The next morning, before dawn, qintian began to prepare breakfast.

At about seven o'clock, Li Xinran came out of the room rubbing her sore cheek. Looking at Qin Tian with a silly smile on her face, she was very happy.

Originally, I thought that my life had passed, but I didn't expect Qin Tian to have such a big change in just a few days. She was both excited and surprised!

This guy, I really don't know what it will be like if he is treated again...

last night, Li Xinran took half an hour to get Qin Tianming to withdraw his troops!

After breakfast in the frolic, Li Xinran drives to work, and Ding Jianguo also meets Qin Tian according to the agreement.

The car drove slowly for more than half an hour. Finally, after passing through a dense forest, we came to a group of top villas. All the people living here are famous people in Songshan city!

Soon, a villa with a huge area appeared in front of Qin Tian. There were swimming pools and grasslands, surrounded by green mountains and waters, just like a fairyland on earth.

As soon as Qin Tian and Ding Jianguo entered the door, they saw an old man in a golf uniform standing on the grass with a pair of gold-plated clubs shining in the sun.

The bodyguard in the black suit whispered at the old man's side. The old man turned to look at the door, nodded slightly, and then walked towards the two people.

Qin Tianyi Zheng, this is the real estate tycoon in Songshan City, Li Yanzheng?

"Jianguo is coming? This is the doctor you brought, doctor Qin tianqin? " With that, Li Yanzheng held out his hand to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian quickly reached out his hand and shook his hand. Unexpectedly, Li Yanzheng was so approachable!

After sitting down, Qin Tian can't help but look at him and find that he is very young, but he doesn't look much older than Ding Jianguo!

It is not easy for people in their sixties to maintain their mental state in their forties!

"Dad, doctor Qin is very skillful. I came here today to see you specially. I told him the symptoms on the way. If the problem is not serious, I can help you stop the itching today! I will be able to play a few strokes with you then Ding Jianguo said.

"Dad's disease, you actually find a nameless wild boy to treat, Ding Jianguo, you are more and more take my father seriously!"

At this time, not far behind came a harsh voice. A woman in a purple cheongsam was walking towards her. She also brought a young man behind her. She looked like Qin Tian's age. She was carrying a brown medicine box with three big gold lettering on it: huishengtang!

Ding Jianguo's face changed, but he was still quite decent. He always asked, "Er Mei, I'm looking for a doctor to see my father. Is that right?"

"Yes?" The cheongsam woman sneered, "find a wild doctor to treat dad. If something goes wrong, can you take the responsibility? You have the face to tell me, right? "

"Yuhe, you don't want to see me. No matter what I say, I have nothing to say. But I invited the doctor Qin to see my father. Please pay attention to your words!" Ding Jianguo's face has sunk completely.

Li Yuhe, his sister-in-law, thinks about how to compete with Ding Jianguo and his wife for favors in front of him every day. He has never stopped for more than ten years. There was nothing important in the past. Ding Jianguo is too lazy to argue with her. But today, Qin Tian is a distinguished guest invited by himself. She is a doctor for him. How can she humiliate him?!

"See a doctor? Then there is no need to trouble. Since he is a doctor, I must have heard of the name of our Huisheng hall. If I am here today, the "doctor Qin" can come back! "

At this time, the young man who followed Li Yuhe took a cold look at Qin Tian, and his voice was cold!

"Reincarnation hall?" Ding Jianguo was stunned. He had heard the name of this hospital. It was famous in Songshan and even in the whole country. It was once called the backbone of Chinese medicine!

Qin Tian naturally heard of this name.

"Dare to ask, but the reincarnation hall handed down by Mr. Lu?" Qin Tian's hands arched, this name is worthy of his respect.

"Not bad!" The young man's voice is high and cold. As the first successor of the younger generation of huishengtang, he has this qualification!

"Good to meet you! In the next Qin Tian! " Qin Tian was a little happy. He didn't expect to meet a real master of Chinese medicine here! Then she reached out and wanted to shake him.

"Lu Qianmo!"

Lu Qianmo just took a cold look at Qin Tian's hand, without the slightest intention of shaking hands. Qin Tian had to take it back in embarrassment.

