People who cultivate ghost spirit hate sunshine. Li Zheng knows that, so he agrees without hesitation!

"Let's go live together tonight!" Li Zheng tentatively asked Chen Lei.

Chen Lei didn't expect to come so fast. At a loss, she took a subconscious look at Qin Tian.

"Today's opponent is the living dead. What we know is an adult living dead person. There may be a small one in the family. The strength is between the ghost and the evil ghost, and it will not exceed the level of the evil ghost! But today you live for the first time, in case, I will accompany you there Qin Tian looks serious. "I can also see the strength of Yaya

To be honest, Qin Tian is very curious about the blood pupil. Even the memory left by his ancestors only mentioned so few words. Even the old ancestor can't tell us how bad it can be!

Chen Lei pondered for a moment and nodded slightly, "OK, although you are quite annoying, but there are still some strength, and you are safe."

When Qin Tian heard Chen Lei's comment, he immediately widened his eyes. For a while, he couldn't tell whether she was boasting or scolding himself!

Li Zheng and Gu Yiming listened and covered their mouths one after another and laughed. They were afraid that they would laugh too loud, and Qin Tian could not hold his face.

The next time, Chen Lei and Ya Ya also followed the three people out of the door. According to the old rules, they bought Rooster blood and black dog blood from the vegetable market, and bought some cinnabar. Li Zheng also brought the necessary killing blade for his live broadcast. A group of people set out towards the address Wang cuiqin left them!

Wang cuiqin's family is in Shangyang County, Songshan city. After going out of the old town, Wang cuiqin's family is about thirty miles away. There is a remote mountain village with small bungalows. Most of the houses have been abandoned. The whole village looks gloomy.

Li Zheng sent people to inquire about the village before he came. He said that since three years ago, there were always people missing in the village. It was said that some people in the village had offended the mountain god. The mountain god took them as tribute. Some people said that monsters appeared in the mountain and ate them. After that, all the capable people in the village began to live outside Well, there are only some old and weak diseases left here, and they all died soon.

But Li Zheng and they know that these missing people are likely to be eaten by Wang cuiqin and her son!

I remember one time, a developer took a fancy to the scenery here and wanted to develop tourism. But just arrived here, he lit up three incense sticks, and the incense head went out inexplicably!

It is said that the developer bought the three incense sticks from the master at a high price. Once it is extinguished, it means that this place is a place of great evil. Don't hesitate to give up all interests and go immediately, or you will be killed!

Since then, no one dares to come to this mountain village.

Qin Tian listens to the investigation of Li Zheng's subordinates. Next time, he nods and says that this kind of gimmick is definitely a good place for live broadcasting.

A group of people came to Shangyang county and found a small restaurant. They all sat down to have dinner.

"This is the information I asked Chang Jiang Si Sen of Songshan metaphysics association to find. It is mainly about the living dead. Let me tell you something about this Kung Fu."

Gu Yiming did not know where to find a printing shop, printed a large stack of information, put it on the table, and said to the public while eating.

"The living dead have a characteristic, that is, their bodies decay very quickly. If they don't drink human blood or eat human flesh for a few days, they will have the smell of corpses. Once this kind of smell is produced, their bodies will become very strange. Whether it is speed, strength, or the degree of bloodthirsty, they will increase by several times. Although there are no ghosts, they can not be seen and touched, but the risk factor is It's not low at all, so when we get to the place, we just need to install the camera far away. We can't get close to it! For this live broadcast, we use the mini camera in front of us

With that, Gu Yiming takes out a black rubber belt, which can be wound around the chest. There are three cameras in front of and behind the chest, in different directions!

Qin Tian looked at it and nodded to himself. If it was such a camera, each person would be bound with one, and four or five people would be enough to live.

It seems that Li Zheng and they have thought a lot of ways for live broadcasting.

After dinner, the motorcade marched towards the mountain village, and soon stopped at the foot of a mountain.

"Let's get a couple of remote cameras installed. All the others are in the signal car and stand by!"

Li Zheng gave an order. Several technicians followed Li Zheng and walked up the mountain. They didn't worry that the people left behind would be hurt, because these signal cars had already been armored, and even the shells could not blow away, let alone some living dead.

As night fell, Li Zheng turned on the camera.

"Audience, you are lucky to see our new anchor Then she pointed the camera in front of her chest at Chen Lei and ya ya, "come on, say hello to everyone!"

Chen Lei looks at Li Zheng lightly, but she doesn't pay attention to him. She is full of Gao lengfan.

[wow, the beauty is dressed in black with a knife on her back. Look at the atmosphere. It's absolutely contemporary Ma Xiaoling! ][beautiful woman is so cold. Has the style of the studio changed?! 】

[I don't care about the style, I just care about the appearance and body... Sister, don't go live, I raise you! 】

[upstairs, you missed the word "Bao"! 】

looking at the barrage, Li Zheng was thankful that Chen Lei couldn't see it, otherwise he would have turned his face!

However, Yaya cooperated with Li Zheng and gave the cousin enough face. She said with a smile: "Hello, everyone, my name is Ya Ya, and I will also participate in today's live broadcast."

With that, he said hello to the camera.

[wow, 10-year-old Laurie, my favorite! 】

[don't be obscene upstairs, even children!? [

] as like as two peas in the black dress, look at her dress. 】

[my God, this kid is not here to catch ghosts, is he!? 】

the live room became lively, and there was a fierce debate about whether children could participate in the live broadcast of terror!

After they passed the Village Lane, Qin Tian looked at the time. It was more than eight o'clock. Although the summer was long, the time had become completely dark. For a while, Qin Tian began to be on guard!

Li Zheng pointed to a bright house not far away and said, "that's where we live this time, Wang cuiqin's home!"

"Come on, let's go and have a look." Chen Lei said.

Gu Yiming strongly suggests that she wants to open her mouth. As an anchor, how can she not say a word!

Sure enough, Chen Lei spoke and the studio was boiling again!

[the anchor's voice is so good! 】[br] >

< 1! 】

the crowd walked towards the house. Qin Tian looked at the door lock. When it was broken, Chen Lei lifted her hand and pushed the door open and walked in.

Just entered the door, a burst of rotten gas then rushed to the face, so that everyone's action instantaneous stagnation!

"Be careful!" Qin Tian reminds people in a low voice.

The house was very shabby, and the furniture was covered with dust, as if no one had cleaned it for a long time.

Suddenly, a black shadow from the corner of the wall with a very fast speed in the past!

"What is that?" Li Zheng exclaimed, and immediately held the blade in his hand!

Chen Lei also saw the shadow, and the ghost Qi in her body began to work unconsciously. Seeing that Chen Lei was so vigilant, Yaya began to run the ghost Qi silently. Soon, her body was wrapped in a layer of gray.

The people were alert to the surrounding, just at this time, the door creaked and was pushed open!

"You are here at last!" A girl's voice came from behind. The voice was strange and numb!

All of them were startled. There was a door beside them. A woman in shabby clothes was looking at Qin Tian with a deep look. Who could it be if it was not Wang cuiqin!? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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