At night, Zheng Dakang lay in bed and couldn't sleep. His mind was full of Qiu Yunlin's investment in Songshan, but he knew that Qiu Yunlin's hope of investing in Songshan had become extremely slim.

For a while, Zheng Dakang was full of thoughts about the last few words Qin Tian said to himself - he will be worried about his life in a week. Come back to me then, I will give him a chance of life, and the investment will come naturally!

Zheng Dakang knows Qin Tian's ability. Zheng Dakang has worked in the municipal Party Committee for so many years. He has never seen a young man as calm as Qin Tian. With his character, he will never shoot at a target!

Thinking of this, Zheng Dakang can no longer lie down, got up and went to the study, picked up the mobile phone and dialed Qin Tian's phone!

Zheng Dakang!?

Qin Tian was stunned after reading the mobile phone. It was more than nine o'clock. Why did he call me!?

"Hello, Zheng Shu. Remember!" Qin Tian picked it up with doubts.

"Xiao Qin, I want to ask you something!" Zheng Dakang's tone is serious and serious. He has lost the cordiality when he talked to Qin Tian before.

"You ask!" Qin Tian nodded.

"You said before that Qiu Yunlin was worried about his life within a week. How sure are you of this matter?" Zheng Dakang carefully organized the language and asked.

"Zheng Shu Ji, I have said this matter last time. He has borrowed the fortune from God by extreme means for five years. He has been in good luck for five years, and has hardly encountered any trouble. Even so, he is still not satisfied and greedy. He is reluctant to throw the black jade ring with human bone. As I said before, the limit has been relaxed for a week, if there is no accident In one or two days, he will be destroyed! "

Qin Tian's words are extremely firm, let Zheng Dakang immediately frown!

"Xiao Qin, tomorrow... I will take him to see a piece of land..."

"you go with him Qin Tian was startled and said in a hurry: "no way! Zheng Shu. Remember, you can't be with him. If he doesn't listen to my advice, he's hopeless. You can't be involved in this disaster! "

"Yes, it's so serious!" Zheng Dakang couldn't believe it.

"Cause and effect is rewarded, five years of fortune, once empty, how much he has gained in these five years, how much he will lose this time, you think about his wealth, how much disaster can be balanced with it!"

Qin Tian's tone is very serious, this time Qiu Yunlin can be said to be doomed!

Zheng Dakang's face changed quickly, "but Zhou Zaiyun and I have already made an appointment with him for tomorrow..."

ZHENG Dakang's tone was extremely helpless. If he broke the appointment, Qiu Yunlin would never invest in Songshan, and no one would come back to Songshan in the future. Therefore, Zheng Dakang must accompany him to Songshan in any case.

Qin Tian was silent for a long time. He said slowly, "Zheng Shu, please send the driver to me and drive my spenter away. My car is equipped with war class armor. Even if it encounters shells, it won't hurt at all. Tomorrow you will drive this car with Zhou Shi Chang! Keep a distance from Qiu Yunlin

Zheng Dakang listened to Qin Tian's words, moved a little, said a few words should pay attention to the matter, and finally hung up the phone.

Qin Tian came out of the villa and drove spenter to the gate of the medical center to wait for Zheng Dakang's driver. When they drove away, it was about ten o'clock. Qin Tian didn't want to sleep at home, so he took a taxi and went to Li Cheng's family.

Because of Wang Qin's injury, Li Xinran has lived in her mother's house for many days. She hasn't seen her for such a long time. She still thinks of her strangely.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lin Xiaoyao lying on the sofa with a plate of cherries in his arms, watching TV and stuffing his mouth.

"How about Xinran?"

Qin Tian a fart. Shares sit next to Xiaoyao, reach out and grab a lot from her plate!

"Hello, brother-in-law, you return me!" Lin Xiaoyao a look, quickly from the sofa up, toward Qin Tian will open teeth and claws of the past!

Cherry is her favorite fruit. How can it be touched by others!?

Qin Tian looked at Xiaoyao for a handful of cherries, he even put out a posture to fight with himself. He opened his mouth in a hurry and stuffed the whole cherries in!

"No more..." Qin Tian raised his hands, his mouth bulging toward Lin Xiaoyao demonstration!

