As a top-level special forces soldier, Jiao Cheng's driving skills are invincible. When Qin Tian is in such a hurry, he steps on the gas pedal to the bottom. Like a bow and arrow, spenter draws a flash of lightning on the road and flies towards the hospital!

Qin Tian is holding the girl in her arms on the car. Her face is sweating, and the green energy in her body is not lethal!

"Ding Hanxue, you can't do anything!" Qin Tian bit his teeth and his face was solemn!

Ding Hanxue has not come to her acupuncture for a long time. The lecherous insects in her body have already noticed the changes of her body!

If she can comfort herself with her hands and solve the side effects of the insect when she just detects it, she can't suppress the insect now even if she is given a man!

At this moment, Gu insects are rampant in her body. Once it breaks out, Ding Hanxue will be doomed!

"Brother Jiao, hurry up!" Qin Tian's anxious promotion of the coke range, once again increased the output of green energy!

Soon, the car in the limit of focal range operation, less than five minutes then again stopped at the door of the hospital!

As soon as he entered the door, Qin Tian rushed into Li Wu with Ding Hanxue in his arms. Without looking back, he roared at Jiao Cheng: "brother Jiao, don't let anyone come in and disturb me!"

"You can treat Miss Ding at ease and give me the rest!"

Jiao Cheng solemnly called out, and then took out his walkie talkie and yelled to the inside: "all teams, all armed immediately, assemble in Jishitang!"

In a flash, all the security dormitories of Xiangshan villa were in action, and individual combat equipment was put on one after another. In less than 30 seconds, they rushed out of the dormitory and rushed to Jishitang!

Some people in the community saw this fully armed security team, one after another raised their thumbs. There is such a team to protect the security of the community, even if they spend more money are willing to!

After Jiao Cheng gives the order, he takes out a pistol from behind, clicks on the boring, pulls a chair, and sits at the door of the clinic hall with a big knife. If anyone approaches, he will kill him without hesitation!

There is no need to elaborate on the outside. As soon as Qin Tian enters the door with Ding Hanxue in his arms, he rips and pulls his clothes to pieces!

In an instant, a beautiful carcass appeared in front of Qin Tian!

If it was the old days, Qin Tianba couldn't tease the little policewoman, but today, he didn't have the slightest mood!

"Damn it! This is the stage

Keep cursing at the bottom of the body!

The first stage is the initial stage. Although it has some influence on the human body, it can be relieved by simple physiological catharsis; the second stage is the developing stage, in which the poisonous insects destroy the human body and affect the various systems of the body, and gradually develop towards the structure of the insect, which requires the injection of a large number of male hormones In the third stage, which is the final stage, the cauldron will be completely reduced to a parasite of poisonous insects, searching for the traces of the opposite sex, and will never have self-consciousness. Until the insects mature and break out, the parasite will die completely!

Ding Hanxue has now reached the transition period between the second and the third stages. At this moment, the poisonous insects are swallowing her soul in Ding Hanxue's body. Once the swallowing is successful, Ding Hanxue will no longer exist!

Qin Tian dare not have the slightest hesitation. He takes out all the silver needles and stabs Ding Ding Hanxue!

In just a few tens of seconds, Ding Hanxue's whole body was covered with silver needles. Qin tianduan sat in front of her, and the green energy in her body was delivered to her innocently!

Ding Hanxue's internal mechanism is almost destroyed by this damned Gu insect. Qin Tian must repair all the damaged places in an hour before he can deal with the insect. Otherwise, even if Qin Tian kills the insect, Ding Hanxue can't recover!

"Zhi --"

a sharp voice passed along the green energy linked by Qin Tian and Ding Hanxue, and Qin Tian's head was shocked and hummed!

This Gu insect actually recognized Qin Tian's energy and let out an angry roar!

"Not good!"

As soon as Qin Tian's face changed, the silver needle went down again and went down towards Ding Hanxue's neck!

At the moment, Gu insect is in Ding Hanxue's internal organs. Before, in order to block the escape path of Ding Hanxue, all the veins on Ding Hanxue's body have been closed. Only this vein of the head has been blocked. Qin Tian dare not block it!

Because once blocked to the head of the transmission of meridians, Ding Hanxue is likely to die of cerebral ischemia!

But now the evil heart Gu has already discovered the existence of Qin Tian. If he wants to rush to Ding Hanxue's brain and not give her a fatal blow, Qin Tian can't care about anything else. He has to block the meridians of Ding Hanxue's neck and completely seal the obscene heart Gu in his chest cavity!

"Life or death depends on destiny."

Even if Ding Hanxue died of cerebral ischemia at this moment, Qin Tian must do the same!

