Ding Jianguo and Gu Yue belong to the same age. The files about Gu Yue in the public security bureau are at least half a meter high. Ding Jianguo naturally knows these things.

Looking at Gu Yue's eyes, Ding Jianguo also fell into deep thought. For a time, he had an impulse to gamble with Qin Tian!


With a slight sound, the door of the study was pushed open.

The three people looked at it and saw Ding Hanxue standing at the door with a serious face.

"Why are you here?" Ding Jianguo looked back with heartache, "I don't mean to ask your mother to stew some soup for you to tonify your body..."

her daughter has suffered a lot of crimes in her undercover work, which makes Ding Jianguo this daughter slave extremely distressed!

"Dad! I have a work report! " Ding Hanxue did not take up his words, but went straight into the study and stood in front of Ding Jianguo's desk.

"You..." Ding Jianguo knew his daughter's temperament. If she didn't finish today, he couldn't talk. He waved his hand and said, "OK, you can say it."

Ding Hanxue took a look at Qin Tian and began to report to Ding Jianguo what he had seen and heard as an undercover on Phoenix TV during this period of time, and told Ding Jianguo all at once!

"These bastards!"

Ding Jianguo a listen, immediately angry, mercilessly slapped on the table!

If it wasn't for the title of director of public security, Ding Jianguo would have given the phoenix platform even if he didn't have it!

"Fenghuangtai is the industry of Qingshan gang. The boss on the surface is the brother of Wang Qingshan, the boss of Qingshan Gang, er long!" Qin Tian said indifferently.


Hearing this, Ding Jianguo was stunned.

Although he is the director of the Bureau, he has a lot of information about the underworld, but he can't write down their every industry in detail, so does Fenghuang TV.

For a while, Ding Jianguo could no longer sit behind his desk, got up and went back and forth in his study.

For a long time, Ding Jianguo finally stopped!

"This matter must be thoroughly investigated."

"When you do a thorough investigation, they will have received the news that the evidence in the basement has been transferred. Do you think the gangsters are all idiots?" Gu Yue sneered.

He could not hold back for a long time, but for Qin Tian, the ancient moon would have hated him!

When Ding Jianguo heard this, he immediately showed a congealed look. "You mean, there are people in the police force who have been installed by them?"

Gu Yue sneered again, "I'm not afraid, you know, not only Wang Qingshan, but also my Qin palace and Zhentian Gang have undercover agents in various departments of Songshan! As long as your actions are arranged in advance, we can get the news at the first time! "

The three forces are all established forces which have been famous for more than 20 years. If they can't even train a few people who can be admitted to the state departments, they are useless!

To say the least, even if you can't train yourself, can't you spend money on it!? The financial resources of the three forces are almost comparable to those of the major consortia in Songshan. What is it to buy a few relationships!

Ding Jianguo a listen, eyebrows immediately wrinkled up!

If this is the case, it will be troublesome!

A large-scale anti underworld operation must be reported to the municipal Party committee in advance. At the same time, the police force is insufficient, and the armed police departments should cooperate with each other. How can the reports be kept secret from all walks of life!?

"But with the strength of our Songshan police station, we can't help Qingshan in one pot..."

"so you need our help!" Qin Tian finally said, "and the price you need to pay is just to give us a chance to annex the Qingshan gang."

For a while, Ding Jianguo fell into silence again!

Seeing Ding Jianguo so, Qin Tian sighed silently, "Ding Ju, I don't urge you, you can think about it."

With that, Qin Tian gets up and prepares to leave with the ancient moon.


Suddenly, Ding Jianguo yelled, "I agree with this matter! No matter what kind of responsibility falls from above, Ding Jianguo will take the responsibility! "



Qin Tian and Ding Hanxue are excited to look at Ding Jianguo, but Ding Jianguo raises his hand and stops them from talking, "Qin Tian, I've worked as a criminal police all my life, and the most confident thing is to see people! I believe you, I wait for you to give Songshan a brilliant future

Ding Jianguo's words are loud, looking at Qin Tian's eyes has become a man can have eyes!

