"Xiao Qin, you can't just stand by, you can't stand by!"

Zheng Dakang looked at the door to stop the diagnosis of the listing, tightly grasped Qin Tian's arm!

"Zheng Shu. Remember, what are you doing? Human life is a matter of heaven. How can I stand idly by!? What happened to Qiu Yunlin? " Qin Tian bit his teeth and said painfully.

Seeing Zheng Dakang's eager expression, he knew in his heart that Qiu Yunlin must have been hurt badly, otherwise she would not have rushed to invite herself so anxiously!

"It's very serious, especially serious. Come to the hospital with me." Zheng Dakang didn't expect Qin Tian to agree with him so happily. He thought Qin Tian would scold him angrily, but now it seems that Qin Tian is the heart of his villain from the beginning to the end!

"What are the main injuries!? Fracture!? Squeeze!? Or blood loss? " Zheng Dakang can not say clearly, Qin Tian had to ask word by word!

"No, he's a burn, a massive burn!" Zheng Dakang recalled the scene when Qiu Yunlin carried it out and said in a trembling voice.

Hearing this, Qin Tian rushed into the inner hall. In a low-temperature storage box hidden in the wall, he took out a thing wrapped in red cloth and carefully pulled down several whiskers from it. Zheng Dakang had a close look. It was actually a ginseng with a child's arm length!

This is the big mallet Qin Tian got from the auction of the association of traditional Chinese medicine last time. As the saying goes, seven Liang is ginseng and eight Liang is treasure. This ginseng has great medicinal value!


With that, Qin Tian wrapped up the whiskers and rushed out of the hospital with Zheng Dakang on his back!

The car drove very fast, to the first people's Hospital of Songshan City, two people rushed to the operating room!

More than ten surgical experts gathered in the operating room to rescue Qiu Yunlin!

The door of the emergency room was full of people. In addition to some cadres of the municipal Party committee, all the others were Qiu Yunlin's people. Chen Qianhui was also there, supported by two female bodyguards. She was crying and wiping the corners of her eyes with handkerchief. She was very sad.

Qin Tian knows that she is completely hypocritical. Qiu Yunlin's death is beneficial to her!

As Qiu Yunlin's legal wife, she has the right to inherit half of Qiu Yunlin's property, and she will no longer have to live with such a bad old man!

However, it is just the so-called play to do the whole set.

Chen Qianhui saw Zheng Dakang as if he had seen his husband's enemy. He rushed over and grabbed Zheng Dakang's collar and scratched him. "Didn't you promise me that my husband won't have any problems in Songshan?! How can you make me a widow if he has something wrong? "

"Mrs. Qiu, don't worry. I've invited Dr. Qin here. He will certainly save Mr. Qiu." Zheng Dakang did not dare to touch her, and his face was covered with sweat.

Chen Qianhui heard Qin Tianneng save Qiu Yunlin, his heart suddenly trembled, raised his head and pointed to Qin Tianli and said in a sharp voice: "he!? A country bumpkin who can only curse people, you let me give my husband's life to this country bumpkin who can only curse people!? If he had not cursed my husband, my husband would not have been in trouble

"I curse your husband?" Qin Tian sneered, "it's clear that you have a COFU face! If I'm right, you should be happy now. If your husband dies, you can inherit his legacy and take care of your little white face. "

Chen Qianhui's performance is lifelike, but anyone on the scene can see clearly that she is just acting to show people!

Which woman who has taken advantage of the old rich is not for money!? Not to mention the biting and sour pheasant.

"You, you're talking nonsense!"

Chen Qianhui was stabbed in the pain by Qin Tian, and suddenly became angry, "hillbilly, you want to die! Somebody, get him for me

She is Qiu Yunlin's wife, a group of bodyguards naturally have to listen to her orders, Hula a surrounded, make a gesture to fight Qin Tian.

"I see who dares!"

Zheng Dakang held his head high and his voice was cold, "I don't want to see where this is! Believe it or not, I will arrest you all

Zheng Dakang's words are domineering. This is Songshan. It's his territory. He can't let others play wild here!

