Qin Tian hears the speech immediately a face muddle force, Li Cheng this is occupy oneself what light, drink into such!?

Just when he was in doubt, Li Cheng spoke again.

"Good son-in-law, I'm going to make my mark! I've been chosen to be a member of Songshan city. It's a great representative! I had a drink with those representatives tonight, and they also invited me to follow the rich Hong Kong businessman Qiu Yunlin to see the land tomorrow

After that, Li Cheng burst out laughing. "That's Qiu Yunlin. How many people can't paste it. Your father-in-law, I was invited directly. You said cattle are not cattle!"

At this time, Li Xinran came out of the bathroom with a wet towel in his hand and wiped it for Li Cheng.

However, Qin Tian's face changed! Qiu Yunlin again!

"Dad, you can't go to this tomorrow!" Qin Tian's tone is firm, even with a trace of toughness!


Li Chengzheng is proud of himself. Unexpectedly, he is splashed with cold water by his good son-in-law!

Wang Qin and Li Xinran are also somewhat surprised. With Qin Tian's personality, he is unconditionally used to Li Cheng's everything he wants to do. What's wrong with today's situation? Qin Tian actually voted against it!?

"Good son-in-law, what's the matter with you?"!? Your father-in-law, I finally have a chance to show my face. Why don't you agree? " Li Cheng was pleased to wipe with a wet towel, wine has woken up, this time also sat upright, staring at Qin Tian.

Li Cheng has lived all his life without success. Now he is about to retire before he becomes a dean. Only he knows how unwilling he is. Now he finally has a chance to get ahead and firmly grasp it. However, he is opposed by his son-in-law!

"Dad, you can't take part in this tomorrow. Don't go if you believe me!"

"Qin Tian, you don't care about me. Think about it. This is my first time to attend an activity. If I don't go for the first time, who will give us face in the future?" Li Cheng said to Qin Tian patiently, "you know, I've made a lot of money with you, and I've known a lot of people. I don't have to worry about eating or drinking. I just want to keep a good reputation. You can't go against me at this time. We have to be highly consistent."

Li Cheng already has tens of millions in his hand. He doesn't care about money. What he cares about is face and reputation!

Qin Tian listened to this, in the heart for Li Cheng bitterly, sighed, or decided to say tomorrow's things!

"Dad, I'd like to say something ugly. Qiu Yunlin has violated the rule of heaven. How many people will follow him in the neighborhood tomorrow? No one can tell. If it's not done well, you will lose your life!"

How much money has been made in five years? How much blood will be shed tomorrow? It's so ominous that one or two people can not escape from death or injury!

Hearing this, Li Cheng and Wang Qin changed their faces. Even Li Xinran was surprised to reach out and cover his mouth!

"Qin Tian, what you said is true!" Li Xinran looks at Qin Tian with fear.

Qin Tian didn't say anything, but Wang Qin played Li Cheng. "Old man, Qin Tian is not a child who likes to talk nonsense. I'd rather believe it or not, and don't go tomorrow. It happens that I read tomorrow's weather forecast and said that there are storms, which are all red warning!"

Li Cheng didn't open his mouth. There were so many department level cadres in the city, but he gave himself the identity of the representative. What a face!

Even if I retired and went out to play chess, I would boast with those old men!

Li Cheng thought for a long time with a calm face, and his wine strength was completely gone.

"Alas Li Cheng sighed, "OK, no more!"

With Li Cheng's words, a family of talents put the hanging heart down, especially Qin Tian. As long as his father-in-law doesn't go, he doesn't have any worries!

In the early morning of the next day, the whole Pine Mountain was shrouded in darkness. The dark clouds were very low, as if standing on the upper floor, you could touch it with your hand. It gave you a very depressing feeling!

Qin Tian stood in front of the French window, looking up at the sky, his face full of uneasiness!


A big bang, a flash of lightning from the middle of the dark cloud, shaking the house is shaking!

"No wonder there will be a red warning, the color of the sky..." Li Xinran stood beside Qin Tian, anxiously holding his arm.

