As soon as Lu Qianmo listened, he did not hesitate to push the door and rush into the operating room!

"no way! You can't go in any more! My husband's body is not cold, you should be so upset with him, what is your intention? "

Chen Qianhui hysterically stopped at the gate, no longer before the noble breath.

Lu Qianmo has always been indifferent to strangers, especially today with Qin Tian's entrustment. Where can she be saved!? He pushed her out and nearly pushed her to the ground. Without even looking at her, he went straight to the operating room!

This is the second time that Chen Qianhui was started today. After a stagger, she sat on the ground and cried out, "it's unreasonable... You all treat me like this..."

but at this moment, no one sympathizes with her any more, and even some unrelated people are watching the excitement.

At the moment, Qiu Yunlin's body is covered with silver needles in the operating room. There is no free space around the big acupoints. Especially, the running routes of the eight main veins are almost all silver needles!

As the saying goes, "the heart never fails, life never stops." Qin Tian presses one hand on Qiu Yunlin's heart, and the green energy is output without reservation!

At this time, Lu Qianmo pushed the door and entered!

"Doctor Qin Tian, I'm here..." Lu Qianmo looks at the person lying on the operating table, and his pupil shrinks!

It's too serious!

Severe burns all over the body, according to common sense, there is no doubt that he will die. Unexpectedly, Qin Tian can save people back!

Lu Qianmo is annoyed that he didn't come over quickly. The reason is to catch a look at the process of Qin Tian's treatment, but he still missed it!

"Don't talk about anything else. Where's the medicine?" Qin's back is covered with clothes!

"Here it is!" Lu Qianmo was a little bit stunned and recovered. He quickly let those people put the medicine on the operating table!

"You all go back, go straight to Huisheng hall to get money!"

These workers were temporary porters that Lu Qianmo asked them to go to Huisheng hall to get money, and they left without hesitation.

Huishengtang is the first hospital in Songshan. They absolutely trust it!

Lu Qianmo opened the bag on the ground, revealing a pile of black mud inside.

"Spread these ointment evenly on the patient's body!" Qin Tian looked at the mud on the ground and was very satisfied.

This is the medicine prepared by Lu Qianmo according to his instructions. According to Lu Bingqian, this medicine mud will have incomparable effect on burns, even he can't match it!

Without hesitation, Lu Qianmo dug it up with a spoon specially used for smearing ointment, and wiped it evenly towards the patient. While wiping, he also avoided Qin Tian's silver needle. He was afraid that it would damage Qin Tian's affairs!

"Doctor Qin Tian, would you like to have a fire?"

Lu Qianmo wiped Qiu Yunlin's body and raised his head to ask Qin Tian.

Many people have used the ointment. Generally, it needs to be roasted with high temperature to obtain better curative effect. But today, the patient is severely burned, and then roasted with fire, I'm afraid there will be problems!

"No, I have stimulated the eight channels in his body. The absorption of drugs on the surface of his skin will be enhanced a lot."

Qin Tian looked at Lu Qianmo's plaster, which was thin and appropriate and evenly applied. It highlighted Lu Qianmo's basic skills of traditional Chinese medicine, and for a time he again expressed his appreciation for Lu Qianmo.

It's been a long time since I've been in. Why haven't you come out yet People outside the operating room are waiting a little anxious.

Zheng Dakang walked back and forth uneasily. Qin Tian has been in for so long, even there is no movement. There won't be any accident!?

"Wait for me. I've got the best lawyer. I'll take you to court! You killed my husband

At this time, dishevelled and kneeling on the ground, Chen Qianhui, who even changed her makeup, made a phone call and pointed to Zheng Dakang and others.

"Come out!" Hearing the movement of the operating room, people can not help but look.

"Qin Tian!" Zheng Dakang hurried forward and took his arm. His eyes were full of expectations!

"I'm lucky to live up to my life!" Qin Tian's tight face smiles and hugs Zheng Dakang in spite of the sweat!

