Li Zheng and Gu Yiming listen to the sound, the whole body of hair are up!

"Come and have a seat with me." Wang cuiqin said, with a strange smile, turned and walked toward the inner room.

Li Zheng looked at Qin Tian, Qin Tian nodded to follow, and the people followed the woman to go in.

The family is very poor. It can be described as having no family. Wang cuiqin poured water for the people and put it on the table. They looked at the dirty cup, and no one reached for it.

Walking into this room, the smell of decay became more and more intense, just like the smell of a rat dying in a corner, which the family did not know.

"Elder sister, you said you still have a son. What about others?"

Gu Yiming smiles and pretends to be relaxed. He wants to talk to her. At least he should see the child and see if the child is a living dead person!

"He is not very well. He is lying in the inner room. He should be asleep."

When Wang cuiqin mentioned her son, the expression on her face became gentle, but it made people a little surprised.

Hearing the speech, Qin Tian turned his head and looked at the room with the door closed. It was dark and filled with a sense of stillness. The sound of hearing the rope came from inside, as if something was crawling all over the ground.

In an instant, Qin Tian frowned.

Wang cuiqin seems to have noticed Qin Tian's eyes. She gets up and blocks the door. She says to Qin Tian: "this is my son! No one else is allowed to watch

Seeing this, Li Zheng got up in a hurry. "Sister Wang, we don't want to see your son, we just care about his body. My friend is a doctor, which is an instinctive reaction..."

after listening to Li Zheng's introduction, Wang cuiqin's ferocious face gradually calmed down, "doctor..."

without knowing what was in her head, she slowly walked to the table and picked up the teapot "The tea is cold, I'll go and cook it for you again..."

with that, he walked towards the kitchen alone.

Seeing her leaving, Chen Lei immediately pulled Ya Ya for a moment and said to the crowd, "withdraw to the outside. There is something strange here."

With that, Chen Lei pulled out the knife on her back. Ya Ya also learned from her and held her knife in her hand!!

In fact, everyone knows that there is something strange about Chen Lei. Gu Yiming asked him to say this sentence. In order to live the effect, we must leave the audience in suspense!

Sure enough, the live room is busy again!

[holding grass, what's strange? I don't see it! Ask the great gods for guidance! 】

[that woman is absolutely a ghost! 】

[ghost J8, I don't see any shadow on the wall. You'll be new! 】

at the urging of Chen Lei, everyone got up to go out, but at this moment, the kitchen door was suddenly pushed open, Wang Suqin held out a head, looked at the people in a ferocious way, and her saliva was constantly flowing out, "just come in a hurry, don't you stay for a night snack?"

Who dares to see her like this!? Li Zheng and Gu Yiming are weak, so they run to the door at the first time, shouting: "I'm not here for dinner just now..."

"Oh!? If you don't eat, my son wants to eat it! You stay and make him a night snack... "

as she said this, the woman became sharp and laughed, and a thin shadow crawled out of her son's room!

[paralyzed! What the hell! 】

[this... This is her son!? 】

[is it a deformity!? Or change!? 】

the child who crawled out looked terrible, with twisted limbs, protruding eyes, crawling on the ground like an animal, and his tusks were full of rotten smell!

"Come on, get out of here!"

Qin Tian can only lower his voice to the microphone in his ear to inform the public. After all, this live broadcast is not in the picture frame, so it can't affect the live broadcast.

On hearing this, Chen Lei called out in a hurry: "get out of here! Come on

"I want to go, it's late!"

Wang cuiqin laughed ferociously, and saw the child jump up suddenly, with a pair of extremely sharp claws suddenly catching Li Zheng's chest!

Seeing this, Chen Lei ran the ghost gas in a hurry, and the slender blade suddenly cut out!


a crisp sound, the child's claws collide with the long knife and emit the sound of gold and iron!

Li Zheng breathed heavily in the back, looking at the black claw close at hand, a burst of fear in his heart!

If this claw grasps on own body, the viscera can be caught by him!

For a moment, Li Zheng's brain instantly made up 10000 kinds of pictures of being eaten by the child!

"This is the living dead. Be careful Chen Lei opens her mouth again and again according to the lines given to her by Gu Yiming.

