Li Zheng smiles awkwardly when he hears the speech. To be honest, he still dares to scold Wang Di. After all, Wang Di doesn't look like him.

But Ding Hanxue is different. Although this cousin is a younger sister, her birthday is only a few days younger than her. She is also an elite in the police field. She is jealous of evil. From childhood to adulthood, Li Zheng has never won her no matter in momentum or in fighting!

"It's just a business. Chinese teenagers have teachers teaching. You should believe in our country's education."

Qin Tian smiles and says a word for Li Zheng. Sure enough, Ding Han Xue sees Qin Tian speak for Li Zheng and doesn't hate Li Zheng any more. Li Zheng is stunned.

"Li Zheng, you haven't dealt with it well. It's all waiting for you."

At this time, a voice came from the stairway again. People looked up and saw that it was Gu Yiming.

"Come down quickly, my God is here!"

Li Zheng called out to the upstairs. The sound was so loud that the whole restaurant was buzzing. Some guests wanted to open their mouths and scold, but when they saw Li Zheng, they closed their mouths and ate in silence.

Gu Yiming smelled the speech and hurriedly walked down from the upstairs, "oh my God, what have you been busy these days? Didn't you agree to come to my house for dinner?"!? No, you have to come home with me any night you say

Gu Yiming seized Qin Tian for a moment and didn't give up.

Qin Tian had no choice but to smile. He had promised him to go to his home for dinner, but he always had something to do. He couldn't get away from it.

Ding Han Xue sees that Qin Tian is entangled by Li Zheng and Gu Yiming, and does not let Qin Tian be embarrassed. After dinner, Ding Han tells the public that he wants to report back to the police station and leaves the banquet.

Qin Tian looks at her and understands what she is going back to do. Tomorrow night, she will start with the Qingshan gang. Ding Hanxue is worried.

"Come on, brother. Don't eat downstairs. Come upstairs and join us. It's just for us to guard the gate."

Gu Yiming doesn't care whether Qin Tianle is happy or not, so he goes upstairs.

Li Zheng patted the forehead, "my cousin made a fuss, I forgot about the things upstairs.

Gu Yiming smelled the words and turned his mouth, "it's not me. Just Wang Di. You should get rid of her as soon as possible. Sooner or later, you'll get into big trouble."

Qin Tianjia couldn't get in between the two people, so he had to be pulled up by them.

As soon as he got into the box, Qin Tian felt a strange breath. He was so cold that he immediately wrapped him up. Even in this hot summer, he couldn't help but shrink his body!

Qin Tian's pupil shrinks and his nose moves twice - it's the breath of the dead!

Why is there the smell of dead people in this box!? With doubts, Qin Tian stepped into the box!

"Li Da Shao, you must help us!"

As soon as Li Zheng stepped into the box, a woman rushed to catch him.

Qin Tian hears the voice and looks at the woman. She is in her thirties. She is bony and bony. Her skin is dark. Her dark eyes are deeply trapped in the eye socket. Her hair is extremely withered and yellow. She looks like a tortured person!

Qin Tianmo quietly pulled a seat and sat beside him. Li Zheng and Gu Yiming saw that Qin Tian didn't open his mouth. His eyes turned and continued to talk with each other.

"Sister Wang, don't do this. Since we are here today, we certainly won't stand idly by. But anyway, you have to tell me about your family first!? How can I go with you if you don't say anything? "

Li Zheng's performance is extremely difficult.

"No, no, I've seen your live broadcast. You can help me. You can catch ghosts and solve my family's problems!" The woman nodded her head almost madly.

"Sister Wang, if you don't say so, we'll really go!"

Gu Yiming's voice from the side, full of cold, he is not Li Zheng, soft hearted, even if the woman knocked to death in front of himself, he did not blink!

Gu Yiming was about to leave with Li Zheng. Sure enough, the woman quickly stood up and said, "I said, I said, you don't go!"

