As soon as the woman heard this, and saw Zhao Donghui's reaction, her face immediately turned red with excitement, as if she saw something strange, "little brother, tonight, or let me accompany you... No money, I promise you have an unforgettable first time!"

Of course, we all understand what she said. Zhao Donghui is not stupid. He has heard of the saying that he can change money for the first time. But how could he be so strict with himself that he would be willing to degenerate to do such a thing?

Immediately frown, will open mouth to scold out!

"Ah? Don't make fun of my brother! I don't need to enjoy your free goods! Hurry up, find some young people to come and serve them well

Jiao Cheng reaches out and blocks between the woman and Zhao Donghui, which stops Zhao Donghui's words!

The woman took a look at Zhao Donghui and reluctantly retreated. In her heart, she thought that the man's first time had the effect of facial beauty. It's a pity that such a strong man can't get the first thing?

"My name is Prynne. It's the mother sang here. Wait a minute. I'm going to find a suitable little sister for you." With that, Prynne turned and left.

Qin Tian and they looked around, and finally set the location in the corridor on the second floor, where there is a tea room, just can see the situation of the hall on the first floor!

Under the sign of Qin Tian, people climb the stairs on the second floor. After a short time, brandy appears in front of them with a group of girls who are dressed in exposed clothes. Qin Tian takes a close look. The undercover vegetable mentioned by Gu Yue is suddenly mixed with these girls!

Su Su sat on Qin Tian's legs. Several other special soldiers also chose the girl they wanted. They played dice in the teahouse!

As soon as brandy left, the people took back the hands on the girl, sat in a serious position, and began to pay attention to the first floor situation. According to the arrangement of Qin Tian before, the ancient moon's men and horses were almost there!

At more than ten o'clock in the evening, the night life of this city is at its most prosperous time. The ancient moon, with its people and horses, soon filled the whole street outside the Phoenix Terrace!

Gu Yue got off the luxury car and waved her hand. A dozen pickup trucks with steel plates stepped on the gas pedal and ran straight into the gate of Phoenix Terrace.

With the appearance of the pickup truck, the huge front door and glass were all reduced to pieces all over the ground. After seeing the situation, they immediately picked up the walkie talkie and called the brothers upstairs and downstairs.

The Phoenix Terrace that received the news was almost fully armed and was always ready for war. All the elite of the Qingshan sect were concentrated here.

"Copy the guy!"

I don't know who called out. There was almost a guy in the hands of the spectators. There were billiards clubs, baseball bats, machetes and iron chains. The dense sound of footsteps was like that of the flood. Everyone in the hall looked up at the stairs.

Gu Yue had more than 400 brothers under his hand. At least 300 of them broke in and surrounded the outside. More than 200 people also poured out of Wang Qingshan's phoenix platform. For a time, the war was imminent.

"What about Wang Qingshan? Let this little bastard come out and talk to me Gu Yue is facing a machete with a length of one meter in her hand, and looks at the scene in the Phoenix Terrace, which is a burst of scolding! It seems that you don't give Qingshan Gang face at all!

The people who watched the scene obviously knew Gu Yue. Hearing Gu Yue scolding Wang Qingshan like this, no one dared to speak up to defend Wang Qingshan. Only one person seemed to have some identity. He was holding a mobile phone and seemed to be contacting someone!

Gu Yue looks at this kind of scene, also don't want to stop them, his younger brother moved a chair to come over, Gu Yue sat in the middle of the hall so big!

Sure enough, after a short time, Wang Qingshan came to the hall with a group of people dressed in different clothes. These people obviously have the same temperament as Gu Yue!

A veteran?

Qin Tian on the second floor looked at these people and frowned slightly. Then he called Zhao Donghui and others. After a fight, they went downstairs to help Gu Yue!

"Gu Yue, you deceive people too much. If you dare to come today, you can't go back!" Wang Qingshan came to the scene, looked at the ancient moon sitting in the middle of the hall and snorted!

Gu Yue looked up, sneered, followed by a wave of hands, behind hundreds of younger brothers immediately swarmed on!

War is on the verge of a war!

"Dry!" Gu Yue picked up the galvanized steel pipe in his hand and turned it over to a horse.

When hundreds of people collided with each other, Gu Yue and his younger brother rushed into the crowd. A steel stick was flying up and down. If the water couldn't be poured into the crowd, it would have to be hanged if the water was not poured in. If it was hit hard, it would spit blood when it was heavy. None of the horses in front of him could resist a round. Once the slender billiards pole touched him, it would break, People were hit on the spot, broken bones and tendons, turned to the ground.

Gu Yue with her brothers, each hand a galvanized steel pipe, faster and faster, the steel pipe in his hand cut through the air, with a whine sound, and soon the steel pipe began to have a deformation trend, even began to slightly bend up.

It's hitting people. It's too hard!"Hum, arrogant!" When Wang Qingshan saw that Gu Yue was fighting in person, his face was cold. He whispered a few words to the veterans behind him. The veterans were full of energy, and the machete on his back was pulled out, and he rushed to meet Gu Yue and others!

These people are different from Jiao Cheng. Although they are all veterans, they join the underground forces and some weapons can't be used any more!

It's like the three edged army stab. The people of underground forces use this kind of thing. It's too eye-catching!

Almost just a short breath, the man behind Wang Qingshan rushed to Gu Yue and others with a machete. The main personnel of the two sides were about to fight together!

Qin Tian looked at this scene and knew that the time was almost right. He waved to Jiao Cheng and others, and they all rushed out of the box and ran towards a hug!

"Brother Jiao, let's inform the brothers that we can do it!" Qin Tian picks up a steel pipe from the ground and tells Jiao Cheng to inform the veterans in the back lane!

"Good!" The tutorial did not say a word, dialed the mobile phone, the opposite instant can not wait for the voice.

Qin Tian and others were dressed in plain clothes, and soon they mixed up with Gu Yue's team. They rushed up, one by one, and dealt with the veterans behind Wang Qingshan!

Gu Yue's eyes brightened as soon as he saw it. He knew that this was Qin Tian's man! Thinking of this, Gu Yue's fighting spirit becomes more intense, and the steel stick in his hand is also waving more powerful!

With the passage of time, the strength of the two sides finally revealed the gap!

Hundreds of Wang Qingshan's men and horses were driven away by the ancient moon!


Half an hour later, the battle in Fenghuang terrace was coming to an end. The wounded with broken arms and legs were all over the ground. There was a flood of grief and blood flowing everywhere!

Wang Qingshan squatted in the hall of Phoenix Terrace with his few remaining dozens of people. Relying on the porch in the hall, Wang Qingshan kept in it!

However, just when Gu Yue was ready to let his brothers fight in, the sirens sounded.

As soon as Wang Qingshan heard the sound of the police siren, he immediately came to his senses and laughed, as if he had won. "Gu Yue, heaven has helped me. Unexpectedly, someone has called the police. When the police come, I see how you can smash my court!"

Qin Tian saw Wang Qingshan's reflection on the top of the building, sneered and scolded an idiot from the bottom of his heart!

If the police come, they will come in!?

Sure enough, although the siren was loud outside, no one came in. It was obvious that he didn't work hard!

Why? Because Ding Jianguo has already informed the whole Songshan police!

So these police came, they were all looking at their own watches, after half an hour, can really start!

Wang Qingshan is stupid!

Gu Yue's troops began to break into the Phoenix Terrace. There were few people who could move inside. All the bodyguards invited by Wang Qingshan were lying horizontally on the ground. The smart ones pretended to be injured and did not move on the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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