Qin Tian sends Ding Hanxue home. When Ding Jianguo sees his daughter safely back, he is grateful to Qin Tian. Especially when he knows that Qin Tian has removed the poisonous insects from his daughter's body, he says that he should leave Qin Tian for a meal!

At the dinner table, Qin Tian didn't say much. Until after dinner, Qin Tian pulled Ding Jianguo to his study and started a real conversation!

"Qin Tian, what do you have to say directly to me!"

Ding Jianguo saw from the beginning that Qin Tian had something to say to himself, but he couldn't think of what Qin Tian had in the end.

"Ding Ju, what do you think of the current public order in Songshan?" As soon as Qin Tiangang sat down, he asked the most sensitive question for Ding Jianguo.

Sure enough, Ding Jianguo listened to Qin Tian's question and fell into deep thinking.

"Songshan has already encountered a bottleneck." After thinking for a long time, Ding Jianguo finally began to speak slowly, "the present Pine Mountain, the small evil bully, has almost been punished, even if there are still remnants, they will be eliminated in a short period of time, but this is not enough..."

then, Ding Jianguo's face showed a trace of helplessness!

As a third tier city, Songshan has made great efforts to develop over the years, but it has neglected an important issue, that is, to crack down on the underworld!

Even in the past year, the underground forces have become increasingly large, almost beyond the control of the municipal Party committee. Now the national policy is strict and requires the fight against the underworld and the evil. However, the Songshan municipal Party committee can't fight against these big blackouts!

"I have a plan. If you like, we can try it!" Qin Tian said, strangely picked up a cigarette from the table and lit it up.

It's like a man who doesn't smoke a cigarette when he's talking about big things.

As soon as Ding Jianguo heard that Qin Tian had a way out, his eyes suddenly lit up, "what can I do?"

"Do you know why Guyue villa was renamed Qin palace?" Qin Tian didn't answer directly, but asked a question.

Ding Jianguo was stunned for a moment and said thoughtfully: "it seems that Guyue mountain villa was taken over by a person surnamed Qin..."

"I am the person with the surname of Qin!"

Qin Tian didn't beat around the Bush and admitted that he was the leader behind the Qin palace!

"You!" Ding Jianguo was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were full of surprise, "it's impossible. Gu Yue of Guyue mountain villa, who was famous in the 1990s, how could you give it to him..."

before Ding Jianguo's words were finished, Qin Tian dialed a telephone number.

"You come to Ding Jianguo's house!"

Qin Tian didn't wait to talk to each other, and then he hung up his mobile phone.

"This is..." Ding Jianguo was stunned.

"Ancient moon!" Qin Tian calmly replied, "since you don't believe me, I'll let him come to you and tell you personally."

"How can this work! I'm the director of public security. He's a big jerk. Come to my house and let me be a man in the future On hearing this, Ding Jianguo was in a hurry.

Qin Tian is calm sitting on the seat, indifferent to say: "d Bureau, a little calm don't be impatient, Gu Yue is not stupid, won't come to your home so blatantly, besides, he's a jerk, come to your director's house, he's afraid of Taoist brothers' gossiping!"

Colluding with the cops behind your back is a big taboo!

Sure enough, more than ten minutes later, a taxi stopped at the gate of Ding Jian's country. In the summer, a man with a cap knocked on the gate of Ding Jian's country!

"Mr. Qin!"

As soon as Gu Yue entered the door, he bowed to Qin Tian and swept the floor, showing great respect. Ding Jianguo could not close his mouth!

"Qin... Qin Tian, this Qin palace really has something to do with you!" Ding Jianguo's face is red, if Qin palace is Qin Tian's, then Qin genius is really big black!

Qin Tian did not speak, but gently nodded.

Ding Jianguo saw Qin Tian admit, surprised a fart. Shares then sat on the chair, for a long time to ease up.

"Well, tell me about the plan you just mentioned."

