The people of Tianhe hall, Qin Tian, came out and glared at each other.

"You dare come out!"

"I thought you were going to be a shrinking turtle all your life."

"I'll see how Mr. Meng will deal with you later."

As soon as Qin Tian came out, the small attendants of the Tianhe hall became noisy, just like stepping on Qin Tian's foot, they could enhance their status in the hall.

"Why, would you like to come out and compete with me?" Meng Tian and see Qin Tian come out, dim old eyes actually flashed a ray of light.

He almost can't wait to defeat Qin Tian and rectify the name of tianhetang!

"First of all, I didn't come out to compare with you, because you are not qualified. I just cleaned up the inside and came out to breathe. In addition, I have seen your medical skills in tianhetang. It seems that your previous misdiagnosis is is not an accident, but your real level!"

"What are you talking about?" Meng Tianhe is very angry. He has been practicing medicine for decades and is quite conceited about his medical skills. However, he says that his misdiagnosis is is the real level. How can he not be angry!?

"What do I say?" Qin Tian sneered, "you can't even understand what I say. How can you practice medicine?"

"Before you diagnosed sepsis as stroke, now you diagnosed stomach heat as periodontitis. Do you dare to say that you are not misdiagnosed

"Stomach heat Meng Tianhe sneered, "this woman's tongue coating is heavy and thick, her gums bleed and her breath is quite heavy. This is not periodontitis, what is it!? Stomach heat!? It's ridiculous

"Ridiculous!? What is the principle of your diagnosis? " Qin Tian asked.

"Nature is an intuitive focus! That's what the inspection of traditional Chinese medicine says Meng Tianhe is upright and vigorous. He looks, hears and inquires. The inspection is the most basic diagnostic method.

Qin Tian shook his head and said, "it's the most taboo thing for traditional Chinese medicine to treat head pain and foot pain to cure feet. What you said is so reasonable and forceful. Every disease should be traced back to its source. This is what we Chinese medicine should do!"

Hearing this, the woman immediately stood beside Qin Tian, "doctor, what's wrong with my bad breath?"!? Can you cure me? "

Qin Tian smile, "stomach heat is just a small problem, don't worry too much, easy to treat."

Meng Tianhe saw Qin Tian blowing the atmosphere so much that he sneered and saw the excitement of Qin Tian. He wanted to see how easy it was in his mouth. What kind of cure was it!

"Have you had some dry stools recently, and you like cold drinks?" Qin Tianwen.

"Yes, especially cold." The woman nodded.

"Is your gum bleeding from the beginning of brushing your teeth to bleeding from time to time?"

"Yes, that's right. Even if I don't move it, there will be a smell of blood."

The woman was asked by Qin Tian, a Leng, Qin Tian's trust immediately rose to the highest level.

"This is a typical stomach heat. The heat is concentrated in the stomach and can not be dispersed for a long time. The main treatment is clearing fire and purging heat. I'll give you a prescription to clear the intestines and stomach, and then I'll give you acupuncture. The problem of halitosis will take effect immediately." Qin Tian smiles.

"Really!? Doctor, you're not lying to me, are you!? Give me acupuncture quickly She can't stand the bad breath for a moment!

Seeing this, Qin Tian smiles and doesn't mind. He takes out the needle bag directly and stabs it on the woman's jaw and neck. The needle is fast or slow, deep or shallow, and quickly pulls out the needle!

"Well, take off your mask." Qin Tian stood calmly in front of the women.

Hearing Qin Tian's words, the woman's face was a little nervous, but she still took off her mask and breathed out her breath. She only felt that her breath was fresh and the smell of the smell was really gone!

"No, no smell! I'm really well The woman holds Qin Tian excitedly and says thanks to Qin Tian.

In China, the most important thing is the people who watch the fun. At the moment, the crowd is surrounded by people. When they see that women really don't have bad breath, they start to talk about it one after another.

"The woman's illness is really better!"

"Yes, it stinks just now. I didn't expect that smell would disappear after a few needles. It's really amazing!"

"Hum, he Tang is really shameless that day. He is a doctor who can only misdiagnose at such a high fee!"

"Bang, I'll never go to Tianhe hall again. It's expensive to die of medicine. If you go in, you can't get out without thousands of yuan!"

