"Mr. Qin, what do you want me to do, you say, I will do it!" Erlong is also a character who has been on the road for more than 20 years. He can't fail to understand Qin Tian's style.

Qin Tian said with a smile, "talking to smart people is to save energy."

With that, Qin Tianyi nuzui, Jiao Cheng takes out a bank card from his trouser pocket and says to Erlong, "how much is your life worth? You can do it by yourself."

Finish saying, then the card is still in front of two dragons.

Two dragons a look, heart cold half!

They are going to knock their wallets clean!

Then Erlong said to Qin Tian with a bitter smile: "Mr. Qin, if you want money, why don't you ask my elder brother? He has more money than me..."

"he is a man who must die, and I can't let him go when I take his money. Do you think we will take this kind of unjust wealth?"

After hearing this, the two dragons were able to see again, "do you mean that if I give you money, you will let me go!"

Qin Tian said with a smile, "it depends on how much money you take to buy your life. If it is lower than my psychological price... If it's bad, cut off your arms and legs instead."

Two dragons immediately took a breath of cold air!

That's a tough move! This is forcing oneself to give him all his belongings!

But Erlong did not dare to bet, in case it was really less, cut his own leg before leaving, what's the use of saving money!?

"Brother Jiao, untie him."

Qin Tian smiles, but looks like the devil is smiling in Er longan! Just a little hesitation, then took out the mobile phone, to the focus of the card turned five million in the past!

This is all the cash he can use now!

Qin Tian asks Jiao Cheng to check the balance of the card, and it turns out to be five million more.

"Wash the money out." Qin Tian speaks lightly, and Jiao Cheng gives the bank card to Zhao Donghui, who drives away from the river with the card.

This card is specially handled by them to eat black. As long as it is operated properly, it will never leave a handle on people!

"Mr. Qin, can I go this time..." Er long looks at Qin Tian with a flattering smile, and his face is sweating. He is afraid that the money is not enough. Qin Tian does not let go of himself.

Qin Tian frowned. "Are you sure you've been the second leader of the Qingshan gang for more than 20 years, only five million?"

Said, Qin Tian's body will be a bit more murderous, the air has become solidified up!

Two dragons listen to this, immediately pupil shrinks!

"Qin... Mr. Qin, I have Phoenix Terrace. I still have several facade and several houses... As long as you let me go, I will sell them immediately..."

"do you think you still have a chance to sell these things after you go back?" Qin Tian said, his face became more and more gloomy!

Ding Jianguo is not a dry cook. Since he has thoroughly investigated the Fenghuang terrace, then none of the people who have relations with the Fenghuang terrace and the Qingshan gang will not let go, and they still want to sell their houses!?

"Hum, seek skin with a tiger!" At this time, Wang Qingshan snorted coldly, full of irony.

"Shut up Er long was completely flustered and roared at Wang Qingshan!

"No... no, Mr. Qin, you can't kill me. There must be other ways..." Erlong was sweating all over his head and his lips were trembling.

"There is a way." Then Qin Tian raised his hand and threw a dagger at the two dragons. "Kill Wang Qingshan, or leave a leg. You can choose by yourself."

Qin Tian's voice fell, Erlong and Wang Qingshan changed their faces one after another!

"Qin, if you want to kill me, you can do whatever you want, but you can't let my brother who has been with me for more than 20 years to kill me!"

Wang Qingshan's calm eyes for the first time appeared fear! He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of death in his brother's hands!

"With your brother for more than 20 years!" Qin Tian sneered, "if he is willing to give up one of his legs and not kill you, then I am willing to let you two leave together!"

The people of Qingshan gang are only for profit, and they don't believe that Erlong will give up one of their legs for Wang Qingshan!

Er long grabs the dagger and struggles in his eyes.

"Two dragons!"

Wang Qingshan murmured, and the two dragons seemed to be electrified, and his whole body trembled.

