Chen Qianhui's sharp voice suddenly triggered the cold field of the whole room, and everyone looked at him.

Zheng Dakang is worthy of being the leader of the municipal Party committee. After an awkward smile, he said politely: "you can rest assured, Mrs. Qiu, the little Qin God doctor is a famous Chinese medicine in Songshan. It will never be OK. I didn't wrap it with you, but did I?"

To be honest, Zheng Dakang also has some boredom with this Chen Qianhui.

Qiu Yunlin, who tasted the sweetness from Qin Tian, frowned and said to Chen Qianhui, "you go outside first and turn around, and don't let you come back. You are not allowed to come back!"

Qiu Yunlin was very serious. Although he had not been in touch with traditional Chinese medicine and tried acupuncture, Qin Tiangang had just found his pulse. Qin Tian was not going to harm his own people.

Chen Qianhui hears the words, and snores again. Although he doesn't go out, he dare not disobey Qiu Yunlin's words.

Qiu Yunlin looked at Qin Tian politely and signaled Qin Tian to continue.

Qin Tian smiled slightly, and the impression of qiuyunlin was better and better. Then the silver needle was stabbed towards Qiu Yunlin's head acupoint!

For a while, including Zheng Dakang, everyone held their breath!

This is a ten centimeter long silver needle ah, into the head, not to say that the head is almost through!

But, just after Qin day, everybody was shocked!

Qiu Yunlin, like not feeling it, still asked Qin Tian, "doctor Qin, have you fixed it up!"!? Can I speak!? Can you move!? "

Qin Tian smiled softly, "it has been fixed, but there are still several points to be given acupuncture. Don't worry, just a little bit."

The headache caused by insufficient blood supply in brain is not a big disease. If it is not for his heart to have a wisp of ghost gas, even ordinary hospitals can treat it.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian again doubts Qiu Yunlin's body, what is the matter, will let him ghost gas entangle!?

With doubt, Qin Tian again applied acupuncture, foot and foot pricked 67 acupoints, then stopped.

At this time, Qiu Yunlin's headache was obviously reduced, and with the needle pulling out in Qin days, the pain of the headache that was unbearable to the people has disappeared completely!

Qiu Yunlin looked at the silver needle pulled out by Qin Tian and praised it: "it is really God, doctor Qin, your medical skills are really extraordinary! I have been suffering for many years. I didn't expect you to go down for a few stitches!"

Zheng Dakang saw that qiuyunlin was not hurt, and his eyes were bright. "Qiu Zong, I am right. Dr. Qin is the Chinese medicine that we can count in Songshan!"

Qiu Yunlin and Zheng Dakang laugh while talking. Zheng Dakang is full of appreciation for his eyes to Qin Tian. Although these needles are simple, they may be a great chance for the whole Songshan!

If you can get Qiu Yunlin's good feeling, then the investment will not be left in the next city!

"Dr. Qin, you see that I have this problem cured you. Let's go out and walk, go to the golf course of my Resort and play two games together!" Qiu Yunlin was invited with great affection and did not make any work.

Qin Tianwen Yan smiled. Since today is to help zhengdakang, that goal has been achieved, and I don't want to stay here anymore. He simply refuses to say, "Qiu Zong, I can't play golf, I won't go to join in the bustle. Just as my medical school is still busy, I will go back."

Zheng Dakang had seen Qiu Yunlin have a good feeling for Qin Tian. He was very happy to invite Qin Tian to play golf. But he didn't expect Qin Tian to refuse it. This may affect the investment promotion of Songshan city. Zhengdakang immediately gave Qin angel an eye. "Xiao Qin, Qiu is always a great feeling, and also thanks to you. How can we refuse it!? Go together! "

He also expected Qin Tian to say a few words for him, and to finalize Songshan's investment!

Qin Tian saw Zheng Dakang's eyes were almost squeezed and deformed, and he also smiled bitterly. "That respect is not as good as obedience, I will accompany Qiu always on the golf course!"

"That's right!"

Zheng Dakang laughed, Qiu Yunlin was very happy, after all, Qin Tian cured himself. Thanks for it.

