Qin Tian nodded and rushed to the emergency room with the medicine box on his back.

No way! I can't let you touch my husband! "

All of a sudden, Chen Qianhui, who was lying on the ground and cried bitterly, jumped up and grabbed Qin Tian. He flashed in front of Qin Tian and roared: "you are the country bumpkin who cursed my husband. Why, do you still want him to be restless and die in peace?"

In fact, she didn't believe Qin Tian could save Qiu Yunlin. After all, Deng Wenxiang said just now that Qiu Yunlin was out of breath.

But what Qin Tian said before, all came true, and her fear of Qin Tian was not reduced, but increased, for fear that Qin naivete would rescue Qiu Yunlin! How to say that people are just dead, in case of false death!?

She can't take risks. She has been waiting for this day for so many years. She can't have any accidents!

Mrs. Qiu, don't be excited. Listen to me. Dr. Qin is very good at medicine. Let him have a try. Maybe there is hope Zheng Dakang hurried to explain.

He knew what Chen Qianhui thought in his heart, but in front of so many people, there was no way to point out, so he had to pacify him.

However, the better Zheng Dakang said, the more aggressive Chen Qianhui was. He pulled the door of the emergency room with both hands, and said in a hoarse voice, "don't think about it! I want my husband to die with his eyes closed, no way! "

If you don't get out of here, I'm not polite Qin tianlengleng reprimand, cold eyes, awe inspiring momentum.

He doesn't care about Qiu Yunlin's family affairs, but it doesn't mean he won't be angry!

Chen Qianhui was frightened by Qin Tian's momentum and trembled all over. Seeing that it was hard, Chen Qianhui quickly shook his hand and squatted down at the door of the operating room. He was wronged and cried: "you are so many people bullying me, a widow who just lost her husband. Are you still a human being?"!? You let the big guy talk about it. Can people be reborn after death!? He said he could save my husband. Do you think all the doctors in the people's hospital are fools? "

It has to be said that Chen Qianhui's IQ and EQ are indeed very high. In a few words, Chen Qianhui has drawn people to her camp. It is precisely because of her outstanding double quotient that she has killed numerous competing seductive goods and successfully ascended the position.

"That is, how can people be reborn after death? It's just baffling!"

"If we don't pay attention to our people's Hospital, even if our medical skills are not good, we will not be able to distinguish between life and death!"

"No matter how skillful you are, you don't have to insult us like that!? Do you really think you can bring the dead back to life? "

The doctors around were agitated in an instant, especially the dozen who had just come out of it. They were very excited, as if they had been insulted.

Deng Wenxiang in the crowd laughs very proud, let you question me, this time was attacked!? It's time!

"Shut up Zheng Dakang roared angrily.

Although he did not believe that Qin Tian could bring the dead back to life, but now the only way is to let Qin Tian have a try!

Secretary Zheng, you should think twice

At this time, Zhou Zaiyun came to Zheng Dakang's ear and said in a low voice: "now a person is dead, it is essentially different from the rescue before he died. If you insist on letting Xiaoqin treat him, once you fail, you and Xiaoqin can be pushed to the top of the storm. Insulting the dead, this hat can be big or small, especially the identity of you and Qiu Yunlin Once the difference is spread, I am afraid it will cause a huge public outcry throughout China

Zhou Zaiyun voiced to Zheng Dakang about the interests, even if it was blamed by the province, it was better to be pushed to the top of the storm!

Zheng Dakang clenched his fist tightly, and his face was heavy. He didn't know the serious consequences of failure!? Let a man who still has hope die like this!?

Secretary Zheng Seeing Zheng Dakang still hesitated, Qin Tian hastened to remind him.

Although he had hope to save Qiu Yunlin, he was only just dead. If he dragged on like this, let alone himself, he could not be saved even if his ancestors were resurrected!

Zheng Dakang looked at Qin Tian, and his frown immediately calmed down. In a deep voice, he said to Zhou Zaiyun, "I have doubted Xiao Qin once, and I will never doubt him again!"

