"Yes, I promise!" With that, Qin Tian began to smile.

Zheng Dakang was completely flustered and blamed himself for not reminding him earlier. Now, if he loses this game, Qin Tian will have to spend tens of thousands to buy sunscreen!

You know, Qin Tian is a novice who can't even take the club. How can he win Chen Qianhui! Chen Qianhui clearly wants to pit Qin Tian!

Thinking of this, Zheng Dakang quickly pulled Qin Tian in spite of Chen Qianhui's displeasure, and cautiously said: "Xiao Qin, I think it's a joke. Mrs. Qiu is a master on the course, but she has won the Amateur Golf Championship in Hong Kong. Don't overdo it..."

then, in order to ease the atmosphere, Zheng Dakang alone ha ha He burst into laughter.

"I'm not kidding. I really want to challenge her!"


Qin Tian a word, let Zheng Dakang's laughter stop suddenly!

Then Zheng Dakang lowered his voice and said to Qin Tian, "that bottle of sunscreen needs more than 50000. You can't fight. Don't be arrogant!"

After listening to this sentence, Qin Tianzheng did not expect Chen Qianhui's quality to be so bad!

For a while, Qin Tian's aversion to Chen Qianhui rose to a higher level again! If Qin Tian is just an ordinary doctor, this figure is likely to be his income for half a year!

"What!? Don't you dare to bet? " Chen Qianhui leisurely in the hands of the club, unspeakable comfortable.

Her favorite thing is to watch some poor people show embarrassment in front of her!

"Dare not!? Why not? " Qin Tian sneered from the bottom of his heart, and then said, "but since it's a bet, I'll buy you sunscreen. If you lose, what should you do?"

"I lose Chen Qianhui looked at Qin Tian as if he were a fool. "If you don't know how to take a club, you dare to say that I will lose!"

Said, Chen Qianhui then covered the mouth, ha ha's smile, "if I lose, you want to mention what conditions, all promise you!"

Qin Tian looked at her and calmly asked, "is this really true?"

Chen Qianhui looked at Qin Tian again with a sneering look. "I'm not interested in cheating a country bumpkin, not to mention... You can't win at all!"

"Well, since you are so confident, I will make a condition!"

With that, Qin Tian deliberately coughed twice to clear his throat, and his eyes gradually looked at Qiu Yunlin. "My condition is, if I win, I hope Qiu will focus on our Songshan city when investing."

Qiu Yunlin was standing by smiling and watching Chen Qianhui fight with Qin Tian. Unexpectedly, Qin Tian's conversation changed and he actually led the topic to investment.

Qiu Yunlin was stunned for a moment, but soon recovered. He said to Qin Tian and Zheng Dakang, "doctor Qin has cured my stubborn disease that has troubled me for many years. It can be said that Songshan is my blessed land. Even if you don't ask for this, I will focus on Songshan as an investment site!"

It has to be said that Qiu Yunlin's emotional quotient is very high, and his speech is quite artistic. In a few words, he avoided Qin Tian's words.

However, Qin Tian doesn't mind. As long as Qiu Yunlin's commitment is enough, it's impossible for a big entrepreneur to agree to invest because of a game of gambling. That's unrealistic.

"Well, are you finished?" Chen Qianhui gave Qin Tian a look.

It is a fool's dream for a native to hold Qiu Yunlin's investment in this way.

Qin Tian nodded and said, "that's it, but I can't play golf yet. I don't think you mind letting me learn for a few minutes!"

Next to the course, there is a TV connected to the Internet, on which is playing a world-class golf game. Qin Tian is referring to Chen Qianhui on this TV station.

Chen Qianhui sneered, "you don't want to watch people play games and learn golf, do you?"

"Yes Qin Tian was outspoken.

Chen Qianhui sneered, "well, I'll give you time to learn!"

Finish saying that, Chen Qian Hui then fart. Share sat in the rest area next to.