Seeing that Zheng Dakang was angry, several bodyguards stopped in a hurry. You know, if Zheng Dakang gave any orders, they would not want to go out of Songshan mountain!

Chen Qianhui was yelled by Zheng Dakang, and his momentum suddenly fell down. He looked at Zheng Dakang reluctantly. His face was gloomy and he said coldly: "Zheng Shu. Remember, my husband happened in your Songshan. If he has something wrong, I'm afraid you have to bear the main responsibility!"

"You don't have to say that!" Zheng Dakang took a hard look at Chen Qianhui and said, "if Xiao Qin can't cure Qiu Yunlin, I will go to the province to plead guilty."

After that, Zheng Dakang turned his head and looked at Qin Tian and said in a low voice, "Xiao Qin, would you like to go ahead and have a look?"

"Wait a minute." Qin Tianshen said: "let them finish the most basic treatment first."

As soon as Qin Tian's voice fell, the door of the emergency room was pushed open. A doctor wearing a mask rushed out in a hurry and said to Zheng Dakang in an urgent voice: "Zheng Shu. Remember, it's not good. The patient... The patient is out of breath!""What?" Zheng Dakang body a soft, nearly fell to the ground!

"Zheng Shu. Ji!" Qin Tian's quick eye and quick hand pulled him up.

Zhou Zaiyun stood aside, his eyes closed tightly, and his face was full of remorse!

Qiu Yunlin has a special identity. He has been closely watched by the provincial government since that day. Once he dies, not only Songshan's investment will be lost, but he and Zheng Dakang will all be held accountable by the provincial Party committee!

And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that a wealthy investor came to Songshan and lost his life here. Who dares to invest in Songshan in the future!?

"I'm sorry, we've tried our best!"

After a short time, the door of the operating room was opened, and more than a dozen attending doctors in green surgical suits came out and stood in front of Zheng Dakang, looking ashamed!

"Qiu's body was burned for 80% of the whole body, the electrolytic balance was destroyed, the organs were difficult to maintain operation, and the body function rapidly declined, resulting in a large area of infection..." an older doctor said painfully, "it's too late to send it...

" Oh, my husband, you just left, how can I live? "

Chen Qianhui was ecstatic when he heard the word "cut off his breath". However, as soon as he thought about his identity, he immediately pretended to be heartbroken. He screamed bitterly, and then burst into tears, "if only I could stop you from coming to Songshan mountain. Now, I've lost my life here!"

In order to show his heartbroken appearance, Chen Qianhui collapsed to the ground. People who didn't know saw this scene thought how deep their feelings were!

Have you just stopped breathing Qin Tian coldly glanced at Chen Qianhui and asked the doctor immediately.


The doctor, Deng Wenxiang, sighed slightly when he heard Qin Tian's question.

He didn't know Qin Tian. He just answered and explained to Zheng Dakang, "our hospital has the most advanced medical equipment in the United States, and I am a temporary post in the American Western Medicine Association. If the patient hadn't sent it too late, it would never have happened."

In this case, he did not forget to explain his identity as a member of the American Association of Western medicine, but he did not know that Zheng Dakang was most upset with such people!

"Yes, Zheng Shu Ji, Dr. Deng, a member of the American Medical Association, is one of the top surgeons in our hospital. If he hadn't come too late, he would have been fine." A young doctor at the back rushed forward to speak for Deng Wenxiang.

If you are just out of breath, there should be hope. I want to try it

Qin Tian didn't care which country they were members of the association, and didn't want to get involved in their conversation, so he interrupted them abruptly.

Hearing the speech, all of them were stunned and turned their eyes to Qin Tian.

This is the first people's Hospital of Songshan. Although Qin Tian is in the Affiliated Hospital, everyone knows it. But here, many people are not familiar with Qin Tian. They are surprised. Is this young man talking in his sleep? People are out of breath, how to save?

However, he did not dare to say anything more when he was standing beside the book.

Deng Wenxiang glanced at Qin Tian and frowned slightly.

"Xiao Qin, can you cure it?" Zheng Dakang heard the speech and seized Qin Tian's arm. He said in a quick voice, "go, go quickly!"

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