The people's eyes are bright. It is easy to know who is higher and who is lower in jishengtang and tianhetang. The patients who were queuing up in front of the free clinic of Tianhe hall just now have lined up behind the team of jishengtang.

After all, jishengtang's price is fair, and it's no less than a hundred yuan. Who would like to be treated by a quack!

Qin Tian ignored Meng Tianhe, and directly picked up the pen on the desk and wrote a prescription for the girl. "Go inside and fill the medicine. The medicine here is genuine and honest. The price is half cheaper than that of Tianhe hall. Don't worry about it."

"Doctor, you are really a good man. Don't say that your medicine is cheap. Even if it's more expensive than tianhetang, I'd like to believe you!" While the woman was thanking Qin Tian, the corner of her eye looked at Meng Tianhe, who was sitting next to him. "Tianhetang, go back to study medicine for a few more years, and then come out disgraceful, I bah!""You

Meng Tian and his face turned white with woman's anger, but after all, he had nothing to do. Who let himself lose so thoroughly!

Qin Tian turned around and wanted to return to the hospital, but when he left, he still couldn't help it. He looked back at Meng Tianhe and said, "if I were you, I would not stay in this disgraceful place."

"Doctor Qin, are you going too far?"

Meng Tian stands up and points to Qin Tian from afar. He looks like he wants to eat people!

"Too much!" Qin Tian stopped and walked towards them. "As I said, you are not only poor in medical skills, but also extremely deficient in medical ethics. This is your Mencius' medical ethics."

"Boy, what are you talking about? Be careful we'll sue you for slander!"

"That's right. It's responsible to talk nonsense!"

"If you dare to speak unkind to Mr. Meng again, we will beat you up if we fight hard!"

A group of people pointed to Qin Tian, but no one dared to come forward to Qin Tian, because they all knew that even if Qin Tian gave them a hand, they would not be Qin Tian's opponent.

"A qualified doctor should not only have excellent medical skills, but also have a heart of caring for patients. A doctor will never despise any symptoms of patients!" Qin Tian said, then pointed to Meng Tianhe, "just now that woman is just halitosis, you dislike to become like that, then if the patient is a beggar full of sores!? Are you going to throw him out? "

"Medical ethics is a person's character and represents medical products. You don't even have the most basic medical products. What else do you talk about

"We are traditional Chinese medicine, pay attention to the skillful hand, benevolence, cure the disease and save people, but what about you!? Treating patients as a means of making money, a pair of traditional Chinese medicine is sold at a price that makes patients feel scared. Can you earn such money that you can live up to your conscience? "

"So don't talk to me about medical skills any more, because you are not worthy of it!"

Qin Tian finished with one breath and said it heartily, which attracted the crowd around and cheered all the time!

"Well said, doctor Qin!"

At this time, a familiar voice came in from the outside of the crowd. Qin Tian looked up and saw a white haired, old figure looking at himself silently behind the crowd.

"Old Lu!? Why are you here? "

Qin Tian came to Lu Bingqian and said hello to him.

Qin Tian respects Lu Bingqian not only because of his medical skills, but also because of his medical ethics. The medicine price of huishengtang is extremely low, which can be said to be just to maintain the operation of the hospital. Besides Qin Tian himself, there are still such people. How can Qin Tian not respect him!?

Lu Bingqian looked at Qin Tian and indicated that Qin Tian was not impatient. Then he went to Meng Tianhe.

"Meng Tianhe, I have already advised you not to be headstrong. You usually read more medical books and study hard. But you just don't listen to it. How are you now? You've been beaten to pieces by a young man in his twenties. Your old face is completely lost!"

After Lu Bingqian's words, Qin Tian immediately understood that Lu Bingqian had already known his ability and had given him the same opinion. However, Meng Tianhe was so headstrong that he could not listen to other people's opinions.

"Well, he's a little boy. He's just lucky to cure a stomach heat. Is it worth the old man's downfall?" Meng Tian and Leng hum a sound, extremely unconvinced.

Lu Bingqian laughed. "Even I dare not challenge Dr. Qin. Do you think your medical skills are above me?"


Meng Tian and smell speech, immediately pupil a shrink, even Lu Bingqian are willing to bow down to this young man!? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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