"Can you take your doctor with you now?" Li Yuhe has a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth. With the master of Huisheng hall, other people are not qualified to go to the clinic!

"Housekeeper, go and take 50000 yuan for the doctor Qin's hard work... Etc. since he is the" miracle doctor "invited by his brother-in-law, take 100000 yuan!" Li Yuhe went back to the housekeeper and told him that although he was a miracle doctor, his sarcasm was not concealed at all!

"Yuhe, I don't think we need to make a conclusion? Can you guarantee that the people you invited will cure dad's disease? " Ding Jianguo sneered.In fact, he was selfish. Even though he didn't mean to be greedy for the Li family's property, he also hoped to cure the old father-in-law with Qin Tian's hand, so that he could shine in front of his father-in-law's family!

"It's unnecessary to leave as soon as possible. I've already known about Mr. Li's illness. I'll treat him, and I'm sure I can." Lu Qianmo is extremely proud.

"Young man, it's better to leave a good way for yourself when you talk, and be careful of your face!" Ding Jianguo's face was as heavy as water, and his tone became much colder.

"Face beating? The people of the Lu family have never known what it means to beat one's face! " Lu Qianmo snorted coldly and glanced at Qin Tian from the corner of his eye. "Since you don't want to go, you can just open your eyes and have a little harvest."

Qin Tian smiles bitterly and shakes his head. For thousands of years of traditional Chinese medicine, the first thing to pay attention to is benevolence. However, he did not expect that the first time he contacted people in huishengtang, he met such a person whose eyes were higher than the top.

"You are Lu Qianmo, the grandson of old doctor Lu?"

At this time, Li Yan, who was silent for a long time, opened his mouth.

"Hello, Mr. Li. I'm Lu Qianmo from Huisheng hall. My grandfather has told me all your symptoms and told me to come and see you."

Lu Qian Mo laughs to answer, the look between already had no before arrogance.

"Yes." Li Yan just nodded, then turned to look at Qin Tian, "doctor Qin, I made an appointment with Dr. Lu of Huisheng Hall three days ago. It can be said that we have made an appointment, so we have to aggrieve you and let you wait for a while."

"Old Li, don't worry. Qin Tian is not a narrow-minded person. It's his duty to come first and then. Let him see it first."

For a while, Qin Tian began to admire Li Yanzheng. In a few words, he turned his embarrassment into nothingness. He is indeed a famous figure in the business world!

"Well, young people are not arrogant and rash, and they will make a difference in the future." Li Yanzheng praised Qin Tian and turned to command people to enter the villa.

When the housekeeper made tea for everyone, Lu Qianmo was very puzzled and couldn't help but say, "old Li, don't you start to see a doctor?"

"My grandfather's illness is strange. I'm afraid I can't see it now!" At this time, a young man of the same age as Qin Tian walked into the villa and said with a smile, "my grandfather's illness is the same as normal people. Even the hospital equipment can't detect any problems. Only when he is sick can we see the disease!"

Li Zheng is the direct grandson of the Li family. His parents died in a car accident. He grew up with Li Yanzheng. I'm afraid no one knows more about Li Yanzheng's physical condition.

"So strange?" Lu Qianmo has some doubts. He walks to Li Yanzheng without trace and puts his finger on his wrist.

Li Yanzheng did not refuse, but Lu Qianmo's face changed continuously. As Li Zheng said, there was no problem with his pulse. Even in terms of pulse intensity, his body would never lose to any old man who was nearly 70 years old!

"Brother Lu, don't worry. In another hour, old Li's illness will break out." Qin Tian looked at the clock in the middle of the living room and said.

"Oh? Doctor Qin, how do you know that I will get sick in another hour? " Li Yanzheng looks awe inspiring.

"D Bureau told me that your symptoms are itchy skin. In traditional Chinese medicine, most of the itchy skin symptoms are related to blood heat. In another hour, it will be noon. The temperature will rise, the internal fire will rise, and the symptoms of blood heat will become more and more obvious. The onset of the disease should be justified." Qin Tian explained with a smile, but his eyes looked at a bloody jade Guanyin hanging on Li Yanzheng's chest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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