Many people around him knew Lu Bingqian, and after listening to Lu Bingqian's words, they began to talk.

"Doctor Lu of huishengtang claimed to be no match for doctor Qin?"

"Oh, my God, who is this doctor Qin of Jisheng hall?"

"It doesn't matter who is holy. What matters is his age. He's only in his early twenties, and he's so popular with doctor Lu!"

"No, I have to mark this place on the map of my mobile phone. I'll come here to see a doctor when I'm ill."

"Me too! What's more, I've heard that the doctor's office has a special conscience. It can be done for one or two hundred yuan at most! "

For a moment, the uproar of the surrounding crowd's comments spread to Meng Tianhe's ears, just like stabbing him with a needle.

He knows Lu Bingqian and is upright. He can hardly tell lies. If he says that he is not as good as the young man in front of him, he must be inferior to this young man.

However, how could such a young man in his twenties have such a high level of medical skills that it's hard to say that he has a genius!?

"Meng Tianhe, don't you apologize to doctor Qin?"

Lu Bingqian stroked his beard and calmly looked at Meng Tianhe.

Usually I want to clean up Meng Tianhe, but I don't have a chance. Today, with Qin Tian's hand, I must give him a lesson. Let him have a long memory and let him know that being a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is not as simple as he thought!

"Sorry!" Meng Tian and eyes a cold, cold hum a, "even if his medical skill is high and how!? I'm not a vegetarian in tianhetang. I'll apologize to him for my next life

With that, Meng Tian and a shake hands and then turned out of the pavilion, bent into the roadside that black car.

"Oh, the old stone in the pit is smelly and hard The monkey stood behind Qin Tian and scolded angrily. He pointed to the things in the Tianhe hall and said to the veterans behind him, "give them back to him!"

A word fell, a few veterans very understand a bad smile, carrying the table, carrying the chair, in the distance of the pickup truck more than ten meters away from the place hurled out!



A burst of noise, scared the truck driver thought the earthquake, covered his head and got out of the car.

At this time, if you look at the tables and chairs and the awning, although they are installed in the car, they have already been broken into pieces.

When the rest of the people in Tianhe hall saw this scene, they immediately wanted to blame the security guards, but when they saw the ferocious expression of the security guards, they all shrunk their eggs!

You don't look at them when they open their mouths to Qin Tian. They are bullying and bullying Qin Tian, who looks soft and weak. They really want to fight people who are even worse than them and make sure they don't even dare to fart.

Meng Tianhe saw this scene in the black car, and his face gradually became cold. He ordered the driver to drive with a cold hum. The car disappeared at the end of the road in the public's view.

The rest of the small followers look at the situation is not right, immediately SA Ya Zi Ran.

Looking at the car disappearing in the distance, Lu Bingqian sighed, "if it hadn't been for Meng Tianhe, how could Chinese traditional medicine have been reduced to this place..."

"old Lu doesn't need to be angry. If this kind of person doesn't go far away, Chinese traditional medicine will certainly rise!"

When Lu Bingqian heard the speech, his eyes suddenly brightened. "Yes, with young people like you, Chinese traditional medicine is not worried about its rise!"

Qin Tian said with a smile, "Mr. Lu, you are too flattering... Sit inside."

As soon as Qin Tian waved his hand, he asked Lu Bingqian to enter the hospital. The group of veterans behind him waved and evacuated the crowd. Soon, the gate of Jisheng hall was restored to its former appearance.

"Brother Qin Tian!"

A familiar voice came, Qin Tian turned his head and saw that it was Lu Qianmo.

Since the last time Qin Tian gave him the five dragon needling technique, he became very respectful to Qin Tian. He called out one big brother at a time. Don't mention how intimate he is.

Lu Bingqian looked at his grandson with a smile. Seeing that he had such a close relationship with Qin Tian, he was also very happy from the bottom of his heart. He patted him on the shoulder and said to him, "go, sit for your brother Qin. I have something to talk to you about!"

Qin Tian also nodded. After their quarrel just now, more and more patients came to jishengtang. He couldn't walk away. If Lu Qianmo could take care of himself, he couldn't rest assured.


With that, Lu Qianmo happily sat down in the clinic and began to see Qin Tian.

Lu Bingqian and Qin Tian came to the hospital. As soon as they sat down, Lu Bingqian said to Qin Tian, "I'm here on the Commission of Zheng Shu. He can't leave. Let me come to invite you in person."

Qin Tian was stunned when he heard the speech, "please me!"

Qin Tian doesn't know why, although his friendship with Zheng Shu. Ji is not bad, but Zheng Shu. Ji can only rely on himself in medical skills, but why does Lu Bingqian not have to let him come to invite me!?

"Yes, you don't have to be surprised. I'm afraid you really have to do it!"With that, Lu Bingqian told Qin Tian the reason why he came here.

It turns out that just two days ago, a wealthy businessman from Hong Kong came to Songshan city. He said that he would like to invest in Shanghai and the sea area. However, he had an old disease when he was investigating the situation of Songshan. Now he is hiding in a hotel for recuperation.

After learning this news, Zheng Dakang found Lu Bingqian at the first time, hoping that he could go to see a doctor for the rich businessman. However, he could not help but ask Lu Bingqian to go to the hospital for him. Zheng Dakang could only ask Lu Bingqian to go there for him and ask Qin Tian to help him.

Of course, the above is not the most important. The most important thing is that the rich businessman has not yet decided where to invest. Bianjing, the city next door, is also covetous. Even as far away as the city is concerned, the mayor brings his doctor to see a doctor for the rich merchant. Zheng Dakang is now in imminent need.

After hearing Lu Bingqian's words, Qin Tian frowned slightly, "old Lu, that rich merchant's disease, you really can't cure it!"

Lu Bingqian sighed, "if I know what kind of disease he has, I don't even know what disease he has. How can I treat it?"

"Mr. Lu, how do you say that?" Qin Tian asked in a hurry.

Lu Bingqian is a leader in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. He didn't even see any disease!?

Lu Bingqian shook his head and gave a wry smile, "I checked his pulse, but when I put my finger on his wrist, I didn't even feel the pulse. How can I treat it?"

Qin Tian listened to one of Leng!

No pulse!?

Isn't that a dead man!?

"It's really the world's largest, there are people without pulse..." Qin Tian carefully searched in his mind about the situation of people without pulse, but there was no clue.

"It should not be too late, doctor Qin. You can come with me."

Lu Bingqian watched Qin Tian sink into deep thinking, thinking that the treatment of this kind of thing still had to see a good look at it, did not see the patient think no matter how much.

"Well, let me get ready." With that, Qin Tian got up and went to the clinic, took a pair of silver needles again, and even the diagnosis box that had never been carried was carried on his shoulder.

According to Lu Bingqian's words, he had to be more cautious about the status of this similar rich businessman, even involving the investment in Songshan city.

On the way, Qin Tian learned that this rich Hong Kong businessman, named Qiu Yunlin, lived in the coastal resort on the easternmost side of Songshan. He was one of the top entertainment places integrating leisure and vacation, and one of the industries of Qiu Yunlin's company.

At the gate of the resort, Zheng Dakang's secretary is wandering around the gate, and he looks at his watch from time to time. His face is full of anxiety. It seems that he is waiting for someone.

Qin Tian and Lu Bingqian's car soon arrived at the resort. Secretary Wang looked at the license plate number and rushed to meet him!

"Mr. Lu, doctor Qin, here you are, Zheng Shu. I'm here to meet you at the door."

Secretary Wang saw the moment Qin Tian, hanging in the throat of the heart, finally put down!

As long as there is Qin Tian, there is no disease that can not be cured! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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