"Live dead!" Li Zheng sniffed the words and gulped his mouth. "Then... Are they eating human flesh and drinking human blood like zombies?"

Gu Yiming nodded, "yes, their body function is inactive, and they must rely on human blood and human flesh to survive. So, Wang Suqin just now wants us to go to her house and live broadcast, so the purpose should be to eat us!"

Li Zheng heard the words, shaking with fear. Looking back on the expression and words Wang cuiqin had just left, he was immediately horrified!

You must come. I'm waiting for you with the kids... She means to take these people as dinner!?

"Dog day, tiger is not powerful really when we are Hello K Ti!" Li Zheng was stunned for a long time, a pat on his thigh, and finally he felt the taste!

"My God, what shall I do!"

Li Zheng and Gu Yiming looked at Qin Tian.

Qin Tian was sitting in his seat frowning and thinking, and he wondered why there were living dead people in Songshan.

But everything is reasonable. Since it appears, it must be solved, and it means that many people will suffer if they live!

"He wants us to go, then we will, but..." Qin Tian said this, a slight pause.

"But what!" Li Zheng and Gu Yiming stared at Qin Tian.

"But I'm very busy recently, I may not have time to play with you." Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Don't you, my brother, if you don't go, we don't have to give people food yet?" Gu Yiming grins, and with his metaphysical knowledge, he goes to be a dish!

"That is, Tiange, you have to go, and have asked the whereabouts of the Qin emperor every day in the live studio. If you do it again, make sure the live room is full again!"

Li Zheng said nothing exaggeration, Qin Tian last live broadcast directly let the person on the other side of the mobile phone see ghosts, fantastic is, after recording screen sent to the Internet but nothing can see, a time, many good owners also set up a relatively forum and Penguin Group, dedicated to discuss the Emperor Qin, has not stopped until now!

Li Zheng and Gu Yiming looked forward to looking at Qin Tian, but Qin Tian smiled slightly, and said to Lizheng, "you don't have to worry about it. Although I can't live with you, I can recommend you personally. Although I am not as good as me, I can win more time and can cooperate with you for a long time!"

"Oh!?" Li Zheng and Gu Yiming looked at each other, "my God, who are you talking about!"

"Chen Lei!"

"Chen Lei!" Li Zheng stared at Qin Tian with big eyes and looked at Qin Tian doubtlessly. "She can't do it!? Don't take us to a dinner that's been a family! "

Gu Yiming listened and quickly pulled Lizheng. "I have seen the woman's hand! Last time, it was not easy for Tiange to subdue it. It was so powerful! "

Li Zheng was taken away by Chen Guang last time. Qin Tian took Gu Yiming to save him. Chen Lei was the first pass Qin Tian met. The martial arts of attachment soul was carved from Chen Lei again!

"Is it!?" Li Zheng can not believe to look at Gu Yiming and Qin Tian, who is arranged in the villa, to the people clear water woman, there is so strong!?

"And not only can she go, buy a send one, your cousin girl can also go!"

Several days later, Qin Tian believes that Ya Ya will grow in the cultivation of Chen Lei. She has been able to attach her soul successfully when she went last time. Then, there will be greater progress in this time!

Not only to deal with the living dead, even to the ordinary evil ghost, Qin Tian also has the confidence to easily subdue!

"What else to wait for, go!"

Li Zheng heard that Qin Tian had such confidence in them and urged Qin Tian immediately.

Ya Ya has blood pupil thing he knows, cooperate with him to carry on terrorist live broadcast again is suitable! Plus her master Chen Lei sitting in town, I think it's not good to have a fire in this live studio!

Anyway, I also want to cultivate new network red, who is not training ah, their own people, not losing!

Qin Tian saw Li Zheng in a hurry, and with a smile he got up and followed him downstairs.

Three people in a row drove to Xiangshan villa quickly, three cars were arranged one by one, and stopped steadily at the entrance of CHENLEI villa.

Li Zheng and Gu Yiming know that Chen Lei does not like to be disturbed, so they hide behind Qin Tian and let Qin Tian resist thunder for them.

Qin Tian knocked at the door, and in a short time, a "please come in" came. Qin Tian took out the key and opened the door.

Chen Lei is still sitting in a cuddle hall, the curtain tightly tied with the ghost spirit in the house, making the whole villa seem extremely strange.

"What are you doing again?" Chen Lei saw Qin Tian impatient, even the secret of not dying gave him, unexpectedly also came to disturb himself!

Qin Tian heard the words and smiled awkwardly, "what, are you going to join the world to practice? I came here today to give you a chance to join the world, see if you want to go!"

Qin Tian asked a tentative question.Chen Lei followed Chen Guang from childhood. She knew nothing about the world. She had a lot of skills, but there was no place to show them. Qin Tian thought twice about bringing Li Zheng and them to the live broadcast.

More contact with the world, whether for Chen Lei or for ya ya, are rare opportunities!

Chen Lei was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Qin Tian to say such a thing. She asked, "what chance?"

"You don't care about any chance, first call out Ya Ya, this matter must you two together, how can every day hold in the house, is not good for the child's growth!" Qin Tian said, then stretched his neck to look upstairs.

As soon as Chen Lei saw Qin Tian's virtue, she rolled her eyes and pinched her hands. A ghost spirit rushed up the second floor along the ceiling. After a short time, a tiny figure appeared at the stairway. Who could it be!

"Big brother, cousin, brother Yiming!"

As soon as Ya Ya Ya saw the three people, she began to smile and slowly walked down the stairs. The cold air on her body became more and more strong, just like Chen Lei now!

In particular, teachers must have their students. The ancients did not deceive me!

With ya ya approaching, Qin Tian feels an amazing ghost gas. Although the storage capacity is not as good as that of himself and Chen Lei, the quality is obviously much higher!

Is this the benefit of pupil blood!?

"Through this period of practice, Yaya has been able to skillfully manipulate a ghost to enchant the soul, and can play a sufficient combat effectiveness!" Chen Lei is proud to say, look at ya ya's eyes also become soft up!

"It's all taught by master!" Ya Ya smiles.

"What about you?" Qin Tian asked Chen Lei.

Chen Lei snorted, "I have been able to successfully enchant a ghost. If I fight again, I will not be so easy to lose to you!"

The last fight with Qin Tian was very exciting to her. She never thought that she would be stolen from her martial arts in the battle. However, Qin Tian did it and crushed herself!

During this period of hard training, her goal is to surpass Qin Tian and defeat him, and then regain confidence!

"I'll wait for the day when you challenge me!" Qin Tian smiles.

There are too many messy things in this period of time. I haven't practiced the immortal formula for a long time. If it goes on like this, it will be sooner or later for Chen Lei to surpass him.

It seems that we should take time to practice!

Chen Lei gently hummed, "now Ya Ya has come down, you can say your thing."

Hearing the speech, Qin Tian smiles and tells her about Li Zheng's horror studio. She can not only join the WTO, but also increase her income.

Although Chen Lei didn't say that, Qin Tian knew that she didn't want to pick up people's wisdom, so even if she had her own, she was still very poor. Even after Ya Ya Ya came here, she lost a lot of weight, which made people feel distressed.

Sure enough, Chen Lei's eyes lit up after Qin Tian said, "I agree! But I have a condition! "

"What's the condition?" As soon as Li Zheng hears Chen Lei agree, he jumps out in a hurry and can't wait to ask.

Chen Lei glanced at him and said slowly, "Ya Ya and I still need to practice, so there are not many times that we can go out to live broadcast. We can go out twice a week at most, and it must be at night."

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