From the afternoon, I heard that there was a miracle doctor running between the major hospitals. Li Xinran thought of Qin Tian for the first time. At this time, he saw Qin Tian's haggard appearance, not to mention how distressed he was.

This fool, every time to give people to see a doctor is sparing no effort, even if it is to use their own life to change it! Even so, he is still not spare no effort to give people medical treatment.

"Xinran, for the sake of being so tired, why don't you go home at night and press a motorcycle?" Qin Tian weak smile, but eyes are full of restlessness!

"Press a fart!" Li Xinran smell speech, pretty face a red, what massage ah, is not an excuse, "I have been busy all day, no strength!"

Qin Tian sniffed the speech and laughed, "then let me give you the press!"

Said Qin Tian then took Li Xinran's hand.

"Disgusting!" Li Xinran slapped him hard.

Just when they were tired of being together, Li Cheng came over.

"Your mother cooked the soup for you at home. Now the hospital is settled down. Go back and have a rest."

Li Cheng looked at the two people in love, and his heart was also happy, especially with such a great son-in-law, his heart was even more proud!

"Dad, then you..." Qin Tian was stunned and said.

"Someone must be on duty in the hospital tonight, so I won't go back. You can tell your mother when you go back, so that she won't worry about it." Li Cheng said with a smile.

His son-in-law is so profound and righteous that he can't lag behind as an old father-in-law.

"Dad, you're getting more and more aware Qin Tianxiao moo toward Li Cheng provoked a thumb.

"Come on, go back quickly, and drink some of the soup your mother cooks for you! It's mending! " Li Cheng kept telling them to drink soup.

"Take care of yourself, Dad. Let's go first." Li Xinran tenderly charged Li Cheng two sentences, and left the hospital with Qin Tian.

Qin Tian's car was also scrapped in this accident, so he could only go home in Li Xinran's small BMW. As soon as he entered the house, Qin Tian wrinkled his nose and smelled the smell of the air, and immediately began to laugh bitterly!

He is a traditional Chinese medicine. How can he not smell what is put in the soup!?

Li Cheng and his wife have been thinking about the relationship between Qin Tian and Li Xinran these days. They have been married for several years, but there is no movement. They don't know if there is any problem with their health. They haven't given birth to a child for so long.

After pondering and pondering, Wang Qin finally decided to take the initiative to make soup for them! Make up Qin Tian first. It's strong! As long as Qin Tian can't hold back, there's hope for a baby!

However, on the first day of implementation, they met the most serious traffic accident in the history of Songshan, and they didn't go home in the middle of the night.

When Wang Qin saw the two men coming back, he enthusiastically filled the soup for them. Qin Tian was too lazy to break it. Although the purpose of the soup was not pure, there was still some nutrition. It just gave him and Xinran to make up for the loss of the day.

Wang Qin looked at the two men drinking the soup. She looked old and looked like a flower. She said to them, "take a bath and go back to bed."

It's better to do some exercise before going to bed. That's not far from the wish of my wife and myself to hold grandson!

Li Xinran did not know at all. Although Qin Tian knew it, he was also pretending not to know. Anyway, he had not been with Xinran for so many days. He also took this opportunity to have a good intimate relationship.

Li Xinran quickly took a bath and lay in bed in her pajamas.

Qin Tian looked at Li Xinran and said that he could not see the dew, so he didn't feel much itchy. Especially after drinking Da Bu Tang at night, a burst of heat rose from his lower abdomen and rushed to Li Xinran!

"Take a bath first!"

Li Xinran pushes Qin Tian away. I don't know whether it's the effect of the soup or it hasn't been intimate with Qin Tian for a long time. As soon as he touches his body, he reacts and makes Qin Tian go to take a bath.

"Don't worry, make sure it's clean!"

Said, pro day then ran to the bathroom, three under five by two to pick up a clean, standing under the water began to wash!

Time is not big, Qin Tian finished washing out, but when he saw the people on the bed, his heart is a burst of heartache.

