Li Yan was nodding his head to express his approval, but Lu Qianmo, beside him, snorted coldly.

As Qin Tian said, towards noon, Li Yanzheng's face suddenly changed. His eyes were covered with bloodstains. His dry hands began to scratch crazily on his body, as if to grab something from his body!

Lu Qianmo stretched out his hand and tried Li Yanzheng's pulse. Sure enough, the pulse at the moment is quite different from that before, and all the symptoms appear!

"Mr. Li, hold on, and I'll give you the needle at once!"

With this, Lu Qianmo took out a needle bag from the medicine box, spread it on the table, took out several silver needles, and aimed at Li Yanzheng's Xuehai, Geshu and Sanyinjiao acupoints, and suddenly pricked it down. Then, without stopping, he put needles in the surrounding acupoints in turn!

"Soulless needle?" Qin Tian was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Lu Qianmo had mastered this kind of needling at a young age. No wonder he was so arrogant!

Listening to Qin Tian calling out his needling skills, Lu Qianmo was also a little surprised. He glanced at Qin Tian and said in a cold voice, "yes, you have some insight."

Lu Qianmo's needling technique reduced Li Yanzheng's pain.

"Hehe, huishengtang really deserves its reputation. It's not something that can be compared by some people who have earned it!"

Seeing his father's face tending to calm down, Li Yuhe hastened to say the last sentence, trying to trample Qin Tian and Ding Jianguo to death.

"That's nature!" Lu Qianmo wiped the sweat on his forehead and laughed.

However, Lu Qianmo's voice did not fall, Li Yanzheng, who looked relaxed, was suddenly shocked!

"Ah! "Itching, itching..." Li Yanzheng was clinging to the flesh he could grasp with his fingers. His nails were almost embedded in the meat, and blood stains appeared on the skin instantly. Obviously, the condition was more serious than before treatment!

For a moment, all the people in the room were flustered and pressed Li Yanzheng one after another!

"Impossible..." Lu Qianmo did not wait for everyone to hold down Li Yanzheng, and went to feel the pulse again.

But the next second, Lu Qianmo's face turned pale!

Li Yanzheng's pulse, actually became extremely weak, an original strong pulse, after his own acupuncture, turned into the appearance of dying!

For a while, Lu Qianmo was in a panic and didn't know what to do.

"Brother Qin, don't look, let's go!" Ding Jianguo pressed Li Yanzheng and turned his head.

Without saying a word, Qin Tian pulled out all the silver needles on Li Lao, and then took nine needles out of Lu Qianmo's needle bag to block Li Yanzheng's acupoints!

"Nine nine nine return soul needle?" Lu Qianmo is surprised to grow up his mouth!

"Yes, a little insight!" Qin Tian threw the original words back to Lu Qianmo.

After a few stitches, Li Yanzheng, who fell into madness, gradually calmed down and looked at Qin Tian with caution.

Ding Jianguo didn't dare to relax this time. He was still standing next to Li Yanzheng for fear of what had happened just now. However, after a long time, he did not see anything wrong with his father-in-law. He was relieved.

"Brother Qin, my father-in-law's disease has been stopped or cured?"

"Stop it."

"So... Can that be cured?" Without waiting for Ding Jianguo to speak, Li Zheng, the grandson of Li Yanzheng, anxiously inquires.

Lu Qianmo's face is embarrassed. The attitude of the people is very clear. He has lost the trust of the Li family.

"Yes, but I'm afraid you won't believe me." Qin Tian laughed and again put his eyes on the blood jade Avalokitesvara in front of Li Yanzheng's chest. "The cause of old Li may be related to this jade."

"Jade?" People looked at each other, puzzled.

"Mr. Li, can you show me this Guanyin?"

Li Yanzheng did not hesitate to let Li Zheng pass the jade to Qin Tian.

"Good thing, if I'm not mistaken, this piece of blood jade has a long history, at least before the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and its price is not cheap!" Qin Tian said calmly.

"Yes, doctor Qin has good eyesight!" Li Yanzheng couldn't help praising him. Qin Tian was young and had excellent medical skills. He didn't expect to be so good at antiques. You know, few people can see through the origin of blood jade Guanyin at a glance.

"But... Brother Qin, are you right? What does this jade have to do with my father-in-law's illness?" Ding Jianguo is still puzzled.

Instead of answering Ding Jianguo's question, Qin Tian looked at Li Yanzheng and said, "Li Lao, where did this jade come from? How long have you had it? "

"I bought it from an auction. I always wear it on my body because I like it very much. It has been more than half a year." Li Yanzheng recalls carefully.