"Big brother..." Er long knelt on the ground and slowly climbed to Wang Qingshan. Until he was in front of him, he stopped his pace. "Elder brother, you and my brother have more than 20 years of brotherhood. You can rest assured that I will... Buy you a good coffin!"

Say, see Er Long's face suddenly become ferocious, the dagger in the hand suddenly stabbed toward Wang Qingshan!!


There was a dull sound, and the sound of the knife cutting his skin was echoed. Wang Qingshan looked unbelievable. His eyes were wide and his mouth of blood was spitting out. Finally, he lay on the ground unwilling to accept it!

The river wind blowing, with a trace of sadness.

Qin Tian slowly looks at the side of the focal distance, only to see focal distance gently click the end of the recording, then put away the mobile phone."Qin... Mr. Qin, I killed Wang Qingshan. Can you let me go?"

Er long is eager. He doesn't know if Qin Tian will keep his promise!

"Yes, of course!" Qin Tian nodded and said to the ancient moon, "it took the tattoo on his back!"

Gu Yue answered. He picked up the knife and went to Erlong. He picked it up and his collar fell to his waist. The six character Daming mantra on his back was revealed!

Shua, Shua!

The six character Daming mantra behind the two dragons was divided into two parts by the ancient moon!

Qin Tian concentrated the green energy into his eyes, and the golden light on the six character Daming mantra was broken and scattered in the air!

Qin Tian gently nodded and said to the two dragons, "you can go."

After getting Qin Tian's nod, Erlong, like an amnesty, raised his legs and ran along the river, turning back as he ran, for fear that Qin Tian would change his mind and kill himself here!

But as it turns out, he really wants more. Qin Tian takes out his mobile phone and sends a wechat to the little policewoman.

"The two dragons killed Wang Qingshan and ran along the river!"

By the way, Qin Tian sends Ding Hanxue the video of two dragons killing Wang Qingshan captured by Jiao Cheng. This time, Erlong is dead. Even if he has great ability, he can't escape!

"Let's go." Qin Tian said faintly, and left the river with Gu Yue and Jiao Cheng. Only Wang Qingshan, who was lying on the ground, was unwilling to open his eyes...

Qin Tian returned to Phoenix Station with Gu Yue and Jiao Cheng. At this time, the phoenix platform had been completely blocked by Ding Jianguo, and countless reporters were waiting outside for interviews.

Qin Tian glanced at the periphery of the Phoenix Terrace. None of the hunks left the palace. All of them stood there. With Qin Tian's arrival, everyone made way.

"Mr. Qin!"

"Mr. Qin!"

Hundreds of people raised their arms and exclaimed, which attracted countless people's eyes. Some reporters wanted to take this scene, but they were scared by the murderous spirit of Qin palace and quickly put down the camera!

It's not as simple as you want to make a circle of friends when you see the excitement in the street. Once you are found by the Qin palace, it may be a disaster. Who dares to make a mistake!?

On the whole street, there is no one who dares to take out a mobile phone!

Not far from the entrance of the alley, a strong man followed by a dozen younger brothers, looking at Qin Tian with envy on his face.

"When I can have Mr. Qin's style, I will live my whole life!" The strong man clenched his fists and changed Qin Tian into himself in his mind!

"Brother Ming, our brother is following you. I believe you can catch up with Mr. Qin one day." Next to a little brother like bastard, without a trace of "Mingge" flattered!

"I hope so." Mingge licked his lips and continued to watch the phoenix stage.

"Let's get rid of them!" Ding Jianguo quietly made a phone call to Qin Tian, the tone is extremely urgent.

Qin Tian received a phone call. Without saying a word and waving his hand, hundreds of people retreated like the tide. Soon, in front of the Phoenix Station, there were only a few onlookers and a group of reporters waiting to be interviewed.

Qin Tian returned to Xiangshan villa with Jiao Cheng and dozens of retired soldiers. Gu Yue took advantage of the chaos and ordered his subordinates to occupy the territory of the Qingshan Gang as quickly as possible and integrate the members of the Qingshan gang.

This night, destined to be a sleepless night!

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