After that, Zheng Dakang took a step forward and swept to the crowd: "everyone listen clearly. Today, I, Zheng Dakang, asked Dr. Xiao Qin to treat Qiu Yunlin. It was my decision. It had nothing to do with Xiaoqin and other municipal Party committee staff. If it fails, I, Zheng Dakang, will bear all the consequences."

Zheng Dakang's words are sonorous and forceful, which makes everyone on the scene moved!

After hearing Zheng Dakang's words, the surgeons, who were originally furious, were silent.

Character, this is the character of Chinese officials!

For the world's common people, the country and the world a person on the shoulder of the character!

Qin Tian looks at Zheng Dakang's firm face and smiles.

Finally, I didn't read the wrong person!"Qin Tian, go, everything has me, no matter whether success or failure, I Zheng Dakang will not blame you!" Zheng Dakang looked at Qin Tian, his voice was not very loud, but his composure was incomparable.

Qin Tian nodded and turned to the emergency room.

No way! I won't let you in! "

Chen Qianhui is still in the door of the emergency room. Seeing Qin Tian coming, he immediately opens his arms and blocks Qin Tian with his body.

"Get out of here

Qin Tian didn't hesitate, raised a foot to kick in Chen Qianhui's stomach. Chen Qianhui didn't react to anything, his body had already flown out!

When did Chen Qianhui receive such treatment!? But these bodyguards are not idiots. If they can't see Chen Qianhui's intention, they will live in vain for decades!

Qin Tian rushes into the emergency room and sees the blackened corpse of Qiu Yunlin and the ghost floating on the ceiling!

Qin Tian closed the door of the operating room, walked slowly to Qiu Yunlin's body, and touched his artery.

"Dead indeed." Qin Tian said to himself.

"Doctor Qin, I'm not dead. I'm here!" Qiu Yunlin sees Qin Tian come in, the ghost immediately floats to Qin Tian's front, the tone says urgently.

Qiu Yunlin regrets that he didn't listen to Qin Tian's words and throw that black jade ring with human bones!

At this time, it is impossible for anyone to hear his own voice. Even if there are all kinds of words, there is no way to disclose a word!

"OK, I see." Qin Tian was a little impatient by him, and answered lightly.

Qiu Yunlin's ghost suddenly trembled and said, "doctor Qin, can you hear me?"

Don't you think I'm just an ordinary person now Qin Tian looked up at him.

Qiu Yun Lin Dun was Qin Tian's words.

Indeed, if Qin Tian were an ordinary person, how could he calculate his life so accurately!?

"Master Qin, you must save me!" With that, Qiu Yunlin knelt in the air!

Qin Tian looks at him, at this time his soul has become more and more deep, once transformed into a ghost, it is difficult to recover!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian said in a hurry: "lie down!"

Hearing the speech, Qiu Yunlin quickly laid down according to the position of his body.

Qin Tian no longer hesitated. The silver needle twinkled and pricked Qiu Yunlin's body. The green energy and ghost gas were running at the same time, and they were transported to Qiu Yunlin's body!


Qin Tian yelled, a few ginseng whiskers were thrown into Qiu Yunlin's mouth, under the catalysis of green energy, turned into a liquid medicine and swallowed down his throat!

Ginseng has the function of hanging life. Since ancient times, Chinese medical books have recorded it!

Time is not long, Qiu Yunlin's ghost and the body are fused together!

"It's done!" Qin Tian shouts in a low voice and quickly pricks the needle again!

And at this time, outside the operating room came a noisy noise, it was Lu Qianmo with people rushed over!

"Secretary Zheng, where is doctor Qin Tian?" Lu Qianmo was sweating, and several people were carrying several bags of things.

"In the operating room... You go in..." Zheng Dakang heard Qin Tian call Lu Qianmo on the way to let him deliver the medicine!

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