In the next three days, the underground forces in Songshan experienced an unprecedented baptism. Not only were the underground forces nervous, but even ordinary people did not dare to go out in the middle of the night.

On Sunday morning, Qin Tian is in the hospital to see a patient. Suddenly, Gu Yue's phone call comes in.

"Mr. Qin, the forces of the Qingshan Gang have been integrated. Now, except for the northern city, which belongs to Zhentian Pavilion, the other three cities have all fallen into the hands of our Qin palace."

Gu Yue's tone is extremely excited. For so many years, he has been dreaming the same dream every day. Today, he is getting closer and closer to unify the whole Songshan mountain!

"Zhentian Pavilion..." Qin Tian pondered for a moment, and slowly said to the ancient moon, "if the Zhentian Pavilion doesn't have any excessive case background, it will be settled."

According to the current strength comparison, Zhentian Pavilion can not be the opponent of Qin palace, so there is no need to continue to make and kill evil in vain!

Gu Yue heard the speech, pondered for a moment, and her eyebrows were also slightly wrinkled, "Mr. Qin, there is something you need to decide."

"Say it." Qin Tian was indifferent.

"Although the Zhentian pavilion has no big treachery, Fang Zhen, their boss, is a tough nut to crack. Wang Qingshan once made an offer to him, but he refused. Later, because of this, the Qingshan gang had a big fight with Zhentian Pavilion, and both sides had to stop because of heavy losses..."

Gu Yue said this, and his voice became smaller and smaller, Because he knew that Fang Zhen was the kind of personality who would rather not bend. Even if he died, he was not willing to hand over his hard-established power to others.

Qin Tian Wen Yan slightly Leng for a moment, can't believe asked Gu Yue, "what do you say the boss of Zhentian Pavilion is called?"

Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, "Fang, Fang Zhen..."

Qin Tian immediately patted his thigh, "OK, you don't have to worry about the Zhentian Pavilion for the time being."

The boss of Zhentian Pavilion is Fang Zhen, so the next thing will be easier to solve.

Gu Yue was puzzled, but he didn't dare to disobey Qin Tian's orders. It was like the saying on the Internet: "we don't know, we don't dare to ask.".

"Oh, by the way, Lao Gu, please help me find out. There is a knife factory in Songshan. Help me make some knives." Qin Tian suddenly said.

"Knife factory! "Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, pondered for a moment and said," there is a knife factory in Nancheng, but most of the knives he produces are kitchen knives... Mr. Qin, do you want to buy knives? "

"Well, I need some knives, which are quite special. I will send you the drawings later. You can help me find the relevant people to make them carefully. As long as the materials are good, the price is not a problem!"

A few days ago, I went to live the dead. When Qin Tian saw the knives on Chen Lei and Ya Ya's back, he had this idea. He couldn't carry a big bag of silver needles every time!?

It's time to get yourself a decent weapon.

"Mr. Qin, don't worry. Now Nancheng is our own territory, and this matter will be settled." Guyue is full of confidence!

Gu Yue was anxious that Qin Tian had something to do with him. Once Qin Tian asked for something, he would not hesitate to give up the whole Qin palace!

Qin Tian hung up Gu Yue's phone and sent the audit chart of several knives he had drawn to the past, and continued to consult patients.

At this time, in the coastal resort in the eastern suburbs, Zheng Dakang and the municipal Party committee were recorded. Chang Zhou Zaiyun was having dinner with Qiu Yunlin and his wife in the box.

"Mr. Qiu, I've seen this land with great wealth. It's a rare treasure land of geomancy. Once you invest here, you'll be sure to have a smooth flow and a wide range of financial resources."

Zheng Dakang is an absolute atheist. However, he knew that Qiu Yunlin believed in this, so he went to find some "masters" and asked them to call this land a geomantic treasure land. The purpose was to let Qiu Yunlin invest in Songshan and boost its economy.

Qiu Yunlin looked at the map in Zheng Dakang's hand with a cold face. "It's not relying on mountains, not on the sea, and it's not the center of the city. The value of investment is not great."

With that, Qiu Yunlin picked up his chopsticks and picked up the dishes for Chen Qianhui.

Zheng Dakang knows that Qiu Yunlin is still angry at what Qin Tian said the other night.

