Zheng Dakang made great efforts to attract investment, not only for his own political achievements, but also for the people and construction of Songshan. Qin Tian had no doubt about this, which was the reason why he was willing to be close to Zheng Dakang.

Soon the car came to the place where the dinner party was held. Qin Tian got out of the car to have a look. It was actually a place called Tianxiang teahouse. He was a little puzzled for a moment. The more rich people were, the more low-key they were. Did they all choose the teahouse for the party!?

However, when Qin Tian walked in, he found that there was a hole in it. Although it looked like a teahouse, it had everything inside. Soon, people were led down to the third floor by the waiter. In the innermost box, there was a big table that could hold 20 people!

Qin Tian went in and looked at it. The big table was in the shape of a concentric circle. In the middle of the table was a hollow area, and only the surrounding circle was a rotating table for dishes.

All the well-known entrepreneurs in the Songshan area were present at the dinner party. Li Yanzheng, Gu Jiahong and Dai Zhongtian were among them, and even some officials of the political departments came here.

Needless to say, although Qiu Yunlin invited me to dinner today, I know from the battle that the host must be Songshan!

Most of the 20 people sitting in the room are famous people in Songshan, and they are all older. Some of them know Qin Tian and some don't know Qin Tian. When these people who don't know Qin Tian see such a young man following Zheng Dakang and Qiu Yunlin, they are surprised.

Especially when they saw that Zheng Dakang and Qiu Yunlin had a vague respect for Qin Tian, their surprise became more serious. For a time, they all began to guess the identity of Qin Tian.

Originally, Zheng Dakang wanted to sit beside Qiu Yunlin, but seeing that Qiu Yunlin cared so much about Qin Tian, he gave the second seat to Qin Tian, so that Qin Tian could have more contact with Qiu Yunlin.

In this way, those who didn't know Qin Tian were even more surprised. They made up their minds to have a good relationship with this young man.

Chen Qianhui looks at Qin Tian sitting next to Qiu Yunlin and feels disgusted!

After three rounds of drinking, people were chatting with each other. All of a sudden, Qiu Yunlin clapped his hands, and everyone was quiet.

Qiu Yunlin stood up slowly. His face turned red with wine showed a different spirit. He said to the people, "everyone, I heard that Songshan is a place where people are outstanding. Many antiques have been produced. The antique street is even more famous. Today, Qiu did not have a talent. He brought something to show his ugliness. Please check and appreciate it for me."

As soon as they heard that Qiu Yunlin had brought antiques, they were curious. However, although Qiu Yunlin said that he wanted everyone to help them appreciate the antiques, no one would really appreciate them. After all, Qiu Yunlin's identity is there, and it is impossible to bring out anything bad. If he is wrong, he will be lost in front of so many people!

As Qiu Yunlin's voice dropped, the blank area in the middle of the table vibrated slightly. After a little time, the ground slowly separated and revealed a platform below!

Qin Tian looked up and saw that the platform rose steadily like an elevator, and a mahogany eight immortals table appeared in front of everyone!

"This is..." Qin Tian sees this thing, immediately pupil shrinks, points to the thing on the table, then pours out a cold air!

The audience was attracted by Qin Tian's voice and looked at the table. A blue and white porcelain jar was placed on it!

Although these people have made achievements in shopping malls and officialdom, they are only limited to the surface of antiques. Seeing Qin Tian's reaction, they turn their attention to him one after another, hoping that he can continue to speak and satisfy people's curiosity!

Qiu Yunlin saw Qin Tian's reaction so much that he laughed happily. He didn't say anything. He let them guess curiously!

"Young man, if you know, tell us about it quickly."

"Yes, yes, talk about it. Let's open our eyes too!"

"The things Mr. Qiu brought is not simple, young man, you are a person who knows goods well!"

For a time, all the people have their eyes on Qin Tian, and they also seize the opportunity to talk with Qin Tian.