Although Zheng Dakang is very satisfied that Qin Tian is a Songshan and considers himself, he can't calm down when he thinks that Qin Tian has never played golf.

But at this time, Qiu Yunlin went to Zheng Dakang and asked with a smile, "Zheng Shu, remember, they bet on them. Let's continue the game just now!"

"Good!" Zheng Dakang takes a dim look at Qin Tian and turns to follow Zheng Dakang off the scene.

As time went by, Qin Tian had watched for more than half an hour. When Zheng Dakang and Qiu Yunlin had finished a match, Qin Tiancai slowly withdrew his sight.

"Finished watching?" Chen Qianhui raised his eyebrows and jokingly asked Qin Tian.

"Well, almost!" Qin Tian smiles confidently.

"Let's get started."

Chen Qianhui stood up lazily and held him back to Qiu Yunlin."Husband, wait, if someone else wins, you should reward me well!" Chen Qianhui hung on Qiu Yunlin's body with a crisp voice.

Qiu Yunlin ha ha a smile, "Xiao Qin doctor is a guest, you can let him a little bit."

After that, Qiu Yunlin also took a look at Qin Tian, "doctor Qin, I can only follow Zheng Shu. Remember to cheer you on here together!"

Qin Tian nods and smiles, indicating that Qiu Yunlin doesn't have to worry about it, so he walks off the court with a club.

Chen Qianhui a look, sneer, look at Qin Tian's eyes full of malice, followed him into the court.

Zheng Dakang and Qiu Yunlin saw the two men go in. They laughed and sat on the chair next to them. However, Zheng Dakang was playing drums all the time, expecting Qin Tian to win the game.

Qin Tian walks in front, his face has been completely gloomy, because he just saw Chen Qianhui's eyes from the glass beside the court!

That is a touch from the heart of the cruel, a kind of hate will own skin cramp of the venomous look!

Why is she so hostile to herself!?

Qin Tian couldn't think of it. She and she met for the first time, and even her husband was cured by herself. As a normal person, Qin Tian could only be grateful, but how could Chen Qianhui show such a cruel look!?

Thinking of this, Qin Tian's pupil shrinks, and an impossible possibility appears in his mind!

Is the ghost Qi in Qiu Yunlin's body related to Chen Qianhui!?

If this is the case, whether Chen Qianhui prevents himself from treating Qiu Yunlin, or the target after treatment, everything can be explained!

Gradually, Qin Tian began to pay attention to Chen Qianhui.

"Don't say I bully you. Let's play par three and I'll give you one." Chen Qianhui is waving the light pink club that is suitable for women and looks very bright in the sun.

Hearing this, Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and said, "are you sure you want to let me have a shot?"

Three holes, a golf game, means that three holes into the hole is very qualified, and three as the standard, the fourth shot to score as a supply rod, more than two shots as double supply, known as bad luck, and finally by the number of goals of both sides to determine the win or loss.

At this time, Chen Qianhui proposed to give Qin Tian a stroke, which means that he will subtract one stroke from Qin Tian's last stroke!

Chen Qianhui glanced at Qin Tian and was extremely disdainful, "Bunny, don't let you have one stroke. Even if you can get two strokes, you can win me!? Poor people will dream for a hundred days

With that, Chen Qianhui took the lead in kicking off and hit his own ball hard!

Qiu Yunlin watched from the stands and saw Chen Qianhui hit the ball. He was excited and yelled "good". At the moment, Chen Qianhui's ball has already flown onto the green. If there is no accident, there will be a hole in the three strokes!

"I mean, maybe I can give you a shot!"

Finish saying that, Qin Tian then ruthlessly hit the ball out!

Chen Qianhui listened to Qin Tian's words and gave an exaggerated sneer, as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world, "you let me have a shot, you don't dream..."

however, before Chen Qianhui finished his words, there was a dull sound on the green!

This noise is not unfamiliar to her. It's the sound of a golf ball going into a hole!

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