People carefully savor Qiu Yunlin's words, and some people who know more about Qiu Yunlin's success history began to plan his fortune in these years.

Indeed, as he said, the fortune of the last five years is almost unstoppable. In just five years, he has made huge profits that he did not get in the previous 30 years!

It seems that this ring is really a good thing, but it sounds strange to keep soaking in blood, but it is nothing compared with money. Even if they are changed, they will have the same choice!

Chen Qianhui looked at Qin Tian triumphantly and said sarcastically, "what do you want to say now?"

Qin Tian took a look at Chen Qianhui and ignored her. Instead, he looked at Qiu Yunlin: "yes, this ring can indeed bring fortune to people, but now your fortune has reached the peak, and your life will also reach the limit along with it."


With that, Qiu Yunlin suddenly pooped the table, his face flushed with anger, and turned to Zheng Dakang, "Zheng Shu. Remember, are you Songshan receiving guests like this!? If that's the case, I don't have to think about the things I want to invest in! "

"Mr. Qiu, please calm down!" Zheng Dakang quickly got up to appease Qiu Yunlin, and then turned to face Qin Tian. "Doctor Qin, how can you talk like that?"

Zheng Dakang is not too harsh on Qin Tian, so he can only pretend to be angry and scold Qin Tian.

"Zheng Shu. Remember, this is for his good. As a doctor, I can't just watch him die like this." Qin Tian looks serious. After getting up, he looks calm and looks at Qiu Yunlin.

"You haven't been beaten, have you?" Chen Qianhui got up and raised his hand. It looked like he was about to fight.

"Mrs. Qiu, don't be angry, Mrs. Qiu!" Zheng Dakang quickly stopped her, "I'm going to let him out, so let him out!"

Seeing that the situation was not so good, Zheng Dakang quickly took Qin Tian's arm and went out to the door.

After Qin Tian left the box, Li Yanzheng and Gu Jiahong got up one after another and said to Qiu Yunlin, "Mr. Qiu, we still have something to do in our family, so we don't want to accompany you. I hope you can spend a happy holiday in Songshan!"

Finish saying, also don't wait for Qiu Yunlin to react, turn around and follow Qin Tian to walk out of the box!

Others don't know how capable Qin Tian is. They can be very clear in their hearts!

Qin Tian said that he would die if he didn't take the ring. Why should he drink with a dying man!?

Besides, the friendship between Qin Tian and them is much deeper than Qiu Yunlin. To drive Qin Tian away is to drive them away!

Qin Tian was pulled away by Zheng Dakang. He didn't know what happened in the box. When they came to the parking lot, they finally stopped.

Qin Tian shook off Zheng Dakang's arm and looked at him angrily, "even you don't believe me!"

"Oh, my doctor Qin, you cured all my Laozi's diseases. Can I not believe you?" Zheng Dakang was a little speechless, "but today's things are different. Even if he is going to die soon, don't tell us now. We can find opportunities. Now that the investment is completely ruined, how can I explain to the people of Songshan?"

Zheng Dakang said, then worried like a disaster like farmers, squatting on the ground.

Qin Tian looked at his appearance, and for a time he was also relieved.

"You don't have to worry. If I read correctly, he will be worried about his life within a week. When you come to see me again, I will give him a ray of life, and the investment will come naturally."

Qin Tian's voice just fell, Zheng Dakang couldn't believe to look up at Qin Tian, "you, you said so seriously, what are you sure of!? Xiao Qin, I can tell you that illegal things can't be done. You can't do anything against Qiu Yunlin. You... "

" where are you going? " Qin Tian listened for a while and thought that Qiu Yunlin's life worries were caused by himself, "anyway, you can wait and see, this matter will never last more than a week!"

With that, Qin Tian shook his hand and walked out toward the outside. Just at this time, Li Yan was coming out with Gu Jiahong from the inside, and the three people got on the bus and left the teahouse.

"Doctor Qin, is it true that you said Qiu Yunlin had a bloody disaster just now?"

Li Yanzheng has seen Qin Tian's big story. Even his wife who has been dead for many years has been taken out by him to show himself. What else can he not believe!?

"It's true, and I'd like to advise you to stay away from Qiu Yunlin. His evil spirit has accumulated to a certain extent. When it breaks out, it will affect a wide range of people..."

Qin Tian frowned. Although he can calculate that Qiu Yunlin is going to be in bad luck, he can't figure out what it is about, which makes sunny days happen Some troubles!

After Gu Jiahong's coffin Fengshui Bureau, he worshipped Qin Tian as a God. Naturally, there would be no doubt.

The car took Qin Tian back to the hospital. It was already more than nine o'clock in the evening. But when Qin Tian returned to the hospital, the lamp in the clinic was still on!

Qin Tian goes in to see Lu Qianmo, who is still treating his patients. With him, Lu Bingqian, who is sitting in the auditorium, is listening to his grandson's prescription with his eyes closed."Old Lu, I'm sorry today..." as soon as Qin Tian opened his mouth, he expressed his feeling of guilt.

Lu Bingqian didn't expect Qin Tian to come back so soon. He opened his eyes and laughed. He said, "I just want to see how you treat this disease today. I see it. That's enough. Nothing else matters."

Qin Tian hears the speech, for one Zheng, he did not expect Lu Bingqian to be so open-minded, not as depressed as he imagined.

Then he he laughed, "but I am too persistent."

Qin Tian told Lu Bingqian what happened at the dinner again, but Lu Bingqian frowned.

"Mr. Lu, why is it so difficult to be a man? It is clearly for his good, but no one appreciates it, and even sweeps you out of the house..." Qin Tian is a little melancholy.

He wanted to carry forward Chinese traditional medicine, but it didn't seem as simple as he thought.

"It's inevitable for young people to suffer some grievances. It's hard not to succeed. Because of these grievances, they don't do these things!"

If Lu Bingqian pointed to Qin Tian, his face was still a kind face.

Qin Tian listened to this sentence, if thoughtful, also do not know whether really understand or pretend to understand, toward landing Bingqian slightly nodded.

The rest of the patients were treated until 11:00 p.m., and Lu Bingqian finally left the hospital with Lu Qianmo.

After cleaning up the hospital, Qin Tian didn't go home directly. Instead, he called on Jiao Cheng and drove to the riverside to find a place to drink wine and dispatch his heart's pain.

But just as they drove to Ruiguang Avenue in the Development Zone, a black Cadillac with no license plate stopped on the roadside. Several big men in black came down from the trunk and threw something out of the trunk with all kinds of hands. After brushing it, they threw it into the grass on the road, and then stepped on the accelerator and disappeared on the road!

Qin Tian is a little strange when he sees this scene. As soon as he is ready to stop Jiao Cheng, Jiao Cheng yells: "it's a person! Brother Qin Tian, can you help me? "

At this time, Qin Tiancai fixed his eyes on the grass on the road, where a girl in her twenties and twenties was lying. Although she was not well dressed, she was also a person after all!


Qin Tian nods, Jiao Cheng immediately stops the car on the side of the road.

"She is!"

Qin Tian saw the man lying in the grass. His pupils shrank in an instant. He quickly picked her up and said, "come back to the hospital!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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