Seeing Qin Tian's appearance, Zheng Dakang quickly pretended to be very serious and urgent. He said to Qin Tian, "doctor Qin, if you know this thing, tell us something about it!"

"Bang, a bumpkin, also know this thing!? This is Lu Feng's book. I bought it at a high price and gave it to Mr. Qiu. He's also qualified to talk about it! "

All of a sudden, Chen Qianhui's voice rang again, and those who just praised Qin Tian were embarrassed one after another!

Especially Zheng Dakang, his face immediately became gloomy!

Lu Feng in Chen Qianhui's mouth knows him as the head of the municipal Party committee in Bianjing city next door. It seems that he has made a lot of money for investment competition this time!

"Shut up Qiu Yunlin yelled at Chen Qianhui and then looked at Qin Tian, "doctor Qin, you go on and let me open my eyes with you."

Mr. Qiu said that the porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty belonged to the top of the Yuan DynastyAfter listening to Qin Tian's description, people began to observe the blue and white porcelain jar carefully. As expected, the blue and white patterns are colorful, the picture is full, the primary and secondary are clear, and the characterization is smooth and natural, and the charm is full!

It can be said that the pen is exquisite and perfect. It is worthy of the saying that "the best is quite refined"!

"Dr. Qin, I didn't expect that you are good at antiques besides medical skills!" Li's father Li Yanliang said in surprise.

He has seen Qin Tian's skills. No one can match his medical skills. He is even more astonished by the mysterious geomantic omen. He didn't expect to meet him at the banquet today. He still knows antiques!

For a while, Li Yan was constantly feeling, what did this young man in his twenties have experienced? How could he know so much in his twenties!?

"Lao Li, you don't know. The water on Xiao Qin is deep."

Zheng Dakang laughed, and the atmosphere in the box was restored to that before Chen Qianhui spoke.

"Doctor Qin, you are welcome. Please go on!" Qiu Yunlin is also very curious. Although Lu Feng gave him this blue and white porcelain, he did not know anything about it.

"This painting depicts the story of Guiguzi, Sun Bin's master, who, at the repeated requests of the Qi envoys Su Dai, agreed to go down the mountain to rescue Sun Bin and Dugu Chen, the famous generals of the state of Yan, who were trapped by Yan state." Qin Tian smiles and continues to speak, "you can see that Guiguzi in the painting is sitting in a car pulled by a tiger and a leopard. His body leans forward slightly, and his posture is self-contained and transcendent as an immortal. It shows his demeanor of plotting strategies and winning a decisive victory thousands of miles away. Two soldiers in front of the chariot opened the road with spears in their hands. Behind the horse riding Hall of the Su Dynasty, a young general was vigorous and vigorous. He walked on his horse, holding a flag in his hand, and wrote the word "ghost Valley". They and the mountains, trees and stones constitute a magnificent and beautiful picture of landscape figures. "

"There are only eight blue and white pots of the Yuan Dynasty, such as those in Guiguzi's downhill, with characters. It includes Zhaojun's going out of the fortress, Sangu moulu, Zhou Yafu Tun's xiliuying, Yuchi Gong's savior, burning incense in the west chamber, and Baihua Pavilion, as well as the blue and white brocade Pavilion of Yuan Dynasty, and Guiguzi downhill, which is now obtained by general manager Qiu

"Mr. Qiu can take out one of the eight pieces handed down from generation to generation. It can be seen that Mr. Qiu's fortune is profound and admirable."

Finish saying, Qin Tian has not forgotten to flatter Qiu Yulin a sentence, let nearby Zheng Dakang great satisfaction!

"Qiu is not only good at business, but also knowledgeable in antiques."

"Yes, how else to say that Qiu is always the most connotative rich businessman in Hong Kong!"

"I'm really ashamed of myself as an antique lover!"

other people on the table also followed with a burst of praise.

"it's just a coincidence that you're flattered." Qiu Yunlin was modest in his mouth, but he was happy in his face, which greatly satisfied his vanity.

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