Dozens of high-voltage wires with the thickness of children's arms are constantly swaying in the fierce storm and rain. Only a sound of Bang is heard. A high-voltage wire hits a large truck. The driver of the truck is scared out of his wits. The steering wheel blows fiercely, and it inserts into the lane next to it!


Loud noise came, with a high-voltage truck straight toward Qiu Yunlin's Audi hit!

Seeing this, Qiu Yunlin's driver's face changed and he quickly stepped on the brake. However, the roadside was soaked with rain and was so smooth that he couldn't stop at all. The front of the car suddenly hit the side waist of a car in front of him!

For a time, including large trucks, but both vehicles were paralyzed on the viaduct!

It has to be said that the armored Audi is worthy of its reputation. Although the body of the Audi car is deformed, it barely sticks to it. Several people sitting in the car are breathing heavily. The driver and secretary took Qiu Yunlin only suffered a little skin injury, which was not a big problem.

Qiu Yunlin was so scared that his cigar fell on the carpet in the car.

"Mr. Qiu, are you ok?" Assistant sitting in the co pilot, panic back to see Qiu Yunlin.

Qiu Yunlin was shocked. His chin trembled. He shook his head pale. His hand also touched his own black jade ring.

"Your mother almost killed me..."

before Qiu Yunlin's voice fell, another car hit Audi's fart in a high-voltage electricity. On the train, Qiu Yunlin was shocked by the sudden impact and hit the back of the driver's seat!





one after another, the whole viaduct was paralyzed, dozens of cars collided together, and the viaduct was blocked up!

At this time, another lightning fell down and concentrated the transformer again. The strong current spread instantly. The transformer only lasted for a few seconds. It made a loud noise, turned into a group of fire, and instantly swept the entire viaduct!

In just a moment, dozens of cars burned into a sea of fire!

Zheng Dakang saw that the scene had been completely covered up. Before he could react, the fire spread along the high-voltage electricity and wrapped spenter in it. Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zaiyun hurriedly sat down on their seats!

But a moment later, Zheng Dakang found that he didn't feel anything wrong in the car. Even the temperature didn't change at all!

It has to be said that spenter's defense capability is far beyond Qiu Yunlin's Audi. War class armor and civilian armor are not on the same level at all!

"Come on, call 119 and 120! Let them come to the rescue as quickly as possible Zheng Dakang yelled at the co pilot's secretary Wang in a hurry!

Looking out of the window, I can see that the road ahead has been completely paralyzed. At least a dozen cars, large and small, have collided with each other, and several of them have been directly knocked over, burning a raging fire and may explode at any time.

The people in the car were struggling to climb out. Many of them were covered with blood, and others were burning black. They sat on the ground holding unconscious relatives and crying bitterly. The scene was terrible.

At this moment, Zheng Dakang's heart is extremely regretful!

He hated why he didn't listen to Qin Tian's advice. He was so stubborn that dozens of cars and hundreds of people died in the fire!

"Zheng Shu. Ji, Zhou Shi. Chang, are you ok?" At this time, a few security personnel ran down from the car leading the road and opened the door in a hurry!

"Lao Zheng!" Zhou Zaiyun has already got out of the car, but seeing Zheng Dakang still in his seat, he immediately pulled him for a moment, "come down quickly! It's too dangerous here. Get out of here

Zheng Dakang's eyes are dull and his mind is full of his own wrong decisions!

"Come on! Lao Zheng, this is not the time to be dazed. Qiu is still in the fire! " Zhou Zaiyun is already in a complete hurry, stamping his feet and calling Zheng Dakang!

When Zheng Dakang heard Qiu Yunlin's name, he came back to his senses and said, "hurry up, save Qiu Zong!"

With that, Zheng Dakang ran out of the car like crazy, and was about to run to Qiu Yunlin's Audi!

The security personnel looked at Zheng Dakang's behavior and quickly caught him!

"Zheng Shu. Remember, even if you run past it is useless! Let's wait for the fire brigade! "

Now the fire is on the right side, and there is a high-voltage line that keeps leaking electricity. Zheng Dakang may be killed on the spot if he runs past like this!

