"Zheng Shu, remember to go first!" Lu Bingqian asked.

"No, it's just that he's afraid someone will come first and sit and stare at the guard's office." Secretary Wang anxiously explained that he was afraid that Qin Tian would misunderstand that Zheng Dakang did not attach importance to him.

"It seems that Zheng Shu Ji attaches great importance to this rich Hong Kong businessman." Qin Tian smiles.

"That's not true. There are very few rich businessmen who can come to Songshan to invest. Zheng Shu is also concerned about the common people. He has already put down his words. Even if he is fighting for his life, he will leave this investment for Songshan!" Secretary Wang said it was very serious. It can be seen that Zheng Dakang attached great importance to this opportunity.

Qin Tian nodded silently after hearing this. Zheng Dakang was a good official. He had known for a long time that otherwise he would not have agreed to see a doctor for him so happily.

"Doctor Qin, I'll carry it for you!" At this time, Secretary Wang also noticed the medicine box on Qin Tian's body and rushed to replace Qin Tianbei.

At first, Qin Tian was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't resist the enthusiasm of secretary Wang, so he had to give the medicine box to him.

Soon they arrived at the gate of the resort. Sure enough, Zheng Dakang was sitting at the gate of the guard room with a plastic stool, guarding the gate like a conscientious guard.

At this time, when he saw Qin Tian coming, he got up in a hurry and met him, "Oh, you're looking forward to it!"

With that, Zheng Dakang took Qin Tian's hand.

"Zheng Shu, I'm so excited. If you have something to do, just call me and ask Mr. Lu to make a trip. I'm sorry." Qin Tian holds Zheng Dakang's hand and looks at Lu Bingqian with a smile and apology.

Lu Bingqian laughed twice. "If I can do something for Songshan, my old man is old and useful. What can I do for this trip?"

For a moment, everyone laughed.

Zheng Dakang exchanged a few words with Qin Tian and Lu Bingqian, and then said, "it's not too late. Let's hurry up. I heard that people from Bianjing city next door are also trying to get Qiu Yunlin's idea. They can't be allowed to seize the opportunity!"

Say, a few people then walked toward the resort deep in the past, has been walking to an antique building in front of, just finally stopped.

In front of the building, five steps a person, ten steps a whistle, full of bodyguards in black, the scale of which Qin Tian only saw in the film.

See people come over, a few black suits have said something to the mouth of the Mai, Qin Tian's heart instantly has a kind of crisis that people stare at!

Lvsen energy radiates out, Qin Tian is surprised to find that there are four snipers aiming at himself at the same time!

It seems that the status of this rich Hong Kong businessman is really extraordinary!

"I'm sorry, everyone. We have a rule that anyone who wants to be close to Mr. Qiu must investigate the risk factors."

The bodyguard of a tall horse is very polite to explain to a few people, the body also did not move, seem to be waiting for the public response.

"Well, it doesn't matter."

With that, Zheng Dakang opened his arms and a bodyguard came forward to search him.

After a while, all the people were searched. To Qin Tian's dismay, these bodyguards also seemed to have a bad eye for people. When they searched Zheng Dakang and Lu Bingqian, they simply touched them twice. When they came to their own time, they even checked the silver needles one by one.

Finally, a few people now led by the bodyguards came to the inside of the building.

"Mr. Qiu, Zheng Shu. It's back!"

The head of the bodyguard knocked respectfully on the sliding glass door in front of him and said to the inside.

"Come on! Zheng Shu. It's a distinguished guest. How can you wait outside the door? "

Suddenly, a burst of Hong Kong people's unique Mandarin tone came from the door.

At this time, the door opened with a crash. Two waiters pulled the glass door on one side and bowed down to welcome them respectfully. A thin man in his sixties came out with a warm face.

Qiu Yunlin happily held Zheng Dakang's hand, followed him and saw Qin Tian with a medicine box on his back. He said gratefully, "Zheng Shu, please take the trouble and bring the doctor to see me again!"

"No matter where, it should be. Mr. Qiu is in our health. We should take good care of him."

Zheng Dakang laughs.

Qiu Yunlin turned to look at Qin Tian and held out his hand to him, "Hello, young man."

Qin Tian was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that this old man with such a high status was so approachable. Of course, maybe it was because of Zheng Dakang's face.

Entering the room, Qin Tian can't help but look at Qiu Yunlin. Although he is over 60 years old, his skin color and hair have no sense of age. Although he is a little emaciated, he seems extremely energetic. He is like a man of 40.

At this time, the waitress came in slowly, holding a huge golf bag in her arms, "Mr. Qiu, here is your club!"

Zheng Dakang looked, slightly stunned, "Mr. Qiu, are you going to play two strokes!? Your body... "

" your body is all the problems that fell down many years ago, and it can't be cured for a while. If you go out and play golf, you can breathe, and you will not feel bored and have more headache here! "Qiu Yunlin said as he rubbed his head.

"Mr. Qiu, Dr. Qin is a famous doctor in Songshan. Let him show you first. After he cured you, let's go out and fight together!" Zheng Dakang suggested with a smile.

Qiu Yunlin also smile, "with Zheng Shu. Remember to accompany me, it must be better, but this old problem of mine is the root of decades of disease, I'm afraid it's not so easy to treat."

Qiu Yunlin didn't want to be treated. He was really stubborn. He invited many experts at home and abroad to treat him, but he failed to cure him. He reminded Qin Tian in advance. Even if he could not be cured later, he would not feel embarrassed.

Qin Tian was extremely clever. Naturally, he recognized the meaning of Qiu Yunlin's words and said with a smile, "Mr. Qiu, I don't know if I can cure you. I can only do my best."

Qiu Yunlin nodded. "Young people are very modest and smart. OK, let's have a look."

Then he showed his wrist.

Qin Tian smiles and takes out a pulse diagnosis bag from the medicine box and pads it under Qiu Yunlin's wrist.

"It's Chinese medicine again, husband, how can you still believe in Chinese medicine!" At this time, there was a sharp voice outside the door, and then a woman in a black dress came in from outside.

Qin Tian looked at it and frowned slightly.

This woman is less than 30 years old. She calls Qiu Yunlin husband!

Qin Tian searched for news about Qiu Yunlin on his way to the news, but the lady mentioned in the news is someone else, not the coquettish woman in front of her!

Needless to say, Qin Tian can also know that it must be a junior who squeezed out the original match!

However, it has to be said that this woman is very well maintained. Although she is nearly 30 years old, her body and skin are like a teenage girl!

You know, 20 years old is the watershed of women's skin. It's not surprising that Qiu Yunlin was captured by a woman of this age.

"Don't talk nonsense. Do what you should do!"

Qiu Yunlin frowned and reproached her unhappily.

"Husband, I don't care about you. These traditional Chinese medicine practitioners are all liars. One by one, they can't even feel the pulse. Fortunately, I mean to say that I'm a miracle doctor With that, the woman turned her head and looked at Lu Bingqian and Qin Tian, "how did our old Qiu live without pulse?"

Lu Bingqian was asked by a woman, and his face was flushed. He would like to have a crack in the ground!

For the first time in his life, he was called a liar!

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