Ding Jianguo can see that Qin Tian is ready for everything today. In this case, let's just listen to what he wants to say to himself. As long as he does not violate his loyalty to the motherland and benefits Songshan, he is willing to take the risk of cooperating with Qin Palace once!

"In the last half month, I won't say much about the friction between the Qin palace and the Qingshan gang. I think the people below have already sent the news to you..." Qin Tian said tentatively, but Ding Jianguo did not show any expression. It can be seen that the friction between the Qingshan gang and the Qin palace is like the palm of his hand. "In that case, you should also see that the Qin palace wants to swallow Qing now The mountain Gang only needs a large-scale cleaning. From then on, the underground forces of Songshan will change from three to two, and the most powerful one is still my Qin Tian! "

"Ding Ju, imagine that if I annex the third one in such a situation, the underground forces of the whole Songshan mountain will be unified. At that time, as long as the ruler re formulates the underground rules, then Songshan will become extremely peaceful."

"During the day, with you, Ding Jianguo, leading thousands of policemen to administer justice, and at night, Qin Tian manages the underground order. I believe that as long as our original intention remains unchanged, we will be able to return Songshan a glorious world."Ding Jianguo sat opposite Qin Tian, listening to Qin Tian's plan, his face gradually became excited!

However, the excitement returned to excitement, but the vigilance of an old criminal police officer did not degenerate at all. Ding Jianguo looked at Qin Tian warily, "if I give you an independent family, can you still control the Qin Palace by then?"

With these words, Ding Jianguo a pair of sharp eyes then looked at the ancient moon standing beside Qin Tian.

His meaning is very obvious, Qin palace has been working hard for more than 20 years in Gu Yue's hands, but now he has given it to you. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world!? At that time, he has used up you and become the real underground overlord of Songshan. Can you guarantee that he won't kick you away!?

The ancient moon hears the speech, the instant cold sweat came down!

"Director Ding, I respect you as a good official. I can ignore your disrespect for me, but if you want to talk nonsense, don't blame me for turning over my face!" Gu Yue's face was so cold that she almost frosted.

With that, Gu Yue also secretly glanced at Qin Tian. After confirming that Qin Tian didn't take Ding Jianguo's words seriously, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Kick Qin Tian away!? Looking for death!? This goods even dozens of people can avoid shooting at the same time, he is not a man at all!

Kick him!? I want to live for another few decades!

Ding Jianguo was stunned for a moment. He didn't think Gu Yue was so afraid of Qin Tian!? He doesn't look like a fake at all!

For a while, Ding Jianguo became curious. How capable was Qin Tian? Even the underground Xiaoxiong Guyue was so respectful to him!?

"Ding Ju, you don't have to wonder. You don't have to worry about my control over the Qin palace. I promise that even if I leave the Qin palace, the Qin palace will never do anything harmful to society!" Qin Tian said this and also looked at the ancient moon.

Gu Yue understood the meaning of qintian dialect, which was to let herself express her position.

Almost without hesitation, Gu Yue said to Ding Jianguo: "as long as the underground forces of Songshan are unified, I will transform the Qin palace and try to bleach it within three years. I will also arrange jobs for the following group of idle bastards at any cost... You think, if you can have a stable job, who is willing to mix the society?"

In the past, when the moon is full, it is helpless to say.

In the early 1990s, I came to Songshan from my hometown in the countryside. In the era when the evil forces were at large, an outsider came to the city and was faced with the exclusion everywhere!

Finally, Gu Yue had to pull up a ticket of bitter haha brothers. After several fights, he finally got some hard work at the wharf!

Of course, the world will not be so peaceful. The business robbers can come to three or four waves a week. The worst time, Gu Yue was cut more than 20 times, and his intestines were drooping outside. In this way, he chased a dozen gangsters with machetes and ran out of two streets!

Since then, the name of the ancient moon was officially passed to the underground world of Songshan, the wharf had a place for him, and his younger brother gradually increased!

Looking back now, Gu Yue's heart is full of helplessness. If someone had given him a secure job or learned some skills, who would like to live a life with today but no tomorrow and no idea when to die!?

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