"Lao Zheng, you don't have to worry too much. I've seen Mr. Qiu's car, and it's also armored..." Zhou Zaiyun said this, obviously lacking in confidence.

Because he just saw that Qiu Yunlin's car had been hit and was about to flatten down. Whether he could resist the fire or not is still unknown!

Zheng Dakang did not know that Zhou Zaiyun was comforting himself. After a sigh of relief, he told Secretary Wang, "call the fire brigade again! Inform the power department to cut off the power immediately! Inform all relevant departments and take action! "Dig Secretary to accept orders, quickly take people to start to make overall arrangements!

At this time, Li Cheng was sitting in the president's office of the Affiliated Hospital, and the phone rang!

"What!? A series of traffic accidents! "

After listening, Li Cheng sat down on the chair!

All said by Qin Tian!?

For a moment, Li Cheng's heart is full of happiness, glad that he has such a son-in-law!

And from this moment on, Li Cheng made up his mind that no matter what Qin Tian said, he would absolutely believe it!

Like Li Cheng, the presidents of all hospitals received the corresponding phone calls. All the doctors at the director level cancelled their leave and immediately went to the hospital for standby!

Not only the medical department, but also the transportation department has launched a whole line to protect the viaduct traffic accident. In the crowded Songshan City, it has opened up a direct road to the hospital!

Time is not big, the fire engine siren sound from the distance, there are several helicopters in the air!

"Lao Zheng, what a Qin Tian, a god man!"

Zhou Zaiyun looked at the rescue workers all over the ground and sighed from the heart!

Hearing this, Zheng Dakang nodded and implored that there should be no heavy casualties!

Although this matter is apparently due to natural disasters, but Zheng Dakang can not pass the heart of this pass.

They watched the rescue workers continue to command, at this time, Secretary Wang rushed over, covered in black, trembling voice to Zheng Dakang: "Zheng book. Remember, not good, Qiu general accident!"

Weng's voice, Zheng Dakang's head seems to ring a bomb general, did not wait for anyone's reaction, he rushed towards the armored Audi!

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the Audi. When the firemen pried open the door, the burning scene inside fell into everyone's eyes!


Firefighters quickly found the cause of the fire in the car! It was Qiu Yunlin's cigar that fell on the stall!

The ambulance personnel lifted Qiu Yunlin out of the car. His whole body had been burned and could hardly see any shape!

"Quick, send to the first people's Hospital of Songshan city!"

The first people's Hospital of Songshan city has the best medical conditions in Songshan city!

At the moment, Qin Tian has arrived at the hospital, and a sign of stopping diagnosis is hung at the door of the hospital. After seeing this, many sick old people left with regret.

Qin Tian sits on the chair with his eyes closed, and his mobile phone is in front of him!

At this time, the mobile phone suddenly rang, Qin Tian opened his eyes and saw that it was Li Cheng calling!

"Dad Qin Tian rushed to catch up.

"Qin Tian, something serious happened. A series of traffic accidents happened on the viaduct, and more than 100 people were injured and killed. You should go to the first person hospital, Qiu Yunlin and Zheng Shu. Remember that they are all there!" Li Cheng is extremely flustered, this news he also just received!

Qin Tian's heart sank, but he didn't expect such weather to stop them!

"I also heard that Qiu Yunlin's car was reinforced with armor, but it didn't work under the impact of a series of traffic accidents. On the contrary, Zheng Dakang's car was hit by an explosion and all of them were only slightly injured."

Li Cheng didn't know that Zheng Dakang was driving qintian's car. He couldn't stop sighing.

Qin Tian hung up the phone and closed his eyes again! This moment, Qin Tian's heart is extremely painful! This disaster can be avoided!

Now how good, Qiu Yunlin's own accident did not say, but also drag on more than 100 people, these people who are not the father's son and mother's son!? Who doesn't have a family!?

At this time, a black car stopped outside the hospital. Before the car stopped, a figure stumbled down and went straight to qintian's clinic! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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