Lin Xiaoyao saw Qin Tian stuttering out a lot of them. In an instant, a pair of eyes gradually showed a ray of revenge. She was angry and cried out in the direction of the bathroom: "Xinran sister, brother-in-law, he touched me!"


Qin Tian a listen, full mouth of cherry instant spray out!!

At this time, the bathroom door opened a gap, and Li Xinran showed his wet head and looked at the living room. When she saw Qin Tian, her eyes were smiling. Then she picked up the mobile phone on the washing table and sent a picture to Qin Tian.

"Husband, if you understand this picture, you will be rewarded in the evening."

With that, Li Xinran shrunk his head back."Hello, sister Xinran, you don't care about your man!? He touched me

Lin Xiaoyao a look, again silly eyes, unwilling to the direction of the bathroom again called.

"All right, all right. What's calling? It's not natural for brother-in-law to touch his sister-in-law!" Qin Tian glanced at her faintly and leaned against the sofa. "Besides, the feeling of a big hand is generally not good, lacking of elasticity... It's better for our family to be happy. One hand is just covered, firm and playing again..."

Lin Xiaoyao was angry and angry, "you see that I have no elasticity in that eye!? Mother, I'm big and play! "

Said, Lin Xiaoyao also proud of the chest to quite high, as if in the fight with Qin Tian in general!

"Really?" Qin Tian raised his eyebrows, "I don't believe it!"

"Hold the grass!" Lin Xiaoyao was not calm for a moment. "I'm so bold today. Come on, touch it! If you don't feel good, I'll let you play in vain

Said, Lin Xiaoyao then crazily grasps Qin Tian's hand to press in front of own chest.

"No, it's not... Don't be like this, I'm joking..." Qin Tian was forced in an instant and quickly pulled his hand back.

In this way, two people you pull me pull, the atmosphere in the living room instantly become strange.

Just then, Wang Qin slipped out of the room in her wheelchair.

"What's going on here?" Wang Qin looks at it, and immediately stares round!

When Lin Xiaoyao heard this sound, he felt as if he had been electrocuted. He stopped his hand in a hurry. His eyes turned, and a bad smile hung up from the corner of his mouth!

Qin Tian looked at the bad smile, and his hair stood up!

"Auntie, brother-in-law, he wanted to insult me..."

suddenly, Lin Xiaoyao turned around crying and threw herself into Wang Qin's arms!

"Hold... Hold the grass!" When Qin Tianyi saw Wang Qin, it was too late to cry!

At this time, Lin Xiaoyao secretly raised his head to look at Qin Tian, that look, don't mention much complacent!

I'll let you eat my cherry. I'll kill you if I don't play!

Just when Xiaoyao thought that Wang Qin would open his mouth to administer justice for her, she didn't expect that Wang Qin would laugh!

"Oh, it's not a marriage, Xiaoyao. Why don't you follow your brother-in-law? Anyway, you and Xinran sleep in the same bed all day. If you follow your brother-in-law, you can buy one less bed!"

As soon as Wang Qin's voice fell, Qin Tian was dumbfounded!

Xiaoyao is stupid!

Li Xinran, who just came out of the bathroom, was also stupid!

Looking at Wang Qin, Qin Tian is very happy!

This is the model mother-in-law who loves her son-in-law!

Qin Tian is free to lean on the sofa, looking at Lin Xiaoyao with pride on his face. He has not forgotten to put her remaining half plate of cherries in his hand, chirp, and eat one!

"Qin Tian, I'll fight with you!"

Lin Xiaoyao can't hold back any longer. He rushes to qintian with his teeth and claws!

The two fight on the sofa. Li Cheng comes in from the door humming a ditty. When the wind blows outside, a smell of wine floats into the living room!

"So much wine again!" Wang Qin gives Li Cheng a look of reproach and scolds him angrily. Then she orders Xinran to wring a towel for Li Cheng.

"What do you know as a woman!? I was treated for a drink, and I was looked down upon by Li Cheng! " When he saw the sofa, he said, "ah, he walked to the sofa!? This is not my good son-in-law!? I've taken all of my son-in-law! "

With that, Li Cheng sits beside Qin Tian with a cup of wine. Even Lin Xiaoyao, who wrestles with Qin Tian, is smoked away by this smell! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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