Gu Yiming and Li Zheng listened, looked at each other with a smile, and then sat back in their seats again.

Seeing this, the woman sighed a little, "this matter has to start from half a year ago..."

the woman's name is Wang Cuilan. Five years ago, she married a clay worker named Zhu Laosan on the construction site. Because Zhu Laosan was willing to bear hardships and made a lot of money on the construction site, the family lived fairly well.

But it didn't last long. Just three years ago, Wang Cuilan had just given birth to her son. Before she even had a month's birth, she came from the construction site the bad news of Zhu Laosan - aerial work. Zhu Laosan fell down from the fourth floor!

Later, Zhu Laosan was sent to the intensive care unit of the hospital. He was forced to leave the hospital until he had spent all his money at home.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Laosan passed away in less than a week, leaving them alone.

"In recent half a year, I always dream of the third one, saying that I can't eat enough below, so I can get more food for him..." Wang Cuilan said, and her face became ugly. "Sometimes I don't just dream. When I wake up in the middle of the night, I always hear the sound of eating. When I open the refrigerator in the morning, there will be less food in it.""I haven't slept well for half a year..." Wang Cuilan's eyes were full of blood. "I'm not afraid to die. Even if the third one comes back, I can still afford him. But I'm afraid. I have a son who is less than three years old, who is always awakened by this sound every day, and now I'm afraid to speak..."

"please go to our home and broadcast it live. If you can call the third one out, I can't speak Well, if I can't, I'll tell him so that he can rest assured of everything. I'll certainly cook more food for him when he goes down to be reincarnated... "

as she said this, the woman began to cry. It looked like she was tortured.

Qin Tian looks at Wang Cuilan, his face full of doubts.

Wang Cuilan is a living person, but why does she have a breath of dead people!?

Qin Tian didn't understand, so he closed his eyes and began to search for answers in the inheritance of his ancestors.

Li Zheng and Gu Yiming dare not agree to Qin Tian's words. After all, what this woman said is too mysterious. They just make a live broadcast of online celebrities, and they can't take their lives to fight. If Qin Tian was not there last time, Li Zheng would not even think about it!

After a while, Qin Tian opened his eyes, and his mind had already been concerned!

"Sister Wang, isn't she?"!? I have learned about your family's affairs. You can rest assured that we will send someone to your home for live broadcast in just a few days and solve your family's problems by the way! " Qin Tian said firmly.

Hearing this, Wang cuiqin was overjoyed, but she still looked at Li Zheng and wanted to confirm with him.

"What my brother said is what I said. Don't worry. If you promise, you will go to do it. I already have the address. You can go back first. When the time is determined, I will ask the Secretary to call you in advance." Li Zheng nodded, which was an order to leave.

"OK, OK, you must come. My child and I are waiting for you..."

with that, the woman left the box step by step.

Li Zheng and Gu Yiming are full of doubts. I don't know why Qin Tian agreed to her request so happily.

"God, talk about it." Gu Yiming is extremely curious. Although he also knows some metaphysics, compared with Qin Tian, it is a heaven and a ground, which is not at the same level.

Li Zheng also nodded, and they looked at Qin Tian.

Qin Tian took a sip of the tea cup in front of him and said slowly, "this woman is a living dead man."

"What?" Gu Yiming was shocked at the speech and turned pale!

Li Zheng looked at the two people playing the riddle and asked in a hurry: "brother Tian, Yiming, what is the living dead!"

"Since you've done the horror live broadcast, it's time to make up for the knowledge of metaphysics!" Gu Yiming took a look at him and continued: "the living dead mean that although alive, they have lost the signs of life just like the dead. For example, some zombies and other movies are often made in the West. It can be said that zombies are the most basic living dead!"

"Today's woman, who can speak, has expression and intelligence quotient. If she is a living dead person according to Tiange, she must be a senior living dead person! If it is, it will be troublesome! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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