For a moment, the whole room became flustered, for fear of what happened to Li Zheng!

At this time, the signal car outside switched the lens to Chen Lei and looked at Li Zheng from the first angle.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of the live broadcast today. See you next time!"

With that, the signal car directly cut off the signal and stopped the live broadcast. The accompanying doctor rushed out of the car and rushed to the house!

"Give it to me!"

At this time, Qin Tian calmly walked over from the side, and the people who were busy with the whole pot of porridge saw Qin Tian come over and instantly woke up.

Yeah, we've got a miracle doctor. Fluffy!

"Tiange, you must save me, but I eat by my face..." Li Zheng was sad, the mobile phone used as a mirror to look at the wound on his face and neck.

"Cousin, can we have a face?" The elder brother looks at you, big Ya Zheng will not stand behind you

Since last time Qin Tian saved Ya Ya, Ya Ya has an inexplicable dependence on Qin Tian. It seems that as long as Qin Tian is there, she is not afraid of anything.

Qin Tian squatted down and looked at Li Zheng's face and neck. Several clear black fingerprints had penetrated into his skin. If he didn't deal with it in time, I'm afraid even Li Zheng might become a living dead man!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian ran the ghost Qi silently, concentrated all the ghost Qi on his hands, and began to massage the black claw marks on Li Zheng's body.

"Ghost gas... Can you use that?"

Chen Lei stood on one side and looked a little stunned. Li Zheng actually used the ghost gas in his body to lead it out!

"There's a lot more to use." Qin Tian smiles, "anything that can kill can save people!"

Chen Lei was stunned to hear that for a long time, he didn't return to his mind.

After a short time, the black claw marks on Li Zheng's body had been almost eliminated. The people left the village and moved slowly towards the Pine Mountain.

"I've helped you get out the dirty things in your body, but you still have to deal with the wounds on your skin when you go back, otherwise it's easy to leave scars!" Qin Tian tells Li Zheng in the car.

"I'm afraid of scarring one day Li Zheng, with a smile, didn't take the wound on his face seriously.

"That's right. One day, we'll have one more life!" Gu Yiming nodded and said it very seriously. As if he thought of something, he turned to the driver and said, "big brother, drive towards the Gu family Manor!"

"Now to your house!? It's almost nine o'clock. When you return to Songshan for at least half an hour, do you want to invite Tiange to dinner or have supper? "

Li Zheng was stunned immediately when he heard this. The old man Gu is really persistent!

"That must be. I told him to invite him to dinner in the evening, but I didn't want to be delayed by the live broadcast. Today, the old man was completely angry and said that I had shaken him several times. If I didn't invite him home today, I would not have to go back!" Gu Yiming shakes his head, very helpless.

Qin Tian laughs bitterly when he hears the speech. If he doesn't go, he will go. Anyway, he has nothing to do. He takes out his mobile phone and makes a phone call to Jiao Cheng, asking him to send several kinds of medicinal materials to Li Zheng for treatment.

It wasn't long. Li Zheng was contacted by the signal car through the walkie talkie.

"Mr. Li, today's reward has been paid, a total of 12 million!" The cheers of the whole signal car followed.

Because they know that Li Zheng is generous to his opponents and never eats on his own. As long as he makes money, he won't lose his brothers!

"The old rule is that 20% of the companies will pay the rest to the anchor and the company according to the proportion!" Li Zheng pressed the walkie talkie and said with a smile.

Educated by Li Yanliang since childhood, Li Zheng has always been conscientious to his subordinates. As the saying goes, "workers get paid, those who work hard get blood." these people follow their own terror live broadcast. This is a gamble on their lives. Li Zheng can't lose them!

This time, there are about ten people in the signal car, each of them can get more than 20000!

Qin Tian was stunned to hear that. He spent more than 20000 yuan a night. In China, it was definitely the top income!

After hanging up the walkie talkie, Li Zheng looks at Chen Lei and Ya Ya and says, "according to the rules, you and ya can get 40% and the rest 40%, Yiming and I can get 40%...