"Think about it. How long have you had this symptom?" Qin Tian nodded.

Speaking of this, Li Yanzheng's face became ugly a lot, "it seems that from taking this jade, there has been this disease!"

At their age and status, they would rather believe in the metaphysics than believe in nothing. They are as smart as he is. Naturally, they can understand the meaning of qintian dialect!

"I'll tell you the truth." Qin Tian gently put down the blood jade, his eyes burning, "this jade should be picked off from the dead. Originally, suppressing the evil of ancient tombs is a magic weapon, but the bad thing is that it should not be worn by the living people! Being worn by a living person suppresses Yin Qi in the body, leading to Yin Qi failure and Yang Qi rising, which leads to blood fever and unbearable pain. ""It must be that your fortune has been suppressed in the past six months, isn't it?" Qin Tiandao.

"Yes, in the past six months, my property has been either dead or collapsed. I thought it was the irresponsible people below. Unexpectedly, it was a fixed number." Li Yanzheng shakes his head and smiles bitterly.

"Brother Qin, what you said... Are all feudal superstitions..." Ding Jianguo, as the director of the Public Security Bureau, is an authentic materialist and righteous person. Naturally, he would not believe in such a thing.

"Brother Ding, many things can't be explained by superstition. For thousands of years in China, our ancestors deduced the laws from the principles of heaven and earth and wrote eight trigrams of the book of changes. Can you say that he is completely false?" Qin Tian explained patiently.

Ding Jianguo is speechless. He has been a criminal police officer for many years, and he has seen many strange things. It is not difficult to explain with metaphysics.

"Well... Then smash the jade!" As soon as Li Zheng heard that it was the jade, he wanted to throw it out.

"It's a pity to smash such a good jade!" Qin Tian said with a smile, "I have a way to solve this problem. I can not only cure Li Lao, but also leave this jade."

"Then I'll trouble doctor Qin!" Li Yan is in a hurry to bow his hand. He likes this jade very much. If it is really smashed, it will be heartache for a long time.

"Brother Li Zheng, please ask someone to prepare a good Langhao pen and some cinnabar and gold powder."

"No one else, I'll prepare myself!" Li Zhengsheng was afraid of any basket, so he took people to buy it himself.

When things were ready, Qin Tian picked up the blood jade and said, "look, old Li, are the eyes of Guanyin open or closed?"

Li Yan was attracted by Qin Tian's words. To be honest, he did not pay attention to Guanyin's eyes.

"Closed?" Li Yan is frowning.

"That's right. The light of the Avalokitesvara Buddha shines everywhere. A pair of wise eyes can see the whole world. If the town and the Yin House are pressed, it will be bad for the dead, but if you blind your eyes, you can suppress the Yin Qi of the Yin House and let the dead sleep peacefully."

Qin Tian simply said a few words, then picked up a Langhao pen, using Aura will be cinnabar and gold powder point on the double eyes of Guanyin!

Suddenly, a bright light flashed over the blood jade. The original strange blood jade Guanyin became transparent and ruddy. Especially in Guanyin's eyes, it became extremely bright and opened its eyes!

Li Yanzheng took over Xueyu Guanyin, a cool touch came from above, as if moistening every cell of the body!

"I'll be able to wear it later? Can't be sick? " Li Yanzheng is a bit insecure.

"Mr. Li, you can wear it with ease in the future. But remember, you can't do anything wrong. Now all Bodhisattvas can see clearly!" Qin Tian smiles and jokes.

One side of Lu Qianmo's face was gloomy and unconvinced. He was always proud of his medical skills, but he lost in metaphysics!

"Doctor Qin, please give me your card number. I'll send you five million medical fees. It's thanks to you that my grandfather can recover this time." Li Zheng said with a smile.

"Five million?" Qin Tian scratched his head and laughed, "I'm afraid this price is not suitable..."

as soon as he said this, everyone's face changed!

Five million is not enough. Is it hard for Qin Tian to open his mouth?

Li Yanzheng didn't react too much. He saved half of his life. He should have asked for more money. He said, "doctor Qin, please speak up. As long as the old man can get it, he will never make a bargain."

"This... Brother Qin..."

What Ding Jianguo wants to say, Li Yan is waving his hand to him to stop talking.

At this time, Qin Tianzheng concentrated on breaking his fingers to settle accounts. After a long time, he looked up and said, "that's it. It's more or less this, 800000 yuan!"


As soon as the words were spoken, all the people present were surprised again!

What do you mean? Other people's mouth is to open more, how to you this, money still don't want??

Is Qin Tian really a fool? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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