Li Zheng continued to work on his live broadcast. Gu Yiming also started to run the skin care company. Until the next afternoon, Qin Tian received a notice. Ding Jianguo asked him to go quietly to the Songshan Hotel, where Ding Jianguo was waiting for him.

Qin Tian knows, this is to act, immediately drove to Songshan hotel.

On the top floor of the Songshan Hotel, a whole floor is under martial law. Armed police soldiers standing guard at the gate of the hotel immediately make way for Qin Tian.

Ding Jianguo and Ding Hanxue are planning a battle in a suite at the moment. Knowing that Qin Tianlai is coming, they immediately turn around to meet them.

"Qin Tian, you are here!" Ding Jianguo holds Qin Tian on the sofa beside him.

"Ding Ju, you asked me to come here..." Qin Tian is a little puzzled. What can't be said on the phone.

"I have secretly assembled an armed police team and collected all the communication equipment. Now I am on standby in the other rooms of this floor. As soon as I give an order, I can go to Fenghuang TV station and annihilate all of them!"

Ding Jianguo's eyes are full of blood!

Qingshan Gang is a big force. It is absolutely impossible to destroy it without blood!

Qin Tian Wen Yan slightly frowned and thought about it and said to Ding Jianguo, "I think it's better for you not to come out first!"

"Don't show up!" Ding Jianguo and Ding Hanxue looked at each other, quite puzzled, "what do you want our Municipal Bureau to do?"

"Of course you have your use." Qin Tian smiles and patiently explains to the Ding family, "if you do it at the beginning, it will turn into a national anti underworld incident, which is easy to attract the attention of the outside world. For the underground forces of the unification of the Qin palace and Songshan Mountain, I suggest that at the beginning, let the people of the Qin palace do it. When you find their criminal evidence, you can bring people here and kill them all Come, not only to save the Qin palace, but also to let you Songshan Public Security Bureau to solve the case, make a great contribution. "

"This..." Ding Jianguo hesitated, "but if you let the Qin palace attack, it will turn into a black gang fight, and the nature will be bad."

At that time, the people above will pay attention to it, and the director of public security will be charged with inaction!

"We have got the evidence. In the past, we will certainly find out the crime of the Qingshan gang. By then, not only will it not turn into a black gang fight, but it may also become the reputation of" good citizens assisting the police in solving cases. "

When Ding Jianguo heard this, he stood up and said, "do you have any definite evidence?"

"Yes! Gu Yue has already found the evidence and even arranged undercover work. This time, as long as we go there, we will surely catch them all! " Qin Tian insisted.

"How do you want me to cooperate?" Ding Jianguo asked.

"Inform the police in the whole city that no matter what kind of alarm you receive from Fenghuang TV station, the police will be delayed for half an hour!"

Half an hour, enough for Qin palace to move!

"Good!" As soon as Ding Jianguo gnawed his teeth, he had to send his arrow on the string. When he got to this step, he simply followed Qin Tianfu to the end, "once there is a special situation, you can call me, and I will arrive at Phoenix Station in five minutes!"

Armed armed police detachment, once launched, will eradicate the Castle Peak Gang!

After saying goodbye to Ding Jianguo and Ding Hanxue, Qin Tian drives away and informs Gu Yue and Jiao Cheng on the way. When Qin Tian arrives at the hospital, they are standing at the gate of the hospital waiting for themselves.

"Mr. Qin!"

"Brother Qin Tian!"

When they saw Qin Tian coming back, they rushed to meet him.

"Are you ready?" The first thing Qin Tian said when he entered the hospital was to ask if they were ready.

Jiao Cheng takes a step forward. "Don't worry, brother Qin Tian, I've ordered to go down. I've prepared a house in the alley behind the Phoenix Terrace. At eight o'clock in the evening, the brothers will gather there on time."

Qin Tian nodded and looked at the ancient moon.

"Mr. Qin, the Qin palace has gathered all the people in the villa. In case of emergency, all the people have confiscated their communication tools. As long as you give an order, everyone can rush to the Phoenix Terrace at the first time!"