The land provided to him by Lu Feng of Bianjing city next door is more partial than this, and he didn't say anything!?

Originally, Qiu Yunlin's investment intention was biased to the next city. This time when Qin Tian made such a fuss, Songshan was even more hopeless.

Zheng Dakang is constantly regretting that if Qin Tian was liked by Qiu Yunlin as he did at the beginning, he might have signed all the investment contracts now. How could he use his humble attitude!?

"Mr. Qiu, you believe me and Mr. Zheng, this piece of land has been selected by thousands of people. There are plans in the city. Within ten years, this area will definitely develop into a new urban center in Songshan, and even the Municipal Committee will move there!" Zhou Zaiyun quickly poured a glass of wine to Qiu Yunlin, his face was flattered.

"Mr. Qiu, Lao Zhou is right. Let's go and have a look at it sometime." Zheng Dakang said with a smile on his face.If he doesn't even look at it, Songshan really has no chance this time!

"Go to the field!" Qiu Yunlin heard the words and frowned.

In fact, even if he did not plan to invest in Songshan, he would also go to zhengdakang to see the land they recommended. Otherwise, he would not go to Songshan to come out of his own way. After all, he came to Songshan. It is really impossible to go without going to see it.

And most of all, qiuyunlin has a lot of business in Songshan, so he offended zhengdakang and zhouyuyun, which is not worth the loss.

However, he hesitated because of the bloody words that Qin Tian said the night before, he believed these things most, otherwise he would not even leave the door in three days.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yunlin again put his eyes on his own black jade ring. For so many years, this ring brought his own endless wealth, making him believe in the ring.

However, after enjoying the benefits of superstition, Qiu Yunlin became more reliable in metaphysics and did not believe it. Even if Qin tiansaid it was wrong, he didn't want to touch such mould.

"Qiu, Qiu Zong!?" Zheng Dakang saw Qiu Yunlin did not respond, and tried to call him two times, "what do you mean!? Today, I personally entertain you and madam with Lao Zhou. If you are not invited here, I and Lao Zhou go back to the municipal Party committee. This old face can not even be put in the place... "Br >

zhengdakang said this with a smile. There was a little pressure in the tone. Two big guys from the Municipal Committee came to invite you to not go. This is the typical one that is unknowingly bad!

Qiu Yunlin, as a business man, can't hear what Zheng Dakang said. After a little consideration, he said to the two people, "Zheng Shu. Don't misunderstand me. Since I came, I have been dragged down by the events of the resort these days. Otherwise, I will be over soon... So tomorrow, I will take my team with my leaders to the ground with me tomorrow Go to the field visit! "

Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zhiyun looked at each other, and then laughed, "Qiu is always a happy person. I believe that we Songshan municipal Party committee will definitely have a happy cooperation with Qiu!"

Zheng Dakang and Zhou were relieved in silence. Although pressure had been exerted on him to produce some effect, the cooperation seemed to be far away.

After lunch, Zheng Dakang and Zhou left the seaside resort. Qiuyunlin called the Secretary and said, "you, let the driver drive to Audi 4S store immediately, buy the most advanced armor, and make sure to install it before tomorrow morning!"

"Yes, Mr Qiu!" The assistant nodded, turned around and ran to the driver and went to the 4S store to add armor to the car.

In Huaxia, 4S stores of high-end automobile brands such as Benz and Audi basically have the service of adding armor. However, due to the policy, these armor is only suitable for general civil application, which can produce certain protection function in case of accident.

"Husband, are you too tight!"!? Because of that rustic word, you are scared to dare not even take the car! "

Chen Qianhui sat beside, his hands in front of his chest, a look of iron hate not steel.

"We can sail carefully for thousands of years. Metaphysics is not something we can break." Qiu Yunlin had a gloomy face, somehow, and felt a little flustered in his heart.

"I'm going shopping tomorrow, I won't be with you!" Chen Qianhui said, then rose in qiuyunlin face kissed, very a woman's way of the Jiao.

"You don't go, it's a man to talk about business. A woman seems to be my Qiu family has no tutor!"

Hong Kong has a much heavier male and female mind than inland. It is also one of Qiu Yunlin's principles to talk about business without women. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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