Zheng Dakang a listen, nervous body instantly relaxed down, if not for Qin Tian to support him, absolutely will a fart. Shares sit on the ground!

"Thank you... Thank you..."

he is as eloquent as Zheng Dakang. At the moment, he only has these two simple words in his mouth!

Zhou Zaiyun saw Qin Tian come out and ordered a group of surgeons rushed into the operating room.

"No... incredible, patient, the patient's heart is back!"

The nurse in charge of monitoring the patient's physical signs looked at the numbers on the instrument beside her and was surprised to hear that she couldn't close her mouth!

For a moment, the whole operating room was in a state of uproar! Whether it is the chief physician, or the general doctor, all around the operating table!

The patient, who had been confirmed dead by Deng Wenxiang before, was breathing at this moment, and it seemed that he might wake up at any time!At the moment, Lu Qianmo is sitting beside the operating table. Just now he and Qin Tian wrapped gauze on the patient, which has already used his whole body's strength. Fortunately, Qin Tian can cure such a patient. He really dare not even think about it before.

"Sick... The patient has opened his eyes!"

A sharp eyed doctor looked at Qiu Yunlin and immediately called out.

Although a little weak, but Qiu Yunlin has indeed opened his eyes, is looking at the room full of doctors.

"Come back from the dead! It's a resurrection

"It's incredible! How on earth is this done? "

"God man, god man! I've worked in the hospital for most of my life, and I've never seen anything so strange! "

A room of expert doctors, only sigh in tone!

It's no wonder that people can have the municipal Party committee's letter. Remember to take your life to guarantee that you really have the ability to cooperate with others!

Zheng Dakang sat on the chair outside and listened to the doctors inside. He burst into tears!

God knows how much pressure he had to bear during this period of time to treat Qiu Yunlin in qintian! Once you fail, you will be ruined!

This is not the most important, the most important, they will ruin the future of Songshan!

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Qin Tianli saved the whole Songshan Mountain and himself!

"Zheng Shu. Remember, go in and have a look." Qin Tian smiles. Just now he has quietly injected some green energy into Zheng Dakang's body. The weakness brought by the sudden relaxation has disappeared.

Zheng Dakang nodded, got up and walked towards the operating table.


At this time, a sharp voice came from the door of the operating room. Chen Qianhui fell down beside the operating table like a madman. He took Qiu Yunlin's hand and began to wail!

"Husband, I told you to take me with me. Why don't you take it? If you leave by yourself and leave me a widow's home, you will be bullied!"

Chen Qianhui cried extremely miserable, so that a group of doctors and nurses around him turned their eyes!

Really good performance ah, with your hand, even the entertainment industry are killed by you half!

Qiu Yunlin took a look at her. There was no emotion in his eyes. Then he looked at his secretary.

Secretary with Qiu Yunlin more than ten years, a look will understand come over, quickly listen to Qiu Yunlin's mouth.

"Mr. Qiu, don't worry. I will handle the matter."

The secretary looked up respectfully to Qiu Yunlin, who slowly closed his eyes.

The Secretary waved, and two tall bodyguards came in at the door.

"Take her out!" The secretary looked at Chen Qianhui and said mercilessly!

Chen Qianhui heard, immediately stopped crying, looked up can not believe the Secretary roared: "what do you say!? How old are you to let me out! "

Chen Qianhui's face has changed. At ordinary times, these people are respectful to themselves like their ancestors. Now they dare to ask the bodyguards to invite them out!

The secretary looked at her and said coldly, "I used a word of invitation, which is worthy of you. I hope you have self-knowledge!"

"You fart Chen Qianhui didn't cry at this time. He got up and pointed to the tip of his secretary's nose and said, "I'm the wife of Qiu family. You're just a dog raised by Qiu family. You deserve to let me go out! Believe it or not, I'll fire you now, and you won't be able to do it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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