After Jiao Cheng's death, dozens of veterans successfully completed the task. Qin TianChao winked at them, and the veterans left fenghuangtai, leaving only a few team leaders behind Qin Tian!

At the moment, at the gate of Phoenix Terrace, a figure moves cautiously towards a Passat at at the door for fear of disturbing the police outside!

At this time, Jiao Cheng and others came out and ran silently behind the figure. The knife in his hand was on his waist!

"Don't move!" Jiao Cheng gently two words, scared that person suddenly an exciting!

Feeling the cold blade on his waist, the sweat on ER Long's face came down, "some brothers... Have you found the wrong person... Are you looking for money?"

The second dragon trembled, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe!

"Stop talking nonsense and come with us!" Jiao Cheng and Zhao Donghui are holding Erlong and head for Passat. Er long is guilty and dare not talk to the police, so they get on the car!


Gu Yue led people to drive their pickup trucks on the first floor, and according to Su Su Su, the entrance to the basement is in the middle of the plywood on the first floor.

Gu Yue called more than a dozen hunks with big arms and a big hammer in their hands, pointing to the wall inside the Phoenix Terrace, "start with this wall, smash it for me."

Qin Tian is looking for Wang Qingshan carefully. Unexpectedly, the old boy took advantage of the rampage of the car and disappeared in a flash!

If there's no accident, this guy's definitely hiding in the basement!

The hammer smashed all the way to Wang Qingshan's office.

The decoration of the office has to be luxurious. I'm afraid that only a few antique vases can buy tens of millions of yuan. Gu Yue stopped the hammer that wanted to smash down, and ordered people to carry these things into the car and take them all away!

Some seemingly worthless things smashed into powder under the attack of sledgehammer, and the bookshelf behind the desk was also badly damaged. It was just behind this bookshelf that the ancient moon found a unique hole.

The entrance to the basement, right here.

He ordered several younger brothers to move Wang Qingshan's computer away. How many greasy things there are in it. I know. It would be great if I could take advantage of this to pull the patron of Wang Qingshan into the water.

As soon as the door of the basement was opened, a knife with a ghost's head was slashed towards Gu Yue. The brother next to him had enough eyesight. The sledgehammer stopped him. Gu Yue immediately raised his leg and the man who kicked him turned over several somersaults on the ground.

Qin Tian had already come down from the upstairs at this time. When he saw the man who had been kicked over, he simply waved, "if there is any obstruction, break your leg and throw it out!"

As soon as the voice fell, a thug with a sledgehammer hit the man's knee! The sound of broken bones is clear and pleasant, followed by the howling of a pig!

The basement is quite deep. I haven't seen my head after walking for 20 or 30 meters. There are some holes in the basement. There are all boxes one by one. If there is no accident, this place should be used for the reception of more distinguished guests, such as some officials.

I can't help but sigh for Wang Qingshan's business mind.

After cleaning up a large number of horses, all the doors of the room were opened. Qin Tian knew that he was looking for the right one. This must be the basement that Su Su Su said.

Kicking open the door of the last room, there were a group of girls squatting in dishevelled condition, all listless and pale.

Qin Tian looked at it. It was a real hammer! Ding Hanxue did not make a mistake, and the girl named Su Su did not lie!

With a wink at Gu Yue, Qin Tian turns around and leaves the Phoenix Terrace! At this time, all the police waiting outside the door rushed into the Phoenix Terrace. As soon as they came in, they came to block the scene. No one was allowed to leave!

Qin Tian sees a familiar figure, that is the little policewoman Ding Hanxue!

Ding Hanxue and Qin Tian looked at each other without trace, and then rushed into the basement with people!

Police began a large-scale search of the basement, inside those unkempt girls are mostly taken to the ambulance treatment!

However, at this time, the sound of fighting suddenly came from inside. It turned out that two gangsters were fighting for an antique!

For a moment, many policemen were attracted to the past!

At this time, Qin Tian and Gu Yue, with Wang Qingshan who had just caught him, got out of the Fenghuang terrace and drove to the No. 4 freight terminal of Songshan city!

