After drinking a few cups of wine, Ding Jianguo came to Qin Tian's side.

"Brother Qin, do you have time tomorrow? Please show my father-in-law his condition. "

After three rounds of drinking, Ding Jianguo and Qin Tian became eager to call each other. Qin Tian had to admire these people's social skills. Leng was to call himself a brother at the age of 40!

I've been talking about my father-in-law for a long time. I'm my father-in-law.

"What's wrong with the old man?" Qin Tian asked.

"It's easy to say. The old man's skin itches, and it only lasts for an hour or two at a time. But for one or two hours, someone has to hold him down to ensure that he won't scratch himself. When he itches, he would like to put his hand into his meat!" Ding Jianguo has a dignified face. He has lived for more than 40 years, and has never seen anyone catch himself like that.

"Haven't you seen a doctor before?"

"Yes, why not? I have seen dozens of experts at home and abroad, but they have no effect. The old man's temper is getting hotter day by day."

Ding Jianguo sighed, which is why he came to have dinner with Secretary Wang today. It was after listening to him that there was a miracle doctor who came back from the dead to save Zheng Shu. He wrote about his father's life, so he wanted Secretary Wang to introduce him.

"Let's see the old man's body tomorrow." Qin Tian frowned and didn't see the patient. He didn't dare to make a final decision.

"Brother Qin, I would like to congratulate you in advance. You are going to be prosperous this time!" At this time, Wang Jianping quickly filled Qin Tian with wine, and his tone could not hide his excitement. "Do you know who the father-in-law of Ding Ju is? Li Yanzheng, the master of the Li family! He has offered a reward of five million for this disease

Li Yanzheng?

Qin Tian slowly took a breath, this is the city of Songshan business man, it is said that half of the Songshan real estate is his!

Ding Jianguo saw Qin Tian's reaction, nodded and smiling, "as long as my father-in-law is cured, money is not a problem."

Five million, anyone will be moved by it!

Near the end of the show, Qin Tian and Wang Jianping mentioned the matter of next week's celebration. Without saying a word, Wang Jianping took Qin Tian to the box of Zhou Qing and called out to Zhou Qing: "in the face of Qin, I'll give you a chance to report to me tomorrow!"

"Yes, yes, thank Secretary Wang, Secretary Wang!"

Zhou Qing was overjoyed to know that Secretary Wang wanted to promote himself. After sending Wang Jianping out of the hotel, he saw Li Cheng and Wang Qin off in person. The second aunt and his family changed their faces. They praised Qin Tian's ability and said that Li Cheng and his wife had found a good son-in-law!

Wang Qin, who had always looked down on Qin Tian, was greatly satisfied with his vanity. He never thought that he, a worthless son-in-law, could make himself so proud.

On the way back, Wang Qin asked Qin Tian, "Qin Tian, how do you know Secretary Wang?"?! Why don't you tell your family! "

"Last time I was in dad's Hospital, I helped Zheng Shu Ji a little bit. Now I met Secretary Wang. At that time, my father was also there. People were polite to me because of the face of the book." Qin Tian said things with great ease.

"Oh, so..." Wang Qin took a look at her husband. Seeing that Li Cheng didn't speak, she believed Qin Tian's statement.

Originally thought that his son-in-law can climb up the relationship to develop, but did not expect that it is a face relationship, for a time, Wang Qin can not help but be a little disappointed.

When she got home, it was already more than ten o'clock. Li Xinran sat on the window of her bedroom after taking a bath, bared a pair of small feet, and her silk pajamas were very moving in the evening wind.

"Be careful, don't catch a cold."

Qin Tian gave himself the needle, went to Li Xinran next to him, gently lifted Li Xinran's Yuzu, and carefully wiped the residual water drops on it with a towel.

"Husband, you are so good ~" Li Xinran called Qin Tian with a delicate and greasy voice, and her little feet lingered back and forth on Qin Tian.

"Yes?" All of a sudden, Li Xinran looked at Qin Tian in surprise, "husband..."

in the past, he often used his feet to rub against Qin Tian, even without any reaction, but today...

Qin Tian can no longer suppress the famine force in his body, and presses Li Xinran on the floating window!

"Wife, do you believe in being a wolf?"

The moon shines on two people through the window, and Li Xinran looks more and more gorgeous and moving!

"Really? That... That you quickly change body ah... "Voice a fall, already emotional Li Xin Ran suddenly seized Qin Tian, pulled him to press in his body.

Li Xinran's face suddenly changed, as if thinking of something. He looked at Qin Tian awkwardly and said in a low voice, "Qin Tian, it's not right. I... I seem to be here..."

"ah?" Qin Tian widened his eyes and was unwilling to accept the reality, "which one?"

"It's just... It's the big aunt..."

the more Li Xinran said, the lower his voice was, the more ugly Qin Tian's face became.

"Husband, don't do this..." Li Xinran said in a soft voice.

Qin Tian cried his heart out. He blamed the promising son-in-law of the second aunt's house. If he hadn't delayed his invitation, he would have done it today!For a time, Qin Tian put all the responsibility on Zhou Qing.

Li Xinran looked at Qin Tian, who was deeply disappointed. Naturally, he knew what he was thinking. He bit his teeth and gently brushed Qin Tian's chest, "honey, don't do this. There are opportunities in the future, and not all of them can't be used...

in the future, he said , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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