With that, Gu Yue took out a stack of photos and said, "these women are prostitutes that I let the undercover in Phoenix station buy. Women, they will give us directions, make trouble with Huanglong, and end the underground prison in one fell swoop!"

Qin Tian took the photos, and the names of the girls were written on the bottom of each photo. Soon Qin Tian wrote down these girls.

"Mr. Qin, the girl's name is Su Su. She is our undercover. She is the most loyal. If you meet her, you can trust her." Gu Yue said confidently.

Qin Tian nodded and ordered them to prepare their own affairs. The time passed by, and in a twinkling of an eye, it was the night!

All the people in the Qin Palace are ready to go. Whether it is the elder brother above or the youngest brother at the bottom, they all gather on the golf course in Guyue villa area. From a distance, there are as many as 4500 people!

Gu Yue stood on a high platform of cement repair in front of the golf course, and looked at the children who gathered here and stood in good order. Suddenly, she had a heroic momentum of pointing out the rivers and mountains!"I have been wandering in the world for decades before I have a group of brothers!"

As soon as she opened her mouth, Gu Yue raised the status of all people to her equal position with herself!

In a moment, there was a little brother excited to shake up!

That's Mr. Gu, one of the three giants of underground forces! Even talk to my brother!

"I have ambition! I'm not willing to live in a corner of Songshan city! I want to dominate the whole Songshan city. I want to be the real boss of the underground forces in Songshan city! "

"Brothers, today I'm going to shovel the biggest entertainment industry under the Qingshan Gang, fenghuangtai. Brothers, if you want to help me, please raise your weapons!"

Suddenly, the following hundreds of bastards, have roared to raise the hands of the steel pipe, iron bar! The name of the ancient moon is constantly shouting in his mouth!

"Mr. Gu... Mr. Gu... Mr. Gu..."

"OK! Now let's set out and march into the Phoenix Terrace and shovel his dog day! "

With that, Gu Yue jumped down from the high platform, followed by dozens of bodyguards in black, all the way to the gate of the villa, blocking Gu Yue's gangsters and making way for him one after another! It's like a gap between hundreds of people!

The cars gathered outside the gate flowed like tide, and the destination was Wang Qingshan's Phoenix Terrace!

Qin Tian has now arrived at the gate of the phoenix platform, followed by Jiao Cheng, Zhao Donghui and other special forces team leaders, walking towards the gate of the phoenix platform in a big way!

"I've been a soldier for a long time. Today I'll take you to open your meat!"

With that, Qin Tian took the lead in stepping into the gate of Phoenix Terrace. To be honest, Qin Tian had long wanted to come in and have a look. This is the first time that Qin Tian stepped into this gate!

As soon as I went in, a woman with heavy make-up, but she seemed to have experienced some years of age, came face-to-face towards them!

"Little brothers, are you here for a bath or a massage sauna?" Women laugh with great affinity, but the charm in the eyes is extremely obvious! Obviously, I'm also a veteran of Fengyue place!

Qin Tian took a look at her, dressed in violence. Dew, showy!

When the woman saw Qin Tian looking at her, she laughed, squeezed her arms in front of her body and said, "it seems that the purpose of the younger brothers here is not to soak their feet and sauna..."

"you are not talking nonsense. You can't see that the elder brothers are holding back their fat heads and swollen faces!" Jiao Cheng enters the role very quickly, his mouth is a yellow joke!

Qin Tian gives him a look of approval, and Jiao Cheng is also proud of his smile!

After the death of a few younger brothers, the face also showed some indecent smile, only Zhao Donghui that boy, full of embarrassment!

But soon, this embarrassment was seen by the woman in front of her!

"What kind of woman do you like, little brother?" Said, the woman is close to Zhao Donghui, slender fingers gently touched Zhao Donghui's chest, fingertips from his body across!

Zhao Donghui's face turned red for a moment, and he didn't know how to react. Jiao Cheng looked at it and immediately laughed, "don't tease my brother. He's still a big girl!"

As soon as Jiao Cheng's words came out, everyone burst into laughter, and Zhao Donghui's face became even more red! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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