead hearted man. He quickly hid away and did not dare to interfere with Qin Tian's affairs.

Zhou Jianlin's face sank as soon as he heard it. "I think you're looking for death!"

In an instant, the temperature of the whole medical school fell down, and the martial arts masters of 20 or 30 martial arts schools were angry, and the murderous spirit was like a mountain pressing on Qin Tian!

"You're right. I'm looking for death! You try to kill me! " Qin Tian showed no weakness. When he stepped forward, his murderous spirit bloomed without hesitation, just like a sea of corpses and blood, and spread to all the martial arts school!


Murderous gas collision, let the people around one after another take a breath of air conditioning, even do not dare to move!

"It's over, doctor Qin is going to suffer!"

"Well, a good doctor, how can you be so twisted?"

"If you listen to people's advice and have a good meal, doctor Qin will not listen to the old man's words. He will suffer a lot this time."

People around him murmured in a low voice, which was not worth it for Qin Tian.

Zhou Jianlin saw that Qin Tian was not afraid of himself, and suddenly his face turned red!

I've been in this area for so many years. With my kung fu and the support of my master, who dares to talk to me like this!?

Thinking of this, Zhou Jianlin hummed, took a big stride and rushed to Qin Tian. His huge fist suddenly smashed at Qin Tian!

For a moment, everyone closed their eyes for fear of seeing the next bloody scene!


A muffled sound came, only to see a figure flying backwards, spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, has been knocked down several chairs, just can stop in the corner!At this time, someone with the courage to open his eyes, to see the scene in front of them, but can't believe the big eyes!

It is Zhou Jianlin who has always been a bully! Qin Tian is standing in the same place as a man who has nothing to do. If it wasn't for the high hand, I'm afraid no one would believe that it was him who just beat Zhou Jianlin!

All people can't believe to look at Qin Tian, and even some people are still rubbing their eyes, for fear that what they see is illusion.

The martial arts masters in the martial arts school couldn't believe it when they saw this scene. The elder martial brother, whom the martial brothers adored most, actually flew back with a fist and vomited blood!

You know, Zhou Jianlin is a master who can fight ten. Even the elder brothers who claim to chop down countless people on the road should give some face to the existence!


Zhou Jianlin spat out a mouthful of blood again, a pair of eyes looking at Qin Tian, full of anger!

"Give me... Kill him!"

Zhou Jianlin roared, the twenty or thirty young martial arts masters burst out a strong momentum, suddenly toward Qin Tian in the past!

Qin Tian, with a cold face, hummed. For these people, he had no pity!

If he just smashed his own hospital, Qin Tian would not be so angry. He didn't expect that they would be so tyrannical that people dare not speak out!

Today, Qin Tian can't let them go!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian suddenly moved, a fist hit the face of the first person, immediately blood splashed, fell on his back on the ground, carefully looked at the past, actually was Qin Tian smashed the bridge of his nose!

Almost without hesitation, Qin Tian's body flash, like lightning general rushed into the crowd!

"Grass, die for me!"

The head of Qin is raised and the sky is roaring!

Qin Tian sneered and kicked at the other side with the same move!


The two legs hit each other!

However, in the next second, just listen to a click, a bone fracture sound came, the martial arts master then howled lying on the ground, actually was kicked by Qin Tian broke his leg!

At this time, a strong man with a height of more than 1.9 meters saw this and was very angry. He lifted the table beside him and threw it at Qin Tian!

Qin Tian sneered, a burst of powerful force burst out of his legs instantly. Qin Tian bounced up high and jumped towards the strong man!

In the middle of the air, Qin Tian twisted his waist and turned his body. With his right leg full of strength, he suddenly kicked it out. With a bang, the table that was thrown out was kicked in half by Qin Tian!

"Die for me!"

Seeing Qin Tian kick the table, the strong man shrinks his pupils and smashes him into the air!

When people are in the middle of the air is the worst time to dodge, the strong man's face has already shown a ferocious smile. If this blow is hit, Qin Tian will certainly be hit by him and spit blood!

But when everyone thought that Qin Tian would be defeated, Qin Tian's body twisted again. He actually grasped the strong man's arm and threw him out with the help of the force of falling in the air!


With a loud noise, the strong man was thrown on the opposite wall by Qin Tian and fell on the ground with his head in his head. He was already unconscious!

Qin Tian fell on the ground, and for a time it was like the God of war!

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