Chen Qianhui completely crazy, not only outsiders dare to bully themselves, even a small secretary dare to point fingers at themselves!

"Indeed, from a legal point of view, you are Mr. Qiu's wife, and I am just a dog of Qiu's family. However, every dog knows how to thank him for his kindness, but what about you!? You are even inferior to a dog Secretary said, a pair of eyes are red, "Chen Qianhui, I tell you, in accordance with Qiu general manager's order, wait a moment, I will call the lawyer over to you, for divorce proceedings, if you do not agree, then we will according to the legal procedure, accuse you of intentional murder!"

Just now, she was seen by countless people about the doctor's rescue of Qiu Yunlin. What's more, it was recorded by the camera in the corridor. If you want to accuse her of intentional murder, you should take Qiu Yunlin's financial resources as an example!

Chen Qianhui's body suddenly trembled, then turned around and rushed to Qiu Yunlin, crying: "husband, listen to this, this is what your subordinates say. If you can't do well, you should drive me out..."

Qiu Yunlin opened his eyes and glanced at her, and then closed again.

"Throw her out!" Secretary see Chen Qianhui also dare to disturb Qiu Yunlin, eyebrows immediately a wrinkle, impertinent orders to come over the bodyguard!

The two bodyguards are Zheng Zheng men. They have long been unhappy with Chen Qianhui. At the moment, listening to Qiu Yunlin's close secretary saying this, he grabbed Chen Qianhui's arm without hesitation and pulled it up rudely!


After a while, the door of the operating room heard a dull sound of human body landing. It can be seen how much strength the two bodyguards used to throw her!

The Secretary stood at the door of the operating room and looked at Chen Qianhui coldly. "Mr. Qiu registered his property before he married you, so you can't even get a dime after divorce. In addition, the bank cards and credit cards that Mr. Qiu gave you will be frozen in 10 minutes, so you still have 10 minutes to spend Mr. Qiu's money!"

Chen Qianhui was thrown to pieces at this time. He was about to scold him. But when he heard that he had only ten minutes left to spend money, he limped out to the outside!

Qin Tian listened to the outside of the movement, slightly shook his head, people, mind must be right!

At this time, Qiu Yunlin opened his eyes again and looked at Zheng Dakang.

Zheng Dakang was a thorough man and naturally understood his meaning. He walked slowly to the operating table. Secretary Wang brought him a stool, and Zheng Dakang sat beside Qiu Yunlin.

Qiu Yunlin heard Chen Qianhui's words just now, but he also heard Zheng Dakang's words!

If he didn't come forward at the most critical moment, whether he could live or not is still unknown!

Qin Tian doesn't have to say that he is his own savior. He can't live without him! But Zheng Dakang's kindness to himself is also something he can't repay!

All these things he remembered in his heart. He would never forget the kindness of Qin Tian and Zheng Dakang in his whole life!

Qin Tian stood aside and looked at the scene calmly. At this time, Qiu Yunlin's secretary came over with a chair and politely said to Qin Tian, "master Qin, please sit down. If you have any need, you can tell me that I will try my best to meet your requirements."

Qin Tian not only saved Qiu Yunlin, but also saved his career. If Qiu Yunlin died, his glorious days would be over.

Therefore, this secretary is very kind to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian waved his hand and then turned to Lu Qianmo, "you stay here, pay attention to the patient's condition, and call me if there is any change!"

Lu Qianmo was a little stunned when he heard the words, "you are not here!"

"Hundreds of people were killed and injured in this traffic accident. Some of them are serious. I have to go and have a look."

Just now, Qin Tian asked Li Xinran while Chen Qianhui was thrown out. Now, it is not only the people's Hospital, but also the affiliated hospital. There are some serious patients. Even some expert doctors can't treat them. They have to go and have a look!

At the hearing of the speech, the audience were awed.

Qin Tian is not only superb in medical skills, but also so noble in medical ethics!

"Xiao Qin, you've been working hard! I'll arrange a press conference for you later and give you an exclusive interview! " Zheng Dakang said apologetically.

"Yes, we must give Xiao Qin an exclusive interview. You will be famous and more people will come to see you in the future." Zhou Zaiyun laughs.

For a while, all the doctors on the scene showed an envious look, but none of them had any opinions on this matter. In their view, Qin Tian deserved it all!

A generation of famous doctors, sometimes all they need is an opportunity!

"Mayor Zhou, let alone the exclusive interview, let alone announce my identity..." Qin Tian chuckled. Others want to be famous, but he doesn't want to be famous. People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. He just wants to carry forward the spirit of traditional Chinese medicine in silence.

Zhou Zaiyun was stunned when he heard about it. There were countless people who wanted to become famous. But he had never heard of Qin Tian's request in working for so many years in the municipal Party committee!

"Doctor Qin is indifferent to fame and wealth, and we are models!""It's not good to ask for medical ethics."

"Oh, the real good doctor

The doctors on one side quietly thumbed up their thumbs to Qin Tian. If they were replaced, they would never have done so well like Qin Tian!

"Xiao Qin, what do you want me to say?" Zheng Dakang held Qin Tian's hand tightly and sighed!

"Hanging a pot to help the world and save people's lives is what doctors should do." Qin Tian's face was incomparably indifferent, "besides, you didn't promise me to transform the antique street last time, even if it was a reward for me!"

"But this... You are working for the municipal Party committee. How can it be regarded as a reward?" Zheng Dakang gave a bitter smile, but Qin Tian said that even if it was a transformation, it was his own money!

At this time, Qiu Yunlin hummed again, and the Secretary rushed to his side, close to his mouth.

"OK, Mr. Qiu, I get it!" After the Secretary respectfully answered, he stood up straight and said to Qin Tian and Zheng Dakang with a smile: "our general manager Qiu said that all the expenses needed by master Qin should be borne by our company!"

Zheng Dakang's eyes brightened as soon as he heard it!

Qin Tian is a smile, "just I don't know planning, if Qiu's group can help it is the best, but the money is still my own good, after all, some things still have to pay back."

Qin Tian said this pun, while saying that he wanted to pay back the cause and effect, but on the other side, it implied that Qiu Yunlin had a cause.

Although Qiu Yunlin was injured, his IQ did not decrease. Naturally, he could hear the meaning of Qin Tian's words. He nodded his head. His eyes were full of regret for not listening to Qin Tian's suggestion!

From the first people's Hospital, Qin Tian went straight to the affiliated hospital. According to Li Xinran, there were several seriously injured patients waiting to be rescued. Because of the limitation of equipment and doctors, the patients were in danger.

Almost a whole day, Qin Tian rushes back and forth between several hospitals in Songshan city. Where there are high-risk patients, there is Qin Tian's figure.

At more than 10:00 p.m., except for those who died on the spot, all the other people were out of danger. Qin Tian leaned against the door of the operating room of the Affiliated Hospital and suddenly grinned, which was a kind of relieved and happy smile!

He not only called out the hanging pot to help the world in his mouth, but also proved his words and deeds with his actions!

"Eat something quickly. It's been a whole day. If you don't eat anything, you'll save your life, and you'll be tired to death!"

At this time, a bright figure next to me handed over a bottle of milk and a piece of bread, and my sore eyes were red.

Qin Tian turns to see, can so care about oneself, besides Li Xinran, who can still have!?

"Do you want to trade your own life for someone else's?" Li Xinran looked at Qin Tian, who was very weak. He felt a hundred heartache. Kneeling beside him, he reached out and stroked his forehead. He wiped the sweat on his forehead with his little white hands. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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