A day of busy let Li Xinran incomparably tired, at the moment, Li Xinran has been leaning on the pillow to sleep in the past, sleep is so quiet!

Qin Tian looked at her, slightly soft in the heart, climbed into bed and hugged her from behind. The green energy ran quietly and passed to Li Xinran's body to wash away the fatigue of the day for her.

He slept soundly all night. When Qin Tian woke up, it was already ten o'clock in the morning the next day.

"Brother in law, are you awake?"

Qin Tian opened his eyes and saw that his big face was not more than three centimeters in front of his eyes, and his big eyes were staring at him!

"Why are you here?"!? What about Xinran? " Qin Tian was so scared that he began to rub his arms on the bed."Xinran sister went to work, and told me to take good care of you when I left." Lin Xiaoyao complacent smile, looking at Qin Tian's eyes are full of bad intentions!

"Come on, get out of here, I'm going to change!" Qin Tian said, and then pulled the quilt that was pressed by Xiaoyao, and just covered his shoulder.

"Bang, it's not that I haven't seen it before!" Finish saying that, Lin Xiaoyao also very disdain to Qin world half body sweep a look.

Qin Tian heard, immediately forced, read!? Why don't I know!?

Unfortunately, Lin Xiaoyao got up and walked out toward the outside, not giving Qin Tianwen a chance.

After a long time, Qin Tian finished washing, changed his clothes and came out, just in time to see Lin Xiaoyao sitting on the sofa with the jade that had been given to her in his hand.

"This jade offends you!" Qin Tian came over and asked.

When Lin Xiaoyao saw him come out, he gave him a blank look, and then he said quietly: "I have carefully compared my jade with that of Xinran sister. Although the two jades look the same, her piece always exudes a cool breath, and the color is more green. By contrast, my piece seems too ordinary..."

Lin Xiaoyao said in doubt, and from time to time he also smashed his mouth twice.

Qin Tian's heart cluttered a bit, this woman actually still took and Li Xinran compared!?

Li Xinran's jade is full of evil spirits. It's full of Yin, which naturally sends out a cool air.

"So what?" Qin Tian looks at Lin Xiaoyao with vigilance.

"so I as like as two peas," don't fool me with this shit. " Say, Lin Xiaoyao then throw that jade to Qin Tian's hand, a pretty face also put out sullen expression!

Qin Tian seized as like as two peas of jade, and rubbed them several times in his hand. After a moment's consideration, he said slowly, "yes, give me a few days. I'll find a piece of cake for you."

Qin Tian also considered whether to find a ghost to hide in the jade for Lin Xiaoyao. Her identity was not ordinary. He and Nie Zhiyang couldn't explain what happened.

After talking nonsense with Lin Xiaoyao for a period of time, Qin Tian goes out of the door and walks, and the mobile phone rings suddenly.

Qin Tian looks down, the number is a little strange, but often a patient calls him, he is used to it, and then pick it up.

"Hello, is this doctor Qin?"

A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, but Qin Tian thought for a long time and didn't remember who it was. Then he said softly, "I'm Qin Tian!"

On hearing that it was really Qin Tian, he clapped his thigh in a hurry and said excitedly, "Oh, doctor Qin, I have finally found you! I care for the people

Qin Tianwen speech for one Zheng, care for the people!? Professor of internal medicine in medical school!? I haven't seen you for a long time. Why did he call himself!?

"Doctor Qin, Zhang Youwei, president Zhang has retired a few days ago, respected by the leadership, I was promoted to the president of medical college!" Caring for the people said with a smile, as if the resentment of Zhang Youwei had finally been exported.

"Oh, congratulations to Professor Guan!" Qin Tian chuckled. It was reasonable that he could become the president of the school. However, in a flash, Qin Tian asked in doubt: "Professor Guan, what are you calling me..."

on hearing this, Qin Tian finally asked, "doctor Qin, I told you to teach in school and open a course of traditional Chinese medicine I don't have enough authority, and it hasn't been implemented for a long time. I have this right now. I want to invite you to teach in the school. What do you think? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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