The living dead!? What the hell? 】

[isn't it abnormal!? 】

[upstairs, four not four!? Can the deformity be so powerful that it can collide with the blade!? The living dead are zombies. The mother and son have changed! ]The subtitles in the live broadcast room kept rolling, and Chen Lei couldn't see it. She took out a handful of cinnabar from her pocket and threw it on the child. The child immediately appeared a series of blisters, screaming and rolling on the ground, as if in great pain!

"You dare to hurt my son!" Wang cuiqin was standing by to watch her son's "hunting". However, she didn't expect that this damned woman would dare to hurt him. In a moment, her eyes turned red, and she rushed at Chen Lei crazily!

"Master, I will come!"

All of a sudden, a tender voice sounded, and Ya Ya had completed her soul attachment. She was surrounded by Black Ghost gas, and rushed towards Wang cuiqin!

Ya Ya's body rushed to Wang cuiqin like a ghost, and the knife with sharp ghost spirit suddenly cut into the woman's paws!


The dagger flashed by, and the woman's paw was immediately chopped. Four fingers were broken and fell to the ground!

However, it is extremely strange that Wang cuiqin did not shed a trace of blood!

Wow, Lori is so fierce! 】

[where was the one who wanted to molest Lori just now!? Now you go! 】

[it's estimated that the egg is shrinking, and Laurie's fighting power has been castrated in minutes! 】

Wang cuiqin was chopped off the finger of one hand by Ya Ya. She immediately stepped back and jumped to the wall with a sudden jump. Like the child, she walked on the wall with all her limbs, and then rushed to Chen Lei again!

Chen Lei snorted coldly. She said the tiger didn't get angry. Do you really think others are sick cats!?

Then Chen Lei unscrewed the small bottle she was carrying with her. She poured the mixture of cock blood, black dog blood and cinnabar on the knife. She jumped up suddenly and gave a big drink: "chop!"

In an instant, the red blade radiated a burst of vermilion light and chopped towards Wang cuiqin!

At this moment, Chen Lei's fighting power is fully displayed. Standing on Wang cuiqin's body with a red blade, she immediately cuts Wang cuiqin into two sections!

[hold the grass, beautiful anchor, powerful! 】

[majestic + 1! 】

[beautiful anchor, I love you! 】

for a moment, the whole studio said everything!

But when everyone thought that Wang cuiqin was killed by Chen Lei, Wang cuiqin, who was cut into two pieces, actually sat up, and her upper body began to crawl towards the inner room!

"The living dead can only be killed by cutting off their heads!" Qin Tian again lowered his voice to the headset.

As soon as Chen Lei heard this, she hurried forward, and without hesitation, she cut into Wang cuiqin's head!

At this time, the camera screen is divided into left and right sides. On one side is the main viewing angle of Chen Lei. The long knife cuts into Wang Suqin's head without any deviation, and on the other side is Li Zheng's second angle of view, watching her cut the knife into the head of the living dead from the perspective of a third party!

Double screen live broadcast at the same time, this is Li Zheng's usual means, the most can let the audience believe that they see this is the real picture!

"Cousin, be careful!"

But when all the people put their eyes on Chen Lei's side, the child moved again and saw his body flash and suddenly jumped to Li Zheng!


The thin figure instantly fell on Li Zheng's neck, two black claws had already grasped on Li Zheng's heavenly cover. As long as he exerted a little force, Li Zheng's head would be lifted!

"Don't hurt my cousin!"

In a flash, Ya Ya screamed wildly. Ghost gas swept the whole room like a tornado. The child was not stable on Li Zheng's shoulder, but was deflected by the ghost gas!

At this time, Ya Ya seized the opportunity and jumped suddenly. With the blessing of her soul, it was like a black light passing in front of the child!


The sound of a knife edge cutting the skin came. I saw that the child's head slowly slipped down his shoulder and was beheaded by ya ya!

For a while, everyone was stunned, especially Qin Tian. He didn't expect that YaYa would be able to kill her opponent without any waves when she used her knife for the first time!

Is it really the effect of blood pupil!? Ordinary children don't even dare to take a knife, let alone beheading!?

Li Zheng is so scared that he sits on the ground, sweating from his forehead. Gu Yiming doesn't care that he is not in the picture. He rushes forward and throws out half of the child's body to save Li Zheng!

"Li Zheng, are you ok?"

Chen Lei ran over and quickly grabbed a handful of cinnabar and applied it on Li Zheng's neck and head, because this is the place where the child had just caught him, and there was a trace of black! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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