That's right. Qin Tian asked Gu Yue to arrange those two antique vase robbers. The purpose is to attract the police's attention!

The car roared all the way, and soon came to the No. 4 wharf by the riverside. A mile or so away from the street lamp, Jiao Cheng was sitting on a man with a lot of clothes tied up, while smoking.

The night wind in summer night is very comfortable, especially at the Bund. Jiao Cheng gets up and stands next to Qin Tian when he sees Qin Tian coming. When the two dragons on the ground see Qin Tian, his eyes stare at him and his mouth keeps purring. It seems that he is scolding Qin Tian.

Qin Tian indifferent smile, the mouth issued a ha ha voice, is obviously lazy to care with him.Looking for a far away place, Qin Tian threw Wang Qingshan on the ground. With a puff, he threw Wang Qingshan to pieces!

Qin Tian yifart. Gu sits on the stone beside him. Jiao Cheng and Zhao Donghui stand on both sides. Gu Yue breaks the tape on Erlong's mouth and throws the bound Wang Qingshan and Erlong together.

This is the first time that Qin Tian met Wang Qingshan in the true sense.

"My friend, give me a name. I'm afraid you're not a small person if you can use it."

Wang Qingshan struggled to sit up and looked at Qin Tian with a smile on his face. He didn't have a trace of fear!

Qin Tian nodded and calmly said, "I, Qin Tian."

"You are Qin Tian!" Wang Qingshan seemed to suddenly realize that "Guyue mountain villa was renamed Qin palace because of you

The ghost planted in Guyue mountain villa has already disclosed information to himself. However, Wang Qingshan has never taken it seriously. After all, the strength comparison between Guyue mountain villa and Qingshan Gang is here.

But who would have thought that in more than a month, Guyue mountain villa not only changed its name to Qin palace, but also its strength became unfathomable. Especially those dozens of thugs, their strength was almost invincible. Finally, their own territory was swallowed up by the ancient moon inch by inch!

"It was the Yangtze River that pushed the waves ahead. I didn't expect that Wang Qingshan would be defeated by a young man in his twenties..."

Wang Qingshan was unwilling to laugh at himself. He knew that he was going to die. He was too lazy to talk more. He closed his eyes and waited for the knife to be cut!

Qin Tian looked at him, not angry, just a faint smile, "you are smart."

Wang Qingshan is indeed an owl hero. He was killed by himself for no reason. He must not be reconciled. But he can't help it. If Qin Tian lets them go, God will not let them go. It's just the difference between early death and late death!

Then Qin Tian set his eyes on the two dragons.

At this moment, Erlong was stupid. He didn't think his elder brother would admit his life like this. He didn't dare to scold him. He lay on the ground like a dead man.

"Your elder brother has accepted his life, what do you say!? Want to die or live? " Qin Tian asked with a smile.

Hearing that he had a choice, Erlong immediately raised his head, struggled to kneel in front of Qin Tian, and exclaimed excitedly, "I want to live, I want to live! Please give me a way to live

Finish saying, two dragon then kowtow to Qin Tian!

"Two dragons! You give me a little backbone! " Wang Qingshan, who had not spoken for a long time, saw that his brother of life and death knelt down in front of others and kowtowed in front of others. All of a sudden, a pair of eyes turned red and blue veins burst out on his forehead. "Do you think they will really let you go?"

"Brother, you're dead anyway. Don't stop me." The two dragons gasped for breath. After saying this, he began to kowtow to Qin Tian again, "Mr. Qin, kill me!"

"You Wang Qingshan hated the root of his teeth itching, but he couldn't help it. How many people can really be indifferent before life and death!? Even if you are yourself, don't you know that this is the inevitable situation to be so calm!?

Thinking of this, Wang Qingshan no longer cares about Erlong. If he is willing to knock, let him knock.

"Want me to spare you a life is not impossible..." Qin Tian youyou said, referring to this deliberate pause. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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