Looking at the rainstorm with thunder and lightning falling outside, Qin Tian prayed in his heart that he should not suffer heavy casualties. The best way is to let the rainstorm stop Zheng Dakang and stop them from going out. It is the best choice!

At this time, at the gate of Binhai resort, a large row of black cars are parked here, a spenter is parked in the front, and Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zaiyun come out of it.

"The rain is too heavy..." Zheng Dakang looked at the sky and frowned.

Qin Tian's words are like a magic spell in his mind.

"Or... Another day!" Zheng Dakang asked Zhou Zaiyun.

"Lao Zheng, just this one opportunity or we two use means to fight for, next time!? Is Qiu Yunlin the kind of person who will give us the next chance!? I'll be passive at that time! " Zhou Zaiyun did not know why Zheng Dakang retreated at this time. It was just a rain!Zheng Dakang looked at Zhou Zaiyun with a worried face and gritted his teeth, "OK, look early and don't look at night. It's a long dream to save!"

At this time, Qiu Yunlin slowly came out of the gate of the resort, followed by several bodyguards with umbrellas.

"Two leaders, long wait!" Qiu Yunlin is very sorry to see Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zaiyun waiting for himself in the rain!

"Mr. Qiu, you are a distinguished guest of Songshan. If you wait a little longer, what will you do?" Zhou Zaiyun saw that Zheng Dakang was not in the state and said, "let's go!"

"Go! Thank you two leaders for showing me the way Qiu Yunlin said with a smile, and then he turned around and got on his Audi with armor all night!

As soon as he got on the bus, Zheng Dakang fell in love with him. He was afraid that Qiu Yunlin would invite him and Zhou Zaiyun to ride in the same car with him!

Then you don't have to hide!

The motorcade moved forward slowly in the rainstorm. Because the land was outside the Songshan Mountain, it took a long time. Zheng Dakang was worried all the way. If not, he asked the driver to drive faster and pull the distance from the motorcade behind him.

Soon, the people in the panic came to the destination, the rainstorm has become a lot smaller.

Qiu Yunlin cautiously let the motorcade stop in the middle of the land, which was under the protection of the bodyguard to drill out from Audi.

After looking around here and looking at the location combined with the map, Qiu Yunlin actually found that this land is promising. Once the surrounding economic entities catch up, it will be a rare economic center, and its value will double several times!

"What's up, Mr. Qiu, isn't this a good land?" Seeing Qiu Yunlin's face happy, Zheng Dakang hurried forward and said with pride.

Qiu Yunlin nodded with a smile, "the geographical location is not bad, the value is much higher than that piece of land in Bianjing city!"

"Ha ha ha, Mr. Qiu, you have a pair of wise eyes!" Zheng Dakang burst into laughter!

As long as there is Qiu Yunlin's words, there will be drama in Songshan!

"Then don't let it rain!" Zhou Zaiyun's face is full of spring breeze, and his mood is also very good. "I asked the Secretary to prepare the lunch. Let's go back to drink and chat."

As soon as he got on the bus, Zheng Dakang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't listen to Qin Tian. If he didn't come today, Songshan would miss the big opportunity!

The motorcade started slowly. Qiu Yunlin slowly turned the black jade ring of human bone in the car, and scolded Qin Tian incessantly in his heart, "Fu Jie Zi, I've been fighting geese for so many years, but I've been pecked by a small sparrow of you!"

Qiu Yunlin scolded Qin Tian in his heart. He thought that Qin Tian was so scared that he didn't dare to go out these days!

When I came, I worried about the earth shattering, earthquake and tsunami along the way. Who could have thought that not only did nothing happen, but also the rain was getting smaller and smaller!

With a sigh of relief, Qiu Yunlin lit a Danish cigar in the car and leaned leisurely against the seat to smoke.

But when the motorcade drove to the viaduct, there was a big thunder in the sky. A flash of lightning fell on the side of the motorcade at an incredible speed. It just landed on an external high-voltage transformer!


With a loud noise, all the high-voltage wires connecting the transformer caught fire instantly and scattered under the electric light!

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