Li Zheng is afraid that Chen Lei doesn't understand, so he explains to her quietly.

When Chen Lei heard the speech, she couldn't believe it. "I... do you mean that if I kill a living dead person, I can get nearly five million

Li Zheng and Gu Yiming smile, "yes, you have special skills, it's worth the price!"

In fact, Li Zheng and Gu Yiming didn't talk nonsense. How many people can have this kind of ability in the world!? But where there is a little skill can come out to make money, which is not a word of gold!?

Chen Lei was completely stunned.

When she followed Chen Guang, Chen Guang killed people and goods again and again in order to get some money. It can be said that he committed all kinds of crimes. But who thought it was so easy to make money!For a moment, Chen Lei laughed bitterly. Those who were killed by Chen Guang were really worthless.

Then Li Zheng looked at Qin Tian and said, "brother Tian, I didn't count your money today. It's not that I'm stingy. But if you're short of money, don't worry about when, my money is yours!"

"And me Gu Yiming also raised his hand with a smile.

Qin Tian smiles and doesn't say much. He can accompany Li Zheng and Gu Yiming out. What he values is never money.

Chen Lei returns to the villa with ya ya, and the staff is disbanded on the spot. Qin Tian takes some herbs from Jiao Cheng's hand, and the three people drive to gujia manor.

As soon as he entered the gate, Qin Tian heard the sound of dancing music. With the sound, he saw that an open-air dance was being held on the grass beside the villa, and many people were wriggling on the dance floor with the dance music.

Li Zheng stood in place, with black lines on his face, "Yiming, are you sure you want to take us there today?"

Dance, in China, only middle-aged and old people can hold this kind of thing!? A little evolution, this is a private square dance!

Plus this time point, it's just the time for us to have a walk after dinner and have a square dance!

Gu Yiming is also extremely embarrassed. He has never seen his face blush. Today, he was held back by Li Zheng's words, and his face turned red. He was stunned and did not say a word for a long time.

The heart says this father is really a father, let oneself take a person to the home, unexpectedly still make this one out!

He insisted on asking Qin Tian and Li Zheng to go inside. Soon, they came to the grass. At this time, Gu Jiahong was dancing with his wife on the dance floor. The housekeeper came back after seeing Gu Yiming and hurried to inform Gu Jiahong.

Soon, Gu Jiahong and his wife withdrew from the dance floor, and the sound engineer stopped music.

"Doctor Qin, welcome to my humble home!" Gu Jiahong looked at Qin Tian, and came over laughing!

"Hello, uncle gu!" Qin Tian reaches out and shakes Gu Jiahong.

"Doctor Qin, it's been a while since you left my family manor last time."

Gu Jiahong claps Qin Tian's hand, but also takes time to stare at Gu Yiming, who is helpless.

Qin Tian also knows what he means. It's just that Gu Yiming is not as good as Li Zheng. Li Zheng takes Qin Tian home and gives him a villa when he has nothing to do. How are you doing? He has to turn his face to bring people.

Qin Tian also gave a bitter smile and said to Gu Jiahong, "Uncle Gu, I'm good friends with Li Zheng and Yiming. In the future, you don't call me the doctor of Qin. Call me Xiao Qin or Qin Tian."

"Hello, Xiaoqin! I'll be called Xiao Qin from now on Gu Jiahong listened to Qin Tian's introduction of his relationship with Yiming!

At their age, they know the importance of a miracle doctor.

"Mount Lushan, you can go up the mountain and pick the top five trees."

Then Gu Jiahong took Qin Tian to the villa.

Gu Yiming's mother saw that the dance could not be carried out this evening. She simply dragged a couple of older sisters into the villa to share her skin care products, especially the new collection of her own mask, which would cost tens of thousands of pieces, and just try it together.

Gu Jiahong with Qin Tian several people came to the study, from the desk next to a small refrigerator out of a wooden box, Qin Tian wrinkled his nose smelled, actually is huanghuali!

You know, the value of Huanghua pear is almost comparable to gold. You can see the value of tea in such a precious box! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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