Qin Tian didn't take care of these odds and ends any more. Instead, he helped all the patients who had been injured by them and checked their bodies. There were several people with some serious injuries. Qin Tian also gave them emergency treatment.

After more than half an hour, a black car slowly stopped at the door.

"Doctor Qin, it's too much to keep my grandson here!"

A voice came from the car. Qin Tian looked up and saw a 70 year old man slowly coming out of the car. His expression was extremely unhappy!

Needless to say, Qin Tian also knows that this is the sitting doctor of Tianhe hall, Meng Tianhe!

When Meng Renxin saw his grandfather coming, he had enough confidence in his heart. He took two steps to go to Meng Tianhe: "grandfather, you can get justice for me! He slandered our tianhetang for being misdiagnosed. I came to him for a theory. He not only didn't admit his mistake, but also beat me. You see, he even took off my arm...


Meng Renxin's words did not finish, only listen to a crisp sound, Meng Tianhe actually raised his hand and gave him a big mouth!

"Grandfather, you..." Meng Renxin was slapped by the old man.

What's the situation!? I'm the only man in my grandfather's family, but my grandfather has never been willing to fight himself!

"Worthless things!" Meng Tian gently poked his crutch on the ground for a few times, making a thumping sound. "I'll name you Renxin. I hope you'll have a good hand and benevolence, and hang a pot to help the world. But you can see what you've done!"

Meng Tian and angry duty of their own grandson, an old face angry red!

Meng Renxin behind his back to do those things in the back, he also heard, but in the point that he has never caused any big trouble, he also let Meng Renxin act recklessly.

But I didn't expect that Meng Renxin did such a stupid thing today. He didn't take advantage of it. On the contrary, he left a handle on others. Finally, he even asked an old man in his seventies to wipe his buttocks. How can Meng Tianhe not be angry!?

He lost all his old faces!

Qin Tian listened to Meng Tianhe's words and frowned slightly.

Meng Tianhe's words clearly are to educate his grandson, but actually they are said to the people present. Meng Tianhe doesn't know that his grandson has done such a shameless thing!

Even the slap on Meng Renxin's face will bring him the reputation of teaching sun in the hall!

Kill two birds with one stone!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian sneered, "Mr. Meng, it's not a loss if you slap me!"

Meng Tianhe frowned slightly when he heard Qin Tian's words. He turned around slowly and pretended that he didn't understand Qin Tian's sarcasm. "Doctor Qin, you don't have to run against me in this way. I've lived for more than 70 years. I've seen all kinds of people and heard all kinds of words. It's not right for my grandson to make trouble here today. Now I've taught you a lesson and should pay for it I will find someone to settle the loss for you

"What Mr. Meng said is simple. Is jishengtang a place where I can be easily smashed if I am just a simple loss of money?" Qin Tian snorted and his tone became colder and colder.

Qin Tian disdains to see Meng Tian and one eye, money!? Qin Tian has three billion savings. Even if you buy the whole Tianhe hall, it will cost less than 12 / 10!

"What do you want?"

Meng Tianhe is an old fox. Qin Tian's look naturally can't escape his eyes, but he doesn't understand. At Qin Tian's age, how can he not care about money!?

Is he a second generation!?

For a moment, Meng Tianhe frowned.

"Not what I want, but what you should be!" Qin Tian's voice is loud and firm!

Meng Tianhe narrowed his eyes and whispered to the black suit beside him: "go and check the origin of this boy!"

"Yes, Mr. Meng!" The black suit nodded gently, turned around and took out the mobile phone and walked to the distance.

Meng Tian and his heart sneered, and in the twinkling of an eye he looked at Qin Tian, "then tell me what I should do!"

Qin Tian looks at the far away man in black hums. With Qin Tian's ear power, how can he not hear what Meng Tianhe said to him just now!?

But, Qin Tian doesn't care, went to check again how!? He Meng Tianhe is not the first person to check his identity!

Then Qin Tian looked at Meng Tianhe and said rudely: "tianhetang openly admitted that he had been misdiagnosed, and apologized to jishengtang. Today's incident has been uncovered. I Qin Tian is not responsible for the past..."

"what if I don't?" Meng Tianhe's voice gradually sank.

Although he has a martial arts school, he has one! Don't say it's a Qin Tian, even if it's the underground forces on Songshan, he is not afraid at all!

"No!" Qin Tian sneered, "look at your grandson's arm first. If you can take care of his arm, I'll expose the matter today."

Meng Tian and a listen, immediately scornful sneer, he practice medicine for decades, difficult not even a dislocation can not be cured!?Qin Tian, after all, is a arrogant young man!

Thinking of this, Meng Tianhe beckoned to let Meng Renxin come to his side.

Meng Renxin looked at Qin Tian with a sneer, "boy, this time you are a failure. Our Meng family's ancestral skill of beating and bone setting is just a dislocation. I also want to embarrass my grandfather. Don't dream!"

"I don't know the sky and the earth!"

"It's just that you think you'll take off your shoulder!"

"There's a day out there, there's someone out there. Look at Mr. Meng beating him hard in the face!"

As soon as Meng Renxin's words came out, a group of Meng family members also sneered.

Qin Tian looked at them with a faint smile. He picked up a fallen chair and sat on it. He did not care what they said. He looked at Meng Tian and Jiegu indifferently.

Meng Tian and confidently touched Meng Renxin's shoulder, and with a slight smile, his hands suddenly forced, and his arm was loaded towards his shoulder!


A bone friction sound, Meng Renxin's arm will return to the shoulder!

"What's up, Qin, you're going to pretend to be a force!? Isn't this just put it back in? " Meng Renxin felt that his arm was back in his control again. He pointed to Qin Tian and laughed wildly.

"Oh!? Then try to move it! " Qin Tian gave a faint smile.

"Forehead..." Meng Renxin hears the speech, the voice that laughs suddenly took back.

Is it hard to do it? What else does this kid have to do!?

Thinking of this, Meng Renxin looked at his grandfather and slowly raised his arm after getting Meng Tianhe's permission.


However, the arm has just been raised less than 10 cm, then again a light ring, from the shoulder slide down!

"This... How could this be possible?"

"Dropped again!?

"Mr. Meng didn't pick it up?"

"No, it can't be! It must be that Mr. Meng was careless when he picked it up just now. It's just the so-called that people miss and horses miss. Mr. Meng will be able to pick it up if he tries again! "

For a moment, all the people present were dumbfounded!


Meng Renxin lowered his voice and called out, but he saw that Meng Tian and his face were full of dignity!

The technique of removing bone is too strange. Not only the bone is removed, but also the bone ring becomes loose. Even if it is connected, it will fall down because of slight force!

For a while, Meng Tianhe dare not move Meng Renxin's arm again and again. If he falls off repeatedly, even if the immortal comes, he can't pick it up!

At this time, the black suit hung up the phone and walked slowly from the distance.

"Mr. Meng, this boy is a door-to-door son-in-law, and he was still working as a security guard last month..." when the black suit said this, his tone was full of disdain!

Meng Tian and a listen, immediately eyebrow a pick!

Such a person, unexpectedly changed, became a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine!?

Meng Tian and the bottom of his heart sneered and walked forward a few steps. He clubbed his crutches in front of him and held his head high and said to Qin Tian, "since you are so confident in your own medical skills, how about a bet between you and me?"

"How to bet?" Qin Tian said lightly.

"Try medical skills. If you lose, you should connect the bones to my grandson and those younger generations, and apologize to my Tianhe hall. Today's incident has also been revealed."

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