The rest of the people have already looked silly. They are from the martial arts school. They have already seen people with martial arts skills for a long time. However, it is the first time to see someone like Qin Tian beating people like juggling!

I'm afraid that even if their master comes, they may not be able to do them just now!

Who is this young doctor who opens the hospital!?

Not only the people in the martial arts school are confused, but also the patients who are afraid of causing trouble are also ignorant!

How could they have thought that this young man, who was "not afraid of death," "a little bit twisted," "not listening to the old man's words," would have such a skill!

"Doctor Qin is so good!"

"No wonder they are not afraid of them. Doctor Qin is really good!"

"If only our grandson could have such a skill!"

For a while, many people secretly compared their children with Qin Tian, and Qin Tian immediately became the legendary "child of others.".

Zhou Jianlin saw this scene, and his teeth were itching, "copy the guy! Give it to me! Kill this forced breed

At this time, Zhou Jianlin got up and felt a pair of metal fists and fingers from his back waist and put them on the joints. Those martial arts masters around him also took out knives and iron sticks and approached Qin Tian fiercely.

Qin Tian frowned and looked at Zhou Jianlin's fist and finger. He had seen it from the Internet before. Ordinary people wear it at most because it hurts a little. But people with Kung Fu use it more than steel sticks. A fist can break bones, and even internal organs can be broken in heavy cases!

"Boy, don't think you can pretend to be good at Kung Fu. Today, I'll teach you what it means to be someone out of the world. If you don't beat your shit out today, even if I can't practice your Kung Fu properly!"

With that, Zhou Jianlin waved his hand, and the rest of the martial arts masters rushed to Qin Tian one after another, and he himself rushed to Qin Tian!

Qin Tian thought that the two hands just revealed were enough to frighten them, but he didn't expect that the group of damned ghosts would become more and more fierce, even the guys had copied them!

Angry Qin Tian grabbed the needle bag on the table, pulled out dozens of silver needles from it, and rushed into the crowd with a whoosh!

"Kill him for me!"

Zhou Jianlin is ferocious and ferocious!

Qin Tian's face is as deep as water, shuttling in the crowd, as graceful as ghosts!





there are dozens of unseen breaking wind, and Qin Tian has thrown all the silver needles out of his hands!

At this time, a martial arts master with a sharp blade stood in front of Qin Tian, raised his machete in his hand, and saw that he was about to fall on Qin Tian's head!

However, in the next second, his body seemed to be countered in general, no matter how hard he tried, the high arm could not fall down!

"What's going on here!? I can't move my arm! " The martial arts master was like a ghost, and his face was full of fear!

"I can't move..."

"my leg... I can't feel my leg..." a martial arts master couldn't bear the pressure and cried out.

"Qin's ability to speak has been blocked for a few days!

For a time, dozens of people in the hospital have put on a strange posture, standing in the same place and sending out a cry of panic!

When Zhou Jianlin saw this scene, his eyebrows twisted, "playing tricks!"

With that, he rushed to Qin Tian with his fist and finger!

Qin Tian looks at him calmly, the body a flash, then dodges his fist!

"It seems that you have great confidence in your fist." Qin Tian said calmly while hiding.

With a ferocious smile, Zhou Jianlin saw that Qin Tian had no strength to fight back under his own attack, and his confidence was greatly increased.

"If you don't want to get down on the ground, you'll be dead."

With that, a fist slammed into Qin Tian's heart. If this blow is hit, it can absolutely stop Qin Tian's heart beat!


With a slight sound, Qin Tian grasped Zhou Jianlin's fist and squeezed the pig iron fist on it!

"Let me kneel, you are not qualified!"

With that, Qin Tian looked up at Zhou Jianlin, and his eyes burst out. He sent out an incomparable sense of killing!

Zhou Jianlin was shocked by Qin Tian's glance, but when he was ready to make a sarcastic remark on Qin Tian, he only heard a click, and the finger of the raw iron fist that Qin Tian seized broke and fell to the ground!

Qin Tian, actually pinched his fist finger!

"You... You are the devil..." Zhou Jianlin looked at Qin Tian with fear. At this moment, he finally knew how big the gap between himself and Qin Tian was!"You are right

As soon as the words fell, Qin Tian suddenly grasped Zhou Jianlin's fist, only to hear a click. The bones of Zhou Jianlin's hand were crushed by Qin Tian!


A scream came out of Zhou Jianlin's mouth, and the people around him burst out in a cold sweat!

What a cruel means!

Just then, in a car on the street outside of jishengtang, Meng Renxin was smoking with his valet. Suddenly, he heard a scream from the hospital. He was excited and excited!

"It must have been Jianlin! Qin Tian deserves to be repaired so badly The little Valet laughed and flattered Meng Renxin.

"Go, it's time for us to show up!" Meng Renxin grinned triumphantly, pushed open the door and got out!

All the way, Meng Renxin felt very happy when he saw jishengtang's damaged face and the patients lying on the ground!

With great strides, Meng Renxin came into jishengtang!

"Qin Tian, now kneel down and kowtow to apologize and compensate me for 500000 yuan. I'll let bygones be bygones for today's affairs..."

before Meng Xinran finished his words, the scene in front of him shocked him to say no more than half a word!

All the martial arts masters in the hall are standing on one side strangely, while Zhou Jianlin is kneeling in front of Qin Tian. One hand has become soft and boneless, especially the beads of sweat on his face, which is the size of soybeans, is the embodiment of his pain at the moment!

The scream just now... Is not from Qin Tian!

For a moment, Meng Renxin was sweating and turned to leave jishengtang!

"One more step forward, and I'll break your leg!"

A faint voice came from behind. Meng Xinran's legs did not dare to move forward any more!

"You, what do you want?"

Meng Renxin looks back at Qin Tian cautiously, for fear that Qin Tian will deal with himself as he did with Zhou Jianlin.

"What do I want!? I'm supposed to ask you this sentence! "

Qin Tian said coldly, he should have guessed that these people were Meng Renxin!

"You, you slander my grandfather, I'm going to get justice!"

Meng Renxin sticks his neck and looks like "I am the Party of justice". He doesn't pay attention to the IQ of all the people present.

Qin Tian looked at the unrepentant Meng Renxin and sneered, "that's good, then let your grandfather come and discuss with me personally!"

With that, Qin Tian suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Meng Renxin's shoulder. With a click, Meng Renxin's two arms fell on both sides!

"Ah Meng Renxin screamed with pain, followed by a full face of fear, "you, what have you done to me?"

Qin Tian looked at the ignorant Meng Renxin and sarcastically said, "you don't even know dislocations. You dare to say that you know medicine!"

Qin Tian used a special method to deal with Meng Renxin's dislocation. Apart from him, no one in the whole Songshan mountain could take it, including Zhou Jianlin's hand. Unless he took the treatment, they would be ready for this all their life!

Meng Renxin was choked by Qin Tian's words and couldn't spit out half a word. It's not right to stand there and stay!

Qin Tian didn't care about him, turned his face and looked at the small Valet, "call Meng Tianhe, come and pick up his grandson!"

The small attendant is scared by Qin Tian to be silly, the hand that takes out mobile phone is shivering, very difficult just dialed Meng Tianhe's number.

"Teacher... Master, no good, brother Renxin has been detained. Come here quickly..." the little attendant trembled, and his eyes were full of fear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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