For a moment, Chen Qianhui couldn't believe it and looked at the green. Sure enough, the caddie raised the flag of the goal and yelled "albatross ball" to the crowd!

In golf rules, one green, three holes, called birdie, two holes called hawk, and one hole, called albatross!

At the moment, Qin Tian is playing a albatross!

Not only Chen Qianhui can't believe it, but even Qiu Yunlin and Zheng Dakang in the stands have widened their eyes in surprise!

You should know that from 1968 to now, the number of times a hole is put into a hole in an official match is very few. Even the test data of the golf association have said that only after about 40000 strokes can an albatross be born!

And Qin Tian, who has never played golf, actually played an albatross!

It's hard to imagine!

"Sorry, you'd better buy your own sunscreen."

With that, Qin Tian smiles and throws the club to the caddie, then turns and walks to the stands!

Chen Qianhui heard Qin Tian's words and quickly recovered from his surprise. He glared at Qin Tian, who turned away, but could not say any sarcastic words.

Qin Tian feels Chen Qianhui behind him with green energy, and a faint smile is hanging from his mouth.

When watching Zheng Dakang and Qiu Yunlin's game just now, green energy started the function of reprinting, copying all their movements, and improving it in the brain. It can be said that Qin Tian's golf skills have even surpassed the world's top professional players!

Coupled with the precise control of green energy, one shot into the hole is just let it go!

Back in the grandstand, Qiu Yunlin grabbed Qin Tian's arm excitedly. "Doctor Qin, you can hide us from us. I didn't expect that you have such high golf skills. We should often communicate with each other in the future."

Qiu Yunlin's Hong Kong accent is very strange when he praises people. However, Qin Tian doesn't care. He smiles in return, nods and agrees. Then he quietly runs green energy and constantly scans Qiu Yunlin.

Finally, Qin Tian's eyes fell on his left ring finger. On this finger, he was wearing a black jade ring!

Too far away, Qin Tian could not judge the situation of the ring, so he pretended not to care and asked, "Mr. Qiu, your ring is very unique. I don't know where I bought it!"

When Qiu Yunlin saw Qin Tian asking about his ring, he suddenly stopped. He quickly took back his hand and hid the ring behind his back. Then he slowly regained his expression and said to Qin Tian with a smile: "this can't be said, but it's not working if you say it! I can only tell you that this ring is of great significance to me

Qin Tianwen speech, nodded, light oh.

To be honest, Qin Tian felt that there was something wrong with the ring, but he could not tell what was wrong. He just felt that when the green energy swept over the ring, there were some evil sects, and there was a feeling that people could not feel at ease.

After playing golf, they went back to the resort to check the time. It was already six o'clock in the afternoon. Qiu Yunlin invited Zheng Dakang to have dinner with Qin Tian. There was a banquet in the evening.

To tell you the truth, Qin Tianji wants to refuse. After all, his mission here is almost finished. He is not a businessman or a politician. He has done his utmost to do so.

However, Qin Tian is a doctor. He is always worried about the ghost Qi in Qiu Yunlin's body. He always wants to find a chance to find out about it, so as to save Qiu Yunlin.

At this time, Chen Qianhui's tone was rather ironic and said: "husband, doctor Qin's hospital still has a lot of work to do. This dinner party is all big and influential people. It's not appropriate for him to go there because he's a real bunny."

"Shut up!" Qiu Yunlin drank coldly, and Chen Qianhui turned his lips and stopped talking.

Qin Tian can see that although Qiu Yunlin is a good man, he has no way to fight his young wife. He can't beat him, and he can't bear to scold him.

However, in this way, Qin Tian looks down upon Chen Qianhui who is on the top of Xiaosan.

"Don't mind, doctor Qin. Qianhui is just a little bit poisoned by her mouth. She is still a good person!" Qiu Yunlin explained for Chen Qianhui that the so-called face-to-face teaching of his son and his wife behind his back can't be said to lose his wife's face in front of Qin Tian. "Just after I came to Songshan, I received a few precious antiques. You can help me to have a look!"

In contemporary society, many famous entrepreneurs like to collect some antiques to increase their taste. In fact, it is not because they really like it, but more to cover up their strong smell of copper, so that they do not look so philistine in reality!

Qiu Yunlin is such a person. He has heard Zheng Dakang say that Qin Tian has a high attainments in antiques. He can take this opportunity to learn from Qin Tian about antiques. In the future, he can show them on some special occasions.

Zheng Dakang's eyes brightened as soon as he heard it. He went up to him and said, "Mr. Qiu, you are looking for the right person. Dr. Qin is not only a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor, but also a famous antiques connoisseur. We all know his name in the antique street of Songshan."Zheng Dakang a nonsense, even Qin days are covered!

When did you become an antique connoisseur!?

But seeing Zheng Dakang gives his eyes, Qin Tian understands that he is giving Qiu Yunlin eye medicine!

Qin Tian must not have, but also nodded to agree to go to the dinner with them.

From the resort, Qiu Yunlin and Chen Qianhui boarded their cars, and Zheng Dakang also took Qin Tian's own cars.

As soon as he got on the bus, Zheng Dakang apologized to Qin Tian: "little Qin, no doubt, I can only say that this investment promotion is related to the strategic deployment of Songshan city. This time, it depends on you. If this investment attraction can be taken down, I promise that, as the first official of Songshan City, I will never treat you with any loss!"

Qin Tianyi heard, the eye beads turned a moment, said to Zheng Dakang: "to say, there is something to ask you..." br >

ZHENG Dakang hears the words and immediately asks, "what is the matter!"!? You are assured that if I can do it, I will never refuse to say it. "

Qin Tian listened to the awkward cough, and then said the antique street thing to cut back, probably means to build a river in the antique street, from outside to bring in water!

Zheng Dakang listened to one of the Leng, "why should we introduce a river!"!? Antique Street is not very good... "Br >

" it is very good, but there are some changes in Fengshui recently, and two black dragons have some changes. We need to cultivate a dragon leading Fengshui again! It's the river! "

Kill black dragon, introduce green dragon, this is Qin Tian can only think of the way!

Zheng Dakang listened to the facial expression special plane you down, built the canal, especially in the antique street, is not a small expense!

Qin Tian seems to see Zheng Dakang's idea, smiled slightly and said, "Zheng Shu. Remember, you don't have to worry about the money. I will be responsible. You just need to approve a document for the commencement of the project for me!"

Zheng Dakang heard that, when pangton was full of sad faces, he was stunned, and then sighed. "Little Qin, it is really not right. You can see the economy of Songshan. If I can do it, I will not blame..." br >

"I understand, and this thing is also due to me. It is called the causal cycle. The result of this matter should be taken by me, and the taxpayer can not replace it I pay! " Qin Tian smiled.

Zheng Dakang nodded, and his eyes were full of praise for Qin Tian.

"OK, well, I will ask Secretary Wang to draft a document later. Then you need to talk to him about how you want to do it. I promise that the municipal Party committee will not stop your action!"

"Thank you for Zheng Shu. Remember!"

Hearing Zheng Dakang say this, Qin Tian's heart is finally relieved. The wind and water in Antique Street will surely dry up in three years. He must use the remaining Fengshui in three years to cultivate a Fengshui Qinglong! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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