Qin Tian looked at Ding Jianguo and nodded heavily, "if you raise your head three feet, you can rest assured. If I can say it, I will certainly be able to do it!"

Ding Jianguo looks at Qin Tian and gives a sigh of relief.

The little policewoman Ding Hanxue looks at her father Ding Jianguo is going to cooperate with Qin Tian. Suddenly, she feels that she can't tell the truth clearly.

One is his father, the other is the man he brought home. Ding Hanxue has an illusion for a time.

For a moment, Ding Hanxue was blushing, and her mind was full of the scenes of that big hand touching her chest when she woke up this morning.At present, this man seems to be not bad.

"Why are you blushing!? Is there any other discomfort? " Qin Tian just turned around at this time and saw Ding Hanxue, who was bashful and narcissistic.

Ding Hanxue was frightened by Qin Tian's words, and quickly woke up from the illusion just now. Like a child caught stealing sugar, Ding Hanxue said incoherently: "it's OK. I'm the one. When do you want to start...

Qin Tian looks at Ding Hanxue in doubt, and then slowly turns to Ding Jianguo after confirming that she is OK." Ding Ju, what do you think When is the right time to do it? "

Ding Jianguo frowned and thought for a while, and kept calculating in his mind, "the strength of Songshan police is gathered, plus the selection of reliable personnel... Today's time is not enough. I will try my best to finish all these things before tomorrow evening!"

"Let's do it tomorrow night!"

Hearing this, Qin Tian nodded slightly, and then ordered Gu Yue to say, "Gu Yue, order to go down. Tomorrow night, we will start to work on the green mountain gang and make all preparations."

The ancient moon had been in Qin Tian for a long time. When Qin Tian opened his mouth, his eyes immediately lit up with excitement, and a trace of cruel spirit burst out from his body. "Yes, Mr. Qin!"

Several people hid in the study and planned the things for tomorrow night in detail. They didn't finish all the arrangements until dinner time. Gu Yue quietly returned to Guyue villa.

"Qin Tian, don't leave at night. Let Xiaoxue make some dishes at night and taste the craft of Xiaoxue! Let's have another drink Ding Jianguo holds Qin Tian very affectionately, seizing every opportunity to show his daughter's strength in front of Qin Tian.

"Dad, don't make trouble. I went out to eat with Qin Tian in the evening. They saved me, but I haven't appreciated them yet."

Ding Hanxue saw Qin Tian's embarrassment, so he said it directly for Qin Tian, and he really should thank others.

When Ding Jianguo and his wife heard about it, they immediately brightened their eyes and thought that their daughter was finally enlightened and knew that they were going to pursue it on their own initiative!

They don't care whether Qin Tian is married or not. Even if he is divorced, they are willing to accept it!

"Well, then you go out to eat, young people hide together and get together, cultivate feelings well!"

Ding Jianguo said at the same time, actually also urged up, as if they want to go out to eat quickly.

Qin Tiandu has not returned to taste, from Ding Jian state was pulled out by Ding Hanxue.

"You don't mind, my parents... They're making a fool of themselves!" Ding Hanxue can't wait to explain to Qin Tian as soon as he goes out.

"What are you talking about? Ding Ju and auntie, that's enthusiasm. I thank them for not having time!" Qin Tian said, then opened the door of spenter, toward Ding Hanxue than a please posture, "go, I'll take you to eat delicious!"

Ding Hanxue looks at the genial Qin Tian, and suddenly she doesn't know how to express it. She is nervous and seems to jump out of her throat at any time.

She doesn't know what's wrong with her. Qin Tian has a lover. How can he... Because he saved his life and touched himself twice!?

Half an hour later, they appeared at Zhongtian International, where there was a restaurant called feast.

Ding Hanxue stood at the door of the feast and looked at the magnificent decoration inside. For a moment, she hesitated.

This place, is Qin Tian really able to afford to spend!?

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