Because he knows that with Ding Hanxue's dignity, he will never allow himself to be occupied by poisonous insects and become a man's plaything!That's more painful than killing her!

Now Qin Tian has been discovered by the insect, Qin Tian also need not be careful. Every time the insect moves in Dinghan snow, Qin Tian limits him by silver needle. Soon, the female insect is blocked by Qin Tian in a range of thumb size!

After all this, Qin Tiantian, sitting in front of Dinghan snow, sighed, reached out several silver needles again!

"Five Dragon needle method fifth needle, five dragon needle!"

Forced to have, Qin Tian again to show the cost of life-span Five Dragon needle!

Wulong needle has the powerful function of life and death, although Ding Han Xue is not that far away, but the body's injuries must be treated quickly, otherwise, the brain without blood supply will die immediately!

Only a few minutes, Qin Tian again consumed the body's green energy, and again to the cost of life for Ding Han snow body!

However, it is good that Qin Tian has not only green energy, but also half of the ghost gas in the body can support him to not faint!

And Qin Tian subdues the hope of this insect, also all pressure on the ghost Qi in the body!

Huhuhuqi, Qin Tian face white, but see already recovered Ding Han snow, Qin Tian heart a moment of happiness!

Must eliminate this insect immediately, Ding Han snow can not support too long!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian hurriedly shouted to the Jade Pendant: "Xiaoshuang, help me with a hand!"

In a moment, the jade pendant will shine a light, a white figure will appear in front of Qin Tian, it is Li Xiaoshuang who has been upgraded to a fierce ghost!

"Qin Tian!" Li Xiaoshuang looks at Qin Tian, and feels a pain in his heart!

Qin days before, there were some black and bright hair, but at this moment, Qin days has been full of white!

"Don't worry about me. I need your strength to help me get this insect out!"

Qin day anxious shout, Li Xiaoshuang can not care for heartache, quickly turned into a white light into Qin Tian's body, only a moment, Qin day was surrounded by white Mang, completed the first time after Li Xiaoshuang upgrade soul!

After the spirit attached, Qin Tian felt his senses were hundreds times stronger. Under the support of Li Xiaoshuang, the ghost Qi in his body became extremely magnificent!

Compared with Li Xiaoshuang before upgrading, it is just a different place!

But Qin Tiancan not care about the benefits of the strength improvement. At almost the same time, Qin Tian releases the ghost Qi and wraps it on Ding Han snow. Soon, he will take the insect into full consideration!

"Evil animal, take your life!"

Qin Tian almost did not hesitate, the spirit of the ghost suddenly released, the whole room was filled with this surging ghost gas!

In a moment, the whole clinic became ghost, the soldiers who guard outside rushed to the hospital for a while, and they had to look back to the hospital, and they turned back after they were sure they were OK!

Qin Tian felt the spirit attached by the fierce ghost level master. His powerful power made him have an invincible illusion. In a moment, the ghost Qi needle stabbed towards the insect!


A dull sound, the insect in this powerful force in a moment lost its activity, hard by Qin Tian from Ding Han snow body pulled out!

At this time, I look at this insect again. It is pink and looks like leeches. If you don't know its ability, who will think about it!?

It is strange to say that the insect is caught from Ding Han snow, and there is no trace on Ding Han snow!

"Qin Tian, how are you doing?"

After all this, Li Xiaoshuang was separated from Qin Tian.

Li Xiaoshuang is far above Qin Tian. It is not good for him to attach soul for a long time, especially in Qin Tian's current physical state, and it is not suitable to attach soul for a long time!

"Well, I am... I'm ok..." br >

Qin Tian is wearing rough breath and watching the motionless insect is preparing to rest. But who knows, the insect jumped up and rushed towards Qin Tian!

You know, Qin Tian is weak to the extreme at this moment. If you come to this insect, you will be greatly hurt!

"Evil animal!"

Li Xiaoshuang a low chige, ghost gas again needle, towards the insect stabbed past!


A dull noise, pink insects were stabbed instantly, the white sheet dyed into a pink!

"Code... Code, scared me..." br >

the excessive output of green energy, the passage of life, and the last scare brought by the insect, made it difficult for Qin Tian to support it again, and then fell on the bed with a plop!

Qin Tian suddenly fell and frightened Li Xiaoshuang, and hurried to check his body!

For a long time, Li Xiaoshuang took a breath. Qin Tian was just overworked and overloaded. His body reached a limit and could recover after a sleep.

Very considerate to Qin day and Ding Han snow covered a blanket, Li Xiaoshuang returned to Qin Tian jade.The next morning, it was just in the dark.

"Ah --"

a sharp cry came from the medical museum!

"Hooligan!" Ding Han snow shouted, suddenly raised a foot on the body of Qin Tian! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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