Then a group of people got up and walked towards the golf course of the resort. Lu Bingqian left early on for the reason that he was not suitable for sports.

To be honest, this is not Lu Bingqian's narrow mind. Lu Bingqian has been famous for many years. Today, he came in with Qin Tian to see how Qin Tian treated his illness and learned from Qin Tian. However, he didn't expect to be left behind by qiuyunlin, but also humiliated by Chen Qianhui. He really didn't want to stay in his seventy years old man.

Qin Tian looked in his eyes, suffering in his heart, while walking with the crowd to the court, and pondering how to solve the old man's heart knot.

Soon, people came to the stadium. Although Qin Tian had some money, this kind of high-grade place came for the first time. He didn't say that he had never seen golf so much. At least he didn't touch the club. He was a bit restrained for a while, so he had to talk to them very little.

"Dr. Qin, you can do it. This sport is very elegant! With your ability, it will be useful sooner or later! "Qiu Yunlin has been chatting with Zheng Dakang. It seems that Qin Tian has been left out of the cold. He has some apologies on his face, so he quickly asks people to hand Qin Tian a club.

Qin Tian also understands people. Naturally, he knows what Qiu Yunlin means. He quickly and politely says, "Mr. Qiu, I really can't fight. It's still you..."

"if he can't fight, just sit down and drink free drinks. Husband, let's fight by ourselves."

At this time, a beautiful figure came from the door, a light sportswear, set off her figure incomparably enchanting!

Chen Qianhui is not the one who is coming!?

Chen Qianhui came slowly, passing by Qin Tian's side, he said in a low voice, "Tu baozi!".

When Qin Tian heard the speech, his face changed.

He cured Qiu Yunlin's disease, she did not appreciate it, she even gave it up. She even sneered at her repeatedly. When did Qin Tian get this kind of anger!?

Then Qin Tian changed his mind that he could not play golf. He took the club from the caddy and said to Qiu Yunlin, "I'll learn from Qiu Zong."

"Oh!" Hearing this, Qiu Yunlin's eyes lit up. "Doctor Qin is really a happy man, OK!"

Excited by Chen Qianhui's words, Qin Tian actually accepted Qiu Yunlin's suggestion, which was unexpected to Chen Qianhui. For a time, Qin Tian was caught off guard by Qin Tian's behavior. He looked at Qin Tian with a pair of eyes full of angry flames.

"Humph, the bumpkin is so enlightened that he wants to learn how to play golf?" Chen Qianhui sneered, and his acrimonious tone made everyone frown again.

Qin Tian's face is not good. Qiu Yunlin looks at him and just wants to scold Chen Qianhui, Qin Tian opens his mouth again.

"Madam Qiu, since you don't think I can do it, why don't we have a match?" Qin Tian smiles.

Chen Qianhui did not expect that Qin Tian would dare to put forward such a proposal, and then sneered, "by you!? Someone who doesn't even know how to get a club wants to play with me! "

Chen Qianhui's voice fell, people have looked at Qin Tian, can't it, Qin Tian took the club backwards!

Qin Tian looked at people's eyes, immediately made a big red face, quickly turned the club.

"You don't care if I can take the club or not, just say you dare to accept my challenge!" Qin Tian said this, there is a trace of provocation.

This is a rare thing Qin Tian can do.

"As you play golf with me, do you match me?" Chen Qianhui disdained to look at Qin Tian, but after seeing Qiu Yunlin's unhappy look, Chen Qianhui immediately changed his tone and said to Qin Tian again: "but today, for the sake of curing our old Qiu's disease, I'll give you a chance to fight with you, but..."

with that, Chen Qianhui looked at Qin Tian with malice.

"But what?" Qin Tian asked indifferently.

Chen Qian Hui as like as two peas at Qin Tian, a sneering smile, "just my sunscreen is running out, so we can make a bet. If you lose, buy me a bottle of exactly the same one."

With that, Chen Qianhui took out a bottle of sunscreen from his bag. Zheng Dakang looked at it and frowned.

He has seen this sunscreen. It is specially customized by Estee Lauder. It costs more than 50000 per bottle! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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