Qiu Yunlin was courted by the crowd, and they raised their glasses again. The atmosphere on the table became more and more harmonious.

"Mr. Qiu, I don't think the black jade ring you're wearing is not ordinary. Can you take it out to open your eyes?"

Qin Tian was very happy to see Qiu Yunlin, so he mentioned the ring on Qiu Yunlin's hand. He was just passing by in a flash on the golf course. It was so far away that Qin Tian couldn't see clearly. If you give him a good look, you can see the mystery.

"This..." Qiu Yunlin's face hung a trace of embarrassment. He didn't seem to want to answer Qin Tian's statement and take out the ring.

"Mr. Qiu, in the whole of China, the number of people who know black jade is absolutely not more than one hand. I happen to have some research on black jade. If you miss me, I believe it will be very difficult to meet anyone who can help you see it in the future."

With Zheng Dakang's nonsense just now, Qin Tian simply imitated it. Anyway, they would not do textual research for boasting.

As expected, Qiu Yunlin hesitated after hearing Qin Tian deceived him.

"Husband, no! You forget what the master said!? You can't show it to others! " Chen Qianhui heard Qin Tian want to see that black jade ring, immediately his face was flustered, and he pulled Qiu Yunlin's arm and said nervously.

Qin Tian saw this scene and frowned slightly. He was more and more sure that there was something wrong with the ring, and it was related to Chen Qianhui!

Qiu Yunlin may have been drunk after drinking. He seems to have changed his previous attitude and said to Chen Qianhui, "the master just said that you can't pick it. You can't tell me what he told me. When did you say you can't show it to others?"

Said, Qiu Yunlin slightly hesitated for a moment, or stretched out his hand to Qin Tian.

"Doctor Qin, I have worn this ring for five years. It was when Qian Hui and I got married. Qianhui asked the master to make it for me. Although it is precious, I don't know what material it is. You can help me identify it!"

Qin Tianwen speech, quickly reached out to hold Qiu Yunlin, fingers also gently stroked in the ring!

This ring, the top is inlaid with a hexagonal black jade, the base is made of a bright red ring, it looks nothing special!

Qi Tian quietly frowned, is he thinking too much!?


All of a sudden, just as Qin Tian was ready to give up, there was a slight tremor in the Dantian. He only felt that the Black Ghost gas began to overturn in the Dantian, as if he could not help rushing out!

Qin Tian felt a little strange, and slowly pointed the ghost Qi to the black jade ring. In just a moment, the black jade ring was covered with blood!

The real strangeness of this ring is not in the black jade, but in the ring below!

If Qin Tian is right, this ring is made of human bone!

"Mr. Qiu, have you ever seen blood in this ring?" Qin Tian suddenly raised his head and looked at Qiu Yunlin. His eyes were full of vigilance!

When they heard the word "blood", many people began to feel cold on their backs!

Qiu Yunlin and Chen Qianhui suddenly changed their color. They could never have imagined that Qin Tian was so divine that he could see at a glance that this ring had seen blood!

However, since Qin Tian saw through it, Qiu Yunlin didn't want to hide it. "Yes, this ring has seen blood, and it's more than once. The master who opened the ring told me to soak in blood once a month, and it's better to choose different people's blood every time!"

When they heard this, they took a cold breath one after another, and their eyes on Qiu Yunlin became strange!

Qiu Yunlin looked at it and quickly explained, "don't get me wrong. Although I used human blood, I used blood bought from the blood bank. It's absolutely legal."

When they heard this, they slowly breathed a sigh of relief, but there was something strange in the eyes of Qiu Yunlin.

In fact, compared with the Chinese mainland's belief in geomantic metaphysics, Hong Kong is more obsessed with these things. Needless to say, just look at the ghost movies and zombie movies in Hong Kong films. It can be seen that believing in metaphysics has basically become a commercial thing in Hong Kong.

Even Qin Tian has heard of stories about some Hong Kong actresses raising little ghosts through some alternative ways. Many people have gone to extremes in order to have a good fortune!

Qiu Yunlin is one of these extreme ways!

Now Qin Tian has completely understood why there is so much ghost on this ring!

The blood in vitro is solitary blood. From birth to death, it will gradually produce a trace of ghost gas. In addition, the ring itself is made by the bones of the dead. Qiu Yunlin soaked the ring of dead people's bones with the blood full of ghost gas. Naturally, the ring is full of ghost gas!

There is a blood vessel in the ring finger of the left hand that goes directly to the heart. In addition, Qiu Yunlin puts the ring on the ring finger, and the ghost Qi rushes to the heart along the meridians, which leads to his heart pulse being entangled by ghost Qi, making people unable to feel the pulse!

At this moment, Qin Tian has solved all his doubts!"Mr. Qiu, with all due respect, you can't bring this ring any more!"

Black jade itself is easy to hide evil. When Qin Tian focused his green energy on the ring, he had already become dark. He had been entangled by ghost for a long time and was nourished by blood. There was a layer of evil spirit on the surface of Heiyu, which was a sign of great evil. If there was no accident, Qiu Yulin's trip to Songshan would be very difficult and even life-threatening!

"Why?" Qiu Yunlin listened to one Leng, subconsciously asked.

"The ghost bone is made by repeated refining of solitary blood. Behind the prosperity, there is hell!" Qin Tian then praised two metaphysical verses that appeared in his mind. In a flash, he looked at Qiu Yunlin, "Mr. Qiu, if you wear this ring again, I'm afraid it will lead to bloody disaster."

Qin Tian's tone is very firm, what he said is more direct!

"You fart

Chen Qianhui listen to Qin Tian's words, immediately stand up, a cup of tea will be poured on Qin Tian's face!

"Do you know the origin of this ring!? I asked the famous master of metaphysics in Hong Kong to go through a thousand difficulties for several days before I asked my husband for it. How dare you say that? Are you more capable than master Du? "

As soon as Chen Qianhui's words came out, all the people present bowed their heads and whispered.

Because many people have heard the name of crossing the thousand difficulties, even in the mainland! This man's Feng Shui attainments have almost crushed the whole Hong Kong counterparts. Just to show people the geomantic omen, it will cost millions!

"I've heard of the name of master duqiannandu, and naturally I admire it very much. But in the matter of this ring, Mr. Qiu should consider it carefully. If you continue to wear it, there will be bloody disaster within ten days!"

Qin Tian regardless of those people have real ability, always adhere to their own ideas!

"Dr. Qin, maybe you have some knowledge in treating diseases and strengthening antiques, but you should not go too far in the matter of metaphysics! Ever since I put on this ring, both business and fortune have been booming. How can you say that this ring will bring me bloody disaster!? I'm afraid this time, you've lost your sight. "

Qiu Yunlin's eyes to Qin Tian have changed from admiration to indifference. Doctor Qin, who had called him, had also become doctor Qin. He did not have the kindness before!

Qiu Yulin is a native of Hong Kong. He has been exposed to these things since childhood. He is deeply rooted in his mind. He can't stand anyone saying bad things about what he believes in. In their opinion, it is very unlucky!

Chen Qianhui saw Qiu Yunlin get angry, and put a smile on his mouth. He folded his hands on his chest and looked at Qin Tian indifferently. "To tell you the truth, my husband will not only not take off this ring, but also wear it all the time. Not only will there not be any bloody disaster, but also good luck will happen again and again!"

Qiu Yunlin snorted and looked at Qin Tian's eyes.

He never mentioned this ring to anyone. He didn't expect that it would be said to be a bloody disaster when he first mentioned it today. In any case, he could not tolerate it!

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