Qin Tian puts his hand on Qiu Yunlin's wrist, and his three fingers are constantly changing positions. Unexpectedly, as Lu Bingqian said, there is no pulse in front of him!

"Well, little liar, do you feel the pulse?" The woman sneered, did not put Qin Tian in the eye at all!

"Qianhui! Shut up Qiu Lin frowned again!

Seeing Qiu Yunlin scolding himself, Chen Qianhui immediately pouted his mouth and ran over to hold Qiu Yunlin's body. A pair of 36 C breasts also pressed on Qiu Yunlin's body. He was coquettish and said, "husband, people are not worried about you. Don't you remember our former business partner, Mr. Wang? He is not too much trust in traditional Chinese medicine, and finally was killed by Chinese medicine!? I don't want you to be like them. I love you

With that, Chen Qianhui hugged Qiu Yunlin with a look of concern.

"No more nonsense! Zheng Shu. I remember that the doctors we found can be compared with those who are wild! " Qiu Yunlin was displeased.

In fact, to be honest, Qiu Yunlin has given Zheng Dakang face by saying so. In fact, he has some doubts about Qin Tian from the heart. After all, his age is there, and even Lu Bingqian can't do anything about it. What can he do as a young man!?

What's more, in Hong Kong, a Western colony, western medicine has long been popular.

"No matter what you say, I don't agree to let him treat you. What can I do if something goes wrong?" Or, Chen Qianhui also made a pretence to wipe up the tears that did not exist at all.

Qin Tian felt sick and vomited when she saw her appearance, but she couldn't help it. Who let others succeed and become Mrs. Qiu.

With a smile, he said to Chen Qianhui, "Madam Qiu, there is no absolute in everything. Others can't touch the pulse of general Qiu. Maybe I can!"

"Bang, brag who can't..." Chen Qianhui sneered, did not put Qin Tian in the eye at all.

Qiu Yunlin turned her face and looked at Qin Tian. "Doctor Qin, don't mind. Jiannei is such a temper. You can treat it as you should!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Qiu, I'll take my life as my guarantee. You will never have anything." Qin Tian smiles.

"You guarantee your life!? Who are you!? How much is your life worth? " Chen Qianhui said coldly.

"Shut up Qiu Yunlin is really angry this time!

Several times Chen Qianhui did not give himself face, so that Qiu Yunlin in front of outsiders became a henpecked image, finally let him bear it!

Chen Qianhui wanted to say something else, but he was really angry when he saw Qiu Yunlin. He did not dare to make a mistake. He took a cold look at Qin Tian and others, and then sat down beside him.

Zheng Dakang looked at it and quickly got up. "Mrs. Qiu, don't worry. Doctor Qin is one of the best doctors in Songshan. He will never have any problems. As the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, he will never let Qiu have any accident."

Chen Qianhui sees Zheng Dakang to say so, also bad at what, sit on one side also no longer open mouth.

Qiu Yunlin looked at Qin Tian and said with a smile, "doctor Qin, you just said... You can feel my pulse!"

Although Qin Tian hated Chen Qianhui very much, he had a good impression of Qiu Yunlin. He was not arrogant like some rich people. He was modest and had no airs.

"Give me a little more time, Mr. Qiu. Don't worry!"

Qin Tian said, then closed his eyes, a trace of green energy slowly concentrated on the fingers, along the skin, it went deep into Qiu Yunlin's blood vessels, carefully savoring every detail!


Finally, after Qin Tian magnified his perception by more than ten times, he finally felt Qiu Yunlin's pulse!

Normal people's pulse, are beating with the heartbeat, every beat, even ordinary people can feel it!

But Qiu Yunlin is different. His pulse is extremely weak, even to an incredible degree. If Qin Tian had not green energy around him, he would never have felt such a weak pulse!

For a while, Qin Tian was a little confused. According to the law, such a weak pulse could not bear the whole body's blood transportation, but Qiu Yunlin was really sitting in front of him!

Driven by curiosity, Qin Tian will be green energy with his blood vessels and meridians, deep into his body!


A slight tremor, when the green ability is about to approach the heart and heart pulse, a slight tremor will shake back all the green energy back!

"This is..." Qin Tian couldn't believe it. He found a dead breath in Qiu Yunlin's heart vein!

Suddenly, Qin Tian opened his eyes and looked at Qiu Yunlin's eyes!

"Doctor Qin, you are..." Qiu Yunlin was very strange. Why did this doctor Qin diagnose his pulse and change his expression!?

"It's OK!" Although Qin Tian has some doubts, he still hides it quietly, "Mr. Qiu, I'll make a diagnosis again."With that, Qin Tian changed his three fingers and felt his pulse. His whole hand was on Qiu Yunlin's wrist!

Although Qiu Yunlin felt strange, he didn't say anything. After all, he was a man of high quality and would not interrupt Qin Tian at this time.

Qin Tian closed his eyes again and collected the green energy, and the Black Ghost gas ran into Qiu Yunlin's heart vein!

Qiu Yunlin was caught by Qin Tian. He felt cold. He even wanted to shake!

The Black Ghost gas was constantly shuttling through Qiu Yunlin's meridians, and soon came to the ghost gas protecting Qiu Yunlin's heart!


Qin Tian roared at the bottom of his heart, and his ghost gas rushed to Qiu Yunlin's!


Wan as the general flow of ghost gas, the moment will be Qiu Yunlin heart vein in the spirit of the spirit to swallow up!

After a short time, Qin Tian collected all the ghost Qi, which released Qiu Yunlin's hand.

"Mr. Qiu, feel your pulse yourself this time!"

Finish saying, Qin Tian then smile.

Qiu Yunlin some can't believe, only feel his body relaxed a lot, the heartbeat has become a lot more powerful!

At this time, hearing what Qin Tian said, Qiu Yunlin immediately put his hand on his wrist!

Dong Dong...

a series of regular strong pulse appeared on his wrist!

"This... This is incredible!" Qiu Yunlin is a little unbelievable. Countless famous doctors can't feel his pulse. Unexpectedly, Qin Tian touched him twice and even felt himself!

In fact, in Qin Tian's opinion, the truth is very simple.

In fact, the black gas near Qiu Yunlin's heart pulse didn't mean any harm to him. On the contrary, it protected his heart pulse, made it beat slowly, and even delayed his life.

However, life, old age and death have their own fixed number. Forced change will naturally bring disaster. For example, Qiu Yunlin has already suffered from headache due to insufficient blood supply to the brain, and even his body has become weak and emaciated. If it goes on like this for a long time, it will not only delay the life span, but also lead to the exhaustion of the body due to long-term entanglement with ghost Qi, resulting in premature death Situation!

"No, doctor Qin. Although the problem of pulse has been solved, why haven't I cured my headache?"

Qiu Yunlin was puzzled.

Qin Tian is a smile, from the needle bag took out the silver needle, "headache problem is actually very easy to solve, as long as the needle last time, will not commit again!"

Said, Qin Tian then took out the longest silver needle, full of ten centimeters long!

"No! With such a long needle, are you going to kill Lao Qiu? "

At this time, Chen Qianhui jumped out again, looking at Qin Tian's